Sergio Caputo - Espana - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sergio Caputo - Espana

Espana, basta souvenir
Spain, no more souvenirs
Io me la batto e tu sei l?
I'm on the run, and you're there?
Che da un grammofono deco
From an old gramophone
Mi dici "Ol?, ti scriver?"
You tell me, "Hello, will you write?"
Ma Espana sai da un anno in qua,
But Spain, you know, for a year now,
Ricevo solo depliants
I've only been receiving brochures
Scuole di danza, opere pie,
Dance schools, charities,
R? clame di nuove malattie...
Claims of new diseases...
Non sono cose mie!
These are not my things!
E quanti omonimi vedrai,
And how many namesakes you'll see,
Ma non mi riconoscerai,
But you won't recognize me,
In giro per caffetterie
Around coffee shops
Cercando nuove andalusie...
Looking for new Andalusias...
Andalusie da Polaroid
Polaroid Andalusias
Un po' fugaci come noi...
A little fleeting like us...
E poi...
And then...
Un giorno X
One day
Tra le faccende di routine... ti accorgerai come si cambia...
Among the chores of routine... you'll notice how things change...
Fu romantico perch?
Was it romantic, why?
Tu baravi come me
You're cheating like me
Tu per? giocavi in casa
But you were playing at home
Eri troppo nochalante
You were too laid-back
Sarai mica tu... che mi mandi i depliants?
Are you the one sending me the brochures?
Fu un credibile week end
It was a believable weekend
M'imbrogliavi col casch?
You were tricking me with the helmet
Ora vivo in altitalia e oggi giorno no saprei
Now I live in northern Italy and nowadays I wouldn't know
Se ho patito o no
If I suffered or not,
Aldil? dei Pirenei.
Beyond the Pyrenees.
Espana chi ce la pi?
Spain, who cares about it anymore?
? Sempre il solito menu
Always the same old menu
Figaro qua Figaro l?
Figaro here, Figaro there
Ma c'? qualcosa che non va
But something's wrong
Son stato in prova nel jet-set
I was on trial in the jet set
Ma non ho superato il test
But I didn't pass the test
Posso proporti un bel Cynar
Can I offer you a nice Cynar
E un corasson da singol bar.
And a single man's heart?
E un giorno X
And one day
Sulle autostrade di routine
On the motorways of routine
Con questi TIR
With these trucks
Alle calcagna...
On my heels...
Fu romantico perch?
Was it romantic, why?
Ci credevi quanto me
You believed it as much as I did
Pur di prendermi in castagna
To try to trick me
Travisavi la realt?
You distorted reality
Mi dispiace un po', ma era troppo tempo fa.
I'm a little sorry, but it was too long ago.
Fu un credibile week end
It was a believable weekend
Mi imbrogliavo col casch?
I was tricking myself with the helmet
Ora vivo in Altitalia
Now I live in northern Italy
E oggigiorno non saprei
And nowadays I wouldn't know,
Se ritorner?
If I would return
Al di l? dei Pirenei.
Beyond the Pyrenees.

Writer(s): Sergio Caputo

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