Sergio Contreras - Tanto Tienes, Tanto Vales - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sergio Contreras - Tanto Tienes, Tanto Vales

Tanto Tienes, Tanto Vales
So Much You Have, So Much You're Worth
La primera risa igual no duele tanto,
The first laugh may not hurt so bad,
La sengunda, la cosa va cambiando,
The second, things start to change,
Un padre de familia que con lo que tiene va tirando,
A family man getting by with what he has,
Hoy en dÍa, eso ya es un milagro,
Nowadays, that's already a miracle,
Pero como siempre y en todos lados,
But as always and everywhere,
AquÍ tambiÉn hay tontos que se rien de los fracasados.
Here too, there are fools who laugh at the unsuccessful.
Pa mi es un hÉroe,
To me, he's a hero,
Que cada dÍa piensa en como llevar a la mesa,
Who every day thinks about how to bring to the table,
Lo que a su mujer y a sus hijos les otorga por naturaleza,
What he naturally provides for his wife and children,
Y llora cuando estÁ a solas,
And cries when he's alone,
Y piensa que toda su vida,
And thinks that his whole life,
Ha estado dedicada a tener lo mejor pa su familia.
Has been dedicated to having the best for his family.
No se trata del dinero que uno tenga
It's not about the money you have,
No se trata del poder del que carezcas
It's not about the power you lack,
El secreto estÁ en saber
The secret lies in knowing
Que es tu forma de ser
That it's your way of being
Lo que le da el sentido a tu existencia
What gives meaning to your existence
No se trata del dinero que uno tenga
It's not about the money you have,
No se trata del poder del que carezcas
It's not about the power you lack,
El secreto estÁ en saber
The secret lies in knowing
Que es tu forma de ser
That it's your way of being
Lo que le da el sentido a tu existencia
What gives meaning to your existence
No se trata de cÓmo seas,
It's not about how you are,
Se trata de cuanto tengas,
It's about how much you have,
Hoy en dia ese refrÁn cobra mas que nunca su presencia.
Today that saying is more relevant than ever.
Tanto tienes, tanto vales,
So much you have, so much you're worth,
Ya dan igual tus valores personales.
Your personal values no longer matter.
Porque la gente se fija mÁs en tu dinero
Because people pay more attention to your money
Que en tus cabales.
Than to your sanity.
Eh ahÍ el problema,
Therein lies the problem,
Eh ahÍ las diferencias
Therein lies the difference,
El abuso de poder, las chulerias y to esa mierda,
The abuse of power, the arrogance, and all that crap,
No te creas mas que yo porque te compres ropa de marca,
Don't think you're better than me because you buy designer clothes,
Ni te creas mas que nadie
Don't think you're better than anyone,
Ya que de sentimientos estÁn vacÍas tus arcas.
Since your coffers are empty of feelings.
No se trata del dinero que uno tenga
It's not about the money you have,
No se trata del poder del que carezcas
It's not about the power you lack,
El secreto estÁ en saber
The secret lies in knowing
Que es tu forma de ser
That it's your way of being
Lo que le da el sentido a tu existencia
What gives meaning to your existence
No se trata del dinero que uno tenga
It's not about the money you have,
No se trata del poder del que carezcas
It's not about the power you lack,
El secreto estÁ en saber
The secret lies in knowing
Que es tu forma de ser
That it's your way of being
Lo que le da el sentido a tu existencia
What gives meaning to your existence
A toda esa gente de barrio,
To all those people from the barrio,
A toda esa gente trabajadora
To all those hardworking people,
Que siempre con lo minimo ha ido tirando,
Who have always been getting by with the bare minimum,
No te dejes pisotear porque alguiÉn tenga el bolsillo
Don't let yourself be trampled on because someone has a fuller pocket
Mas lleno que o porque tenga una placa
Than you or because they have a badge
O un cargo,
Or a position,
El abuso de poder es un delito
The abuse of power is a crime,
El sacar pa comer de forma humilde no te hace peor persona,
Making a living in a humble way doesn't make you a worse person,
Ni un convicto,
Nor a convict,
Que nadie te trate por debajo de lo que vales,
Let no one treat you as less than you're worth,
Pues tu vales exactamente lo mismo
Because you are worth exactly the same
Que el resto de los mortales.
As the rest of the mortals.

Writer(s): Sergio Contreras Rebollo, Jairo Blanco Barreiro

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