Separ - Stroskotaná - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ - Stroskotaná

Narodila sa nechcená do rozbitej rodiny.
She was born unwanted, into a broken family.
Neviem, kto vyberá rodičov, no tu sa pomýlil.
I don't know who chooses parents, but here he made a mistake.
Hniezdo záchrany, inkubátor, dlhé hodiny,
A rescue nest, an incubator, long hours,
Sama bezbranná, bez matky, dopláca na omyly.
Alone, defenseless, without a mother, paying for mistakes.
Dvoch jebnutých, nezodpovedných ľudí,
Two fucked up, irresponsible people,
Je z jebačky, bez lásky, preto ju nikto neľúbil,
She's from a fuck, without love, that's why nobody loved her,
Prišla nová rodina, jej to skúsili sľúbiť,
A new family came, they tried to promise her,
Adopcia len papiere - treba to skúsiť.
Adoption is just paperwork - you have to try.
Netreba jej súcit, treba jej domov,
She doesn't need pity, she needs a home,
Rodičov čo ju majú za svoju, nezáleží kto to bol,
Parents who consider her their own, it doesn't matter who it was,
V biologickom smere, len treba šlapať do schodov,
In the biological sense, you just have to climb the stairs,
Aby rástla jak skala, stala sa silnou osobou.
To grow like a rock, become a strong person.
Lenže, adoptívny foter bol skurvený agresor,
But, the adoptive father was a fucking aggressor,
Bitky končievali dievčaťovou adresou,
The fights ended with the girl's address,
Starý buzerant ju bil, hasil o ňu cigarety,
The old bastard beat her, put out cigarettes on her,
Doma kríže po stenách, na oko boli svätí.
Crosses on the walls at home, they were saints for show.
Zvyšok rodiny to netrápilo, naschvál boli slepí,
The rest of the family didn't care, they were blind on purpose,
Z rozjebanej psychiky, v puberte ostali len črepy,
From a broken psyche, only shards remained in puberty,
Asi naveky v nej ostáva čiernobiely svet,
A black and white world probably stays in her forever,
Skúša sa dať dokopy sama, no nič nejde hneď.
She tries to get herself together, but nothing happens right away.
Opúšťa domov, školu, kráča svetom sama,
She leaves home, school, walks the world alone,
Nemá prácu, nemá lóve, zo života frustrovaná,
She has no job, no money, frustrated with life,
Bývať v útulku pre sociálne slabých - to není cesta,
Living in a shelter for the socially disadvantaged is not the way,
Musí niečo vymyslieť lebo to musí prestať.
She has to come up with something because it has to stop.
No bez praxe a bez školy ju majú všetci v piči,
But without experience and without school, everyone doesn't give a shit about her,
Hneď ťa pošlú do piče bez adekvátnych príčin,
They immediately send you to fuck off without adequate reasons,
Chodí po brigádach za sto hodín - desať eur platu,
She goes on gigs for a hundred hours - ten euros pay,
Keď si ozaj hladný není reálne si počkať na výplatu.
When you're really hungry, it's not realistic to wait for your paycheck.
Hľadáme dievčatá, si číta titul inzerátu,
We are looking for girls, she reads the title of the ad,
Musí robiť kroky, toto není na debatu,
She has to take steps, this is not up for debate,
Vyhýbať sa blatu, tak sa ide ukázať,
Avoiding the mud, so she goes to show herself,
Možno je to chyba, no nemá jej to kto zakázať.
Maybe it's a mistake, but nobody can forbid her.
Zobrali ju hneď, kde bývať, čo jesť,
They took her right away, she has a place to live, she has something to eat,
Tak tam kúruje za lóve - riziko na vlastnú päsť,
So she hooks there for money - risk at your own peril,
Okúsila veľký život - koks, není cesty späť,
She tasted the big life - coke, there is no way back,
Aj ten kúres nasilu sa nejako pretrpeť.
Even that hooking by force can be somehow endured.
Časom strhaná jak piča, závisla na drogách,
Over time, she's worn out like a cunt, addicted to drugs,
Dávno skončil ideálny svet, sa topí v kalných vodách,
The ideal world has long since ended, she's drowning in muddy waters,
Nemá kto ruku podať, je to ozaj zlé,
There is no one to lend a hand, it's really bad,
No stretne chlapca - jak ona, zapadajúce puzzle.
But she meets a boy - like her, a fitting puzzle piece.
to byť láska jak svet, ktorá nikdy neumre,
It's supposed to be a love like the world, that never dies,
No je to taká stoka, že je to fakt nechutné,
But it's such a gutter, that it's really disgusting,
Závislí na heroíne - spolu zháňajú si lóve,
Addicted to heroin - they get money together,
Spôsob nehrá rolu, tlak ich cháluje jak mole.
The way doesn't matter, the pressure hollows them out like moths.
Mesto plné feťákov, jak bojové pole,
A city full of junkies, like a battlefield,
O miesta kde sa žobre, čóruje - sa zvádzajú boje,
There are battles over places where to beg, steal,
Zrazu prišiel deň, keď ostala tehotná,
Suddenly the day came when she got pregnant,
Sama dobre vie, že jak matka bude neschopná.
She knows very well that she will be incapable as a mother.
No piča sprostá - aj tak ďalej fetuje,
But stupid bitch - she still keeps doing drugs,
Malý narodil sa závislý, sa jej to účtuje,
The little one was born addicted, she's paying for it,
Zobrala ho sociálka, čajočka to ľutuje,
Social services took him, the little tea regrets it,
O pár týždňov nato zomrel, more - čo ti kúruje?!
He died a few weeks later, sea - what are you doing?!
Nevinný život zhasol, napätie sa stupňuje,
An innocent life went out, the tension is increasing,
Pár sa časom rozišiel, tak sa slučka zužuje,
The couple eventually broke up, so the loop is tightening,
Počuje v hlave hlasy, čo ju nútia zabiť sa,
She hears voices in her head telling her to kill herself,
Kúpiť zlatú a mať v piči kde je hranica.
To buy gold and not give a fuck where the limit is.
Škrtidlo na ruke, smrad - zatuchnutá pivnica,
A noose on her hand, stench - a musty basement,
čierne slzy zo špirály - stekajú jej po lícach,
Black tears from mascara - flowing down her cheeks,
Dojebaný život, zvnútra ju kuše jak ploštica,
A fucked up life, biting her from the inside like a bedbug,
Roztiahnuté zrenice, telo opúšťa cez pľúca.
Dilated pupils, the body leaving through the lungs.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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