Sepehr Khalse feat. Behzad Leito - Sarde Negah - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sepehr Khalse feat. Behzad Leito - Sarde Negah

Sarde Negah
Sarde Negah
سردِ نگاشــــون فهميدم
Your cold stare tells me
كَج بشه راهمون من میرم
If our paths should diverge, I'll walk away
ساعت هفت صبحِ ، إ روز فَراريم
It's seven in the morning, I'm fleeing the day
زود پانشدم ، هنوز نخوابيدم
I woke up late, but I still haven't slept
يكى هم كنارم ، سردتر أ خودم
Someone's beside me, even colder than I
اينجا رسم عشق رو انگار بَد بلد شدم
Here, I seem to have misunderstood the concept of love
توأم مثه منى نيست شده آنى
You're not like me, you're a spontaneous soul
دنيات مثِ اون پاكَت وينستون آبى
Your world is like a pack of Winston Blue cigarettes
رو میز شده خالى
Now empty on the table
چِشايى كه خيس و بعد هم ريز شد حسابى
Your eyes, once moist, are now streaming
برات ريسك شده عادى
Taking risks has become second nature to you
قلم تو دست ، سلاحِ سرد
Pen in hand, a deadly weapon
اين فرشته ها كه ميميرن كنارِ من
These angels die beside me
سه كامِ حبس ، سِكانس بعد
Three puffs of smoke, and then the next scene
زندگى كه ميره تند و من نِظاره گَر
Life rushes by, and I'm just a passive observer
ميخوام دعا كنم
I want to pray
نمى دونم ولى ، كه چى مى خوام ازت
I don't know what it is I want from you
و پس بگو كه بى دليل
And so I say, without reason
آسمونتو ندادم پاىِ اين زمين
I didn't sacrifice my heaven for this earth
سركِشيمو پَس بِذار به پاىِ بى كَسيم
Forgive my rebelliousness, it's born of my loneliness
غنچه هاى سبزِ روى برگه هاى اسكناس
Green buds on paper money
ردِ پاى عشق ما رو پرده هاى اجتماعس
Traces of our love on the tapestries of society
نوشته هام كه مثِ يه طلسم بام
My writings, like a spell upon me
يه حس که باز بهم ميگه كه مَشتى كُلِ راهت اشتباس
A feeling whispers that my path is wrong
اين طرفا جاىِ ما نى اصاً
This is no place for us
من ميرم خوبيام باشه يادگارى اَزم
I'll leave, and let my virtues serve as a reminder of me
من ميرم بد درگيرم
I'm departing, lost in turmoil
توو اين جنگل با آدما سر سنگينم
In this human jungle, I'm at odds with everyone
سرد نگاشون، فهميدم
Your cold stare, I understand
عادت ميشه آروم
I'll grow accustomed to the solitude
كَج بشه راهمون من میرم
If our paths should diverge, I'll walk away
راحت ميشه باز اون
She'll find solace without me
بدون من يه عاشقم ، ميجنگم
Without me, she's a lover who fights on
تا قلب بشه داغـون
Until her heart is broken
بدون من يه عاشقم ، ميرقصم
Without me, she's a lover who dances
پاييز برام جالبه اين فصل
Autumn is dear to her, this season
من يه عاشقِ بى كس
She's a lonely soul
بگو لايق چى هست
Tell me what she deserves
بَرام حرف ميدوزن ميذارن لاىِ قيچى پس
They fabricate tales about me, then spread them like wildfire
اينجا همه گوشه گيرن بايد دايره شى رسماً
Here, everyone's in hiding, you have to conform
چيه زندگى كارش به كارم
Why does life interfere with my affairs?
خدا مَنت كه نه ولى خواهش كه دارم
God, I don't ask for favors, but I beg of you
كاش ، باشه جاده و راهش به كامم
May the road be in my favor
نياز به يه نَفَر بُكنه خوب با عشق نگام هم
May she need someone to look at her with love
من ساختم از صفر و باختم از خودم
I built myself from nothing, and I've failed myself
نديدم كسى رو من راست تَر از تو نه
I've never met anyone more honest than you
اينا فقط ميخوان وقت خُب باز تَلَف كنن
They just want to waste their time
خيلى زمين خوردم من تا كار بلد شدم
I've fallen many times before I learned my lesson
خسته ام از اين آدماى مظلوم نما
I'm weary of these hypocritical people
اين زندگى تموم نشد ارزون برام نه
This life is far from over, it's not worthless to me
فقط علف هاى هرز موند برام
Only weeds remain for me
به جا هدفم توو دلم فقط ترس موند الآن
In place of my goals, only fear resides in my heart
نگاه ما دَواست ، دلگرمى براى نقابِ آدماست
Our gaze is a cure, a solace for the masks of humanity
يه جاى ماجراست كه تهش عشقِ
Somewhere in this story lies love
راه حل درسته ولى روش زشتِ آره روش زشتِ
The solution is right, but the method is ugly
سرد نگاشون، فهميدم
Your cold stare, I understand
عادت ميشه آروم
I'll grow accustomed to the solitude
كَج بشه راهمون من میرم
If our paths should diverge, I'll walk away
راحت ميشه باز اون
She'll find solace without me
بدون من يه عاشقم ، ميجنگم
Without me, she's a lover who fights on
تا قلب بشه داغـون
Until her heart is broken
بدون من يه عاشقم ، ميرقصم
Without me, she's a lover who dances
مُخت گيرِ مثِ گشت ارشاد
Your mind is like a moral police
دلِ ما هم خوشه به اين دست نوشته هات
Our hearts find joy in your handwritten words
چند تا فرصتات رفته بشمار
How many chances have you wasted? Count them
كم مگه ديدى نشد خسته چشمات
How many times have your eyes grown weary?
رو صفحه ى دلم ، نقشِ جدايى
On the canvas of my heart, the image of separation
نه خط نَكِش دُورم نگو بچه كجايى
Don't draw a line around me, don't ask where I belong
من بچه زمينم أ جنسِ آسمونم
I'm a child of the earth, but my soul belongs to the heavens
اينجا اشتباهى بودن چِقد سخته خدايا
It's so difficult to be an outcast here, my God
آره سخته جدا شیم عینِ سوختن أ سيگار
Yes, it's hard to part, like burning a cigarette
بعدِ تو چقدر از روز بدم مياد
After you, I've come to despise the day
زور زدم زياد كه شبيه اينا بشم
I've tried so hard to be like them
ولى حقيقتاً ميدونى كه خوب تر از اينام
But the truth is, you know I'm better than this
سرد نگاشون، فهميدم
Your cold stare, I understand
عادت ميشه آروم
I'll grow accustomed to the solitude
كَج بشه راهمون من میرم
If our paths should diverge, I'll walk away
راحت ميشه باز اون
She'll find solace without me
بدون من يه عاشقم ، ميجنگم
Without me, she's a lover who fights on
تا قلب بشه داغـون
Until her heart is broken
بدون من يه عاشقم ، ميرقصم
Without me, she's a lover who dances

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