Separ - Viem - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Separ - Viem

I Know
je to za mnou jak puberta, furt dávam diktát, no prestávam byť tak zlý.
It's behind me like puberty, still dictating, but I'm becoming less evil.
Zlomené hánky, rozbitá pečeň, hnev, zatváram dvere schíz.
Broken knuckles, shattered liver, anger, closing the doors on psychosis.
musím žiť jak človek a byť jak otec aj keď mám kopec chýb.
I have to live like a human and be like a father even though I have a ton of flaws.
Za sebou vzťah čo mi zachránil život a pred sebou ten, ktorý musel prísť.
Behind me, a relationship that saved my life, and ahead, the one that had to come.
Na ľavej prsteň čo nezničí Mordor, oddaný na každom konci sveta, nechcem tie lubne, ktorých za minútu snahy nabalím 8 10.
On my left finger, a ring that Mordor won't destroy, devoted at every corner of the world, I don't want those chicks I can pick up 8 to 10 of in a minute's effort.
nechcem zlomiť nos každému debilovi čo na mňa zvýši hlas.
I don't want to break the nose of every idiot who raises their voice at me anymore.
Mám skoro 30 a môžem to prcať, cítim to tak, je najvyšší čas.
I'm almost 30 and I can fuck it up, I feel it, it's high time.
Moje dieťa je misia na zvyšok života, teším sa na to jak nikto.
My child is a mission for the rest of my life, I'm looking forward to it like no one else.
Chcem, odovzdať všetko čo viem, aby to bolo aj vidno.
I want to pass on everything I know, so that it's visible.
Viem, že to nebude lízať med.
I know it won't be licking honey.
Začať sa musí od plien.
It has to start from diapers.
Zariadim všetko čo mu bude treba a všetky zubaté príšery zjem!
I'll arrange everything he needs and I'll eat all the toothy monsters!
Zatuchnutý smrad sa ťahá z pivnice domom, vystupuje z tmy, po schodoch, zbohom.
A musty stench is spreading from the basement through the house, rising from the darkness, up the stairs, goodbye.
Slnko oslepuje zrak, rozmazane vidím v bodoch jak po mne steká jak ropa, nechcem byť kokot!
The sun blinds my sight, I see blurry dots as it flows down me like oil, I don't want to be an asshole anymore!
Bez VIP nie sme kamoši viem.
Without VIP, we're not friends anymore, I know.
Poď mi to povedať do huby sem a nerieš mi to za chrbátom jak tieň, som iný prešiel som hromadou zmien.
Come tell me that to my face and don't talk behind my back like a shadow, I'm different, I've gone through a lot of changes.
Jak hlien vlečie sa za mnou minulosť, ktorú nechápal nikto.
Like snot, the past that no one understood drags behind me.
Ver, že neni náhoda, že nie si s nami.
Believe that it's no coincidence that you're not with us.
Vzadu, si pre mňa niktoš.
Back there, you're a nobody to me.
Mám tu len svojich, s ktorými žijeme životy po boku milión rokov.
I only have my people here, with whom we've been living our lives side by side for a million years.
Nechcem ťa pri sebe, chcem tu len rodinu, starý Separov život zdochol.
I don't want you near me, I only want family here, the old Separ's life is dead.
Ďakujem za každý deň z tých rokov, naučili ma vidieť veci aj bokom a vďaka nim som hrdý a silný a nebudem stáť jak keby som zmokol.
Thank you for every day of those years, they taught me to see things from the side, and thanks to them I'm proud and strong and I won't stand as if I were soaked.
Viem čo chcem a viem čo ne.
I know what I want and I know what I don't.
Ja, viem čo chcem a viem čo ne.
I know what I want and I know what I don't.
Bola to výzva, ktorú som vyhral tým, že som priznal to, že mi jebe.
It was a challenge that I won by admitting that I was fucked up.
Bol som preplnený pičovinami jak kredenc, tak prepáč ja viem, že sa chovám jak dement.
I was overflowing with bullshit like a cupboard, so I'm sorry, I know I act like an idiot.
No dodnes neberiem to čo mi hovoria, môžu to hovoriť sebe.
But I still don't take what they tell me, they can tell themselves.
Keď na to prídeš sám, ťa to posunie inde a zrazu to vidíš celé.
When you figure it out yourself, it takes you somewhere else and suddenly you see the whole picture.
Ďalšia vec čo viem je, že nebudem robiť hudbu tak jak chceš ty, pretože ty si nikde, tvoja crew je v piči, ja patrím medzi tých najlepších.
Another thing I know is that I won't make music the way you want me to because you're nowhere, your crew is fucked, I'm one of the best.
Tak dúfam, že zostanem tu a nebudem zo svetla robiť tmu, našiel som ženu, ktorá je mimo jak ja, tak tu sa zatvára kruh.
So I hope I'll stay here and I won't turn light into darkness, I found a woman who's out of this world like me, so the circle closes here.
Precíť, že odjakživa hovorím veci, no chápem, že to nechápete všetci.
Feel that I've always been saying things, but I understand that not everyone understands.
Verte, že slová jak kokot a piča poznajú na prvom stupni deti a verte, že pojebaný feťák by určite nedokázal napísať takéto tracky takže predsudky zahoďme bokom a vyjeb sa na texty, ktoré teplé jak deky.
Believe that kids already know words like "dick" and "cunt" in first grade, and believe that a fucked-up junkie definitely wouldn't be able to write tracks like this, so let's put prejudices aside and fuck the lyrics that are warm like blankets.
Stačí mať názor, hovoriť na rovinu.
Just have an opinion, speak straight.
Hudba čo právo zarobiť na rodinu, píšem jak pán kámo to neni čaro dymu.
Music that has the right to earn money for the family, I write like a sir, dude, it's not the magic of smoke.
Vnímaj tie momenty kým sa nepominú.
Feel those moments before they fade away.
Som tu nastálo, pravidlá shaolinu.
I'm here permanently, the rules of Shaolin.
Všetko je furt málo, je to len pár minút.
Everything is still not enough, it's only a few minutes.
Všetko je furt závod to cháp synu.
Everything is still a race, understand that, son.
Ten, ktorý návod nespraví pičovinu.
The one who has the instructions won't do stupid shit.
Je to tak, je to tak, je to, je to, je to tak, je to tak...
That's how it is, that's how it is, that's, that's, that's how it is, that's how it is...
Viem čo chcem a viem čo ne.
I know what I want and I know what I don't.
Ja, viem čo chcem a viem čo ne.
I know what I want and I know what I don't.

Writer(s): Michael Kmeť

Separ - Viem
date de sortie

1 Viem

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