Separ - Reflektujem - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Separ - Reflektujem

dávno nemam nervy iba reflektujem život
I don't have nerves anymore, I'm just reflecting on life
Sedím, žerem pukance a sledujem to kino
I'm sitting here, eating popcorn, watching this movie
Veci idú za radom nič neobíde mimo
Things happen in a row, nothing gets left out
Od prvého dňa kým ta nezasypú hlinou
From the first day until they bury you underground
A pretekať sa v tom, kto je vác a kto
And racing each other to see who's better and who's not
ťa môže baviť dovtedy kým nepridé to zlé
Can entertain you until the bad stuff comes along
A nepochopíš že to zlé, vlastne neni zlé
And you don't understand that the bad stuff isn't really bad.
A naučí nás to byť tým, kým naozaj sme
And it will teach us how to really be who we are
Najprv došla smrtelná choroba mojej mami
First came my mother's fatal illness
Prekonala ju no došli dojebané vzťahy
She overcame it, but then came the fucked up relationships,
Doba kedy sme sa nebavili je za nami
The time when we didn't talk to each other is behind us
Teraz hovorim dakujem za život nech sa ti darí (mami)
Now I say thank you for life, and I wish you all the best (mom)
Potom došla skurvená choroba mojej ženy
Then came my wife's damn illness,
Ten deň ked som ju našiel ležať nevládnu na zemi
The day when I found her lying unconscious on the ground
Zastavil sa čas, len strach a štyri steny
Time stood still, just fear and four walls
No viem že keby sa to nestalo tak dneska neni
But I know that if this hadn't happened, she wouldn't be here today
Pancier! Sedím a reflektujem život
Shell! I'm sitting here reflecting on life
Anjel! Verím, učím sa svojou chybou
Angel! I believe, I'm learning from my mistakes
Hajzel! Chorý, nechcem byť svojou vinou
Bastard! Sick, I don't wanna be a liability.
človek keho podstata ukrytá pod hladinou
A man whose essence is hidden beneath the surface
Všetci chcú hlavu mať
Everybody wants to have their head
V oblakoch a zabúdať
In the clouds and forget
Každý chce čo nemôže mať
Everybody wants what they can't have
Kým mu nezoberu to čo má, to čo
Until they take away what you've got, what you've got
Každý parazit, zahodiť za nohy
Every parasite, throw it out by the legs
Z okna tie parohy, odpíliť, nevláčiť do staroby
Those antlers out the window, cut them off, don't drag them into old age
Aj ked nikto nemá tie návody, nádoby na vody
Even though nobody has those instructions, containers for water
A ludia bez nich neprežijú ako bez vody
And people can't survive without them, just like without water
No zdravá hlava kludne prežije aj bez nohy
But a healthy head can easily survive without legs
Preč z doby, kde hlavnú rolu hrajú hlavne tie prevody
Gone from the time, when the main role was played by gears
Lóve aj prechody, pre chodcov ale nehody sa dejú
Money and crossings, for pedestrians. But accidents happen
Ludia niesu féroví, aj ked lóve treba vrátme náš čas do rodín
People aren't fair, even though money is needed, let's give our time back to our families
Triciatníci nemajú deti tak kto ich porodí a nedochádza
Thirty-year-olds don't have children, so who will give birth to them and it doesn't come
Im to ked sa kuknú do hodín a pretekajú sa v pičovinaćh kto dalej dohodí
They realize it when they look at their watches and compete in who can throw it further
čim viac toho máš, tým si menej slobodný a farizeji by mali byť menej pobožní
The more you have, the less free you are, and the Pharisees should be less devout.
Ale jebať na to, dávať rady niesom ochotný
But fuck it, I'm not willing to give advice
Lebo polku života strávime len s kokotmi
Because we spend half our lives with idiots
mi ich nevoď do života prosím bože pomôž mi
Don't bring them into my life anymore, please God, help me
To veci ktoré mám, na očách každý deň som na to sám
Those are the things I have, I'm on my own every day
Naučilo ma to ťažiť zo všetkých strán, lekcie života
It taught me how to benefit from all sides, life lessons
Zo všetkých hrán
From all sides
Všetci chcú hlavu mať
Everybody wants to have their head
V oblakoch a zabúdať
In the clouds and forget
Každý chce čo nemôže mať
Everybody wants what they can't have
Kým mu nezoberu to čo má, to čo
Until they take away what you've got, what you've got

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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