Separ - Stroskotaný - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Separ - Stroskotaný

Nikto nevie kedy zmizol z ulice.
No one knows when he vanished from the street.
Nikto netuší s kým a kde je.
No one has a clue who he's with or where he might be.
Všetci dúfajú že to s ním neni zlé,
Everyone's hoping things aren't bad for him,
Skurvené problémy sedia okolo teba na dne.
Fucking problems sit around you at rock bottom, see?
Ťahajú ťa dole za nohy, lebo si sám.
Dragging you down by your ankles, 'cause you're alone.
Ťahajú ťa do hovien, no čas ti uteká.
Dragging you into the shit, while time just slips away.
Ťahajú ťa, ťahajú ťa, prestaň plakať,
Dragging you, dragging you, stop your crying,
Je to len skurvený sebaklam.
It's just a goddamn self-deception anyway.
Bol to čávo z brány oproti.
He was a dude from the block across the street.
Piča partia, okolo samí kokoti.
A shitty crew, surrounded by assholes, can't be beat.
Jeden druhého bol schopný potopiť,
One was ready to sink the other, no retreat,
že sa ti zastaví rozum, to sa nedá pochopiť yeaah.
Your mind would stop working, it's impossible to conceive, yeah.
Robili s vecami od modelu po bílé,
They were dealing with stuff from models to the white,
Nejeden musel odísť na vynútený výlet,
More than one had to leave on a forced flight,
Chvíle, keď ťa trasie jak bez bundy
Moments when you're shivering like you're without a coat,
Na terase v zime yeaah.
On a terrace in winter, yeah.
Lóve točili jak kamera.
They were spinning cash like a camera roll.
Všetci za jeden tím, jak Paľo Habera.
All for one team, like Paľo Habera, taking control.
Žiadne mená, žiadne... menovky na dverách
No names, no... name tags on the doors,
A doma odložené tak na Porsche Carrera yeah.
And at home, stashed away for a Porsche Carrera, of course, yeah.
Lenže to bolo iba naoko.
But it was all just a facade, you see.
Chlapci mali piči, jebali na kamošov.
Those guys were bitches, they didn't give a damn about loyalty.
Keď im na najvyššom súde prečítali protokol,
When the Supreme Court read out the protocol decree,
Nikto nechce ísť za nič do vnútra na toľko rokov.
No one wants to go inside for so many years, not me.
Tak súhlasil s dohodou o vine a treste,
So he agreed to a plea bargain, you know,
žiadna úcta ani vyjebaný rešpekt.
No respect, not even a fucking ounce to show.
Povedal im všetko, jak svojej vlastnej sestre,
He told them everything, like he would to his own sister,
Zrazu našli chyby v procese, len podmienka - western.
Suddenly they found flaws in the process, just probation - a wild twister.
Nikto nevie kedy zmizol z ulice.
No one knows when he vanished from the street.
Nikto netuší s kým a kde je.
No one has a clue who he's with or where he might be.
Všetci dúfajú že to s ním neni zlé,
Everyone's hoping things aren't bad for him,
Skurvené problémy sedia okolo teba na dne.
Fucking problems sit around you at rock bottom, see?
Ťahajú ťa dole za nohy, lebo si sám.
Dragging you down by your ankles, 'cause you're alone.
Ťahajú ťa do hovien, no čas ti uteká.
Dragging you into the shit, while time just slips away.
Ťahajú ťa, ťahajú ťa, prestaň plakať,
Dragging you, dragging you, stop your crying,
Je to len skurvený sebaklam.
It's just a goddamn self-deception anyway.
Chalan sa zachoval jak čávo a ostal ticho.
The guy acted like a true dude and stayed silent, no squeal.
Odsedel si svojích sedem, si na to nejak zvykol.
He served his seven years, somehow got used to the ordeal.
Zavrieť môžu, pustiť musia keď sme pri tom.
They can lock you up, but they gotta let you out, that's the deal.
Vnútri posiloval telo, myseľ, denne 300 klikov.
Inside, he trained his body and mind, 300 push-ups, a daily zeal.
Vyšiel von, nejsú 3-2-10.
He got out, it's no longer 3-2-10.
Všetko je dotykové, dávno sa nerobia zveriny,
Everything's touchscreen now, those brutal crimes have been foregone,
Ktoré ho živili, inak prebiehajú tie šmeliny.
The ones that kept him alive, those dirty deals are withdrawn.
Celý život tu bol doma, teraz je jak z dediny yeaah.
He's been here all his life, but now he feels like he's from a foreign lawn, yeah.
Kam odtiaľ pojdeš, keď nemáš nič?
Where do you go when you've got nothing left?
Rodičia mŕtvi, kamarátom čítal spis,
His parents are dead, his friends read his criminal weft,
Takže kamarátov nemá, zavri oči, zadrž dych.
So he's got no friends, close your eyes, hold your breath.
Zajebať sa neni cesta, lebo treba ďalej žiť.
Getting wasted ain't the way, gotta keep living, even in death.
Žije vonku a všade ho posielajú dopiče.
He lives on the streets, and everyone tells him to get lost.
On sa nevzdal, na náhodu ho zobrali v servise.
He didn't give up, by chance, he got hired at a service post.
Náhoda neni, robota mu je zrazu celý svet.
There's no such thing as chance, this job suddenly became his whole coast.
Jak sa vedel takto vzchopiť? Tu sa treba zamysleť.
How did he manage to pull himself up? That's something to boast.
Prešli roky, chalan oproti
Years have passed, the guy from across the way,
Vodí svoju krásnu dcéru ráno do školky.
Takes his beautiful daughter to kindergarten every day.
rodinu a oproti kúpil starý otcov byt,
He has a family and bought his grandpa's flat across the bay,
V ktorom žil a s ktorým sa nikdy nestihol rozlúčiť.
The one he lived in and never got to say goodbye, come what may.
Nikto nevie kedy zmizol z ulice.
No one knows when he vanished from the street.
Nikto netuší s kým a kde je.
No one has a clue who he's with or where he might be.
Všetci dúfajú že to s ním neni zlé,
Everyone's hoping things aren't bad for him,
Skurvené problémy sedia okolo teba na dne.
Fucking problems sit around you at rock bottom, see?
Ťahajú ťa dole za nohy, lebo si sám.
Dragging you down by your ankles, 'cause you're alone.
Ťahajú ťa do hovien, no čas ti uteká.
Dragging you into the shit, while time just slips away.
Ťahajú ťa, ťahajú ťa, prestaň plakať,
Dragging you, dragging you, stop your crying,
Je to len skurvený sebaklam.
It's just a goddamn self-deception anyway.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

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