Can't you see we've been struck, by a common enemy?
Noi, urmariti de ghinion.
Us, pursued by bad luck.
Cupidon a disparut, sau e doar un zvon?
Has Cupid disappeared, or is it just a rumor?
Cupidon, Cupidooon, Ne-ai adus ghinion, Cupidooon, Cupidooon, cade-o stea, Din cauza ta! Hey, chiar nu vezi ca esti in plus?
Cupid, Cupiidooon, You brought us bad luck, Cupiidooon, Cupiidooon, a star falls, Because of you! Hey, can't you see you're in the way?
Eram doar eu si iubirea, Ne distram nespus!
It was just me and love, We had so much fun!
Hey, printre jucarii de plus Am gasit sa-ti fac cadou, Un ultim arcus.
Hey, among the plushies I found to give you, One last bow.
Nu, nu plange, nu!
No, don't cry, no!
Mai bine-ti vezi de drum, pe unde stii tu.
Better go on your way, wherever you know.
Raman, doar eu cu mine, Iar daca tu pleci, Ia sagetile cu tine!
I remain, just me and myself, And if you leave, Take your arrows with you!
Cupidooon, Cupidooon, Ne-ai adus ghinion, Cupidooon, Cupidooon, cade-o stea, Din cauza ta! Uaaa, da, da dang, Ua, da, da, dang.
Cupiidooon, Cupiidooon, You brought us bad luck, Cupiidooon, Cupiidooon, a star falls, Because of you! Uaaa, da, da dang, Ua, da, da, dang.
Cupidon e vinovat, Nu mai suntem Ying si Yang.
Cupid is to blame, We are no longer Ying and Yang.
Nu ne-asteptam, A venit tam-nesam, Raul ce ni l-a facut.
We didn't expect it, The evil came unexpectedly, The evil he did to us.
Se-ntoarce ca un boomerang.
It comes back like a boomerang.
Se-varte roata si linistit astept, Si-o sa ramai o barca in desert, Ti-ai ales prost meseria, Ca nu esti Toreador, Nu te pune cu un taur, Domnule Sagetator!
The wheel turns and I wait calmly, And you will remain a boat in the desert, You chose your profession poorly, Because you are not a Toreador, Don't mess with a bull, Mr. Sagittarius!
Nu, nu plange, nu!
No, don't cry, no!
Mai bine-ti vezi de drum, pe unde stii tu.
Better go on your way, wherever you know.
Raman, doar eu cu mine, Si daca tot pleci, Ia sagetile cu tine!
I remain, just me and myself, And if you're leaving, Take your arrows with you!
Cupidooon, Cupidooon, Ne-ai adus ghinion, Cupidooon, Cupidooon, cade-o stea, Din cauza ta!
Cupiidooon, Cupiidooon, You brought us bad luck, Cupiidooon, Cupiidooon, a star falls, Because of you!
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