Sergio Dalma - Sense Adonar-Me (Sin Darme Cuenta Versión en Catalán) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sergio Dalma - Sense Adonar-Me (Sin Darme Cuenta Versión en Catalán)

Sense Adonar-Me (Sin Darme Cuenta Versión en Catalán)
Sense Adonar-Me (Sin Darme Cuenta Catalan Version)
Et vaig mirar
I looked at you
I vaig endevinar
And I guessed
Que series el vers perfecte
That you would be the perfect verse
Fet del cor per recitar
Made from the heart to recite
Quan et vaig mirar
When I looked at you
Un gran món vaig crear
I created a great world
Que ni els àngels ni el cel ni estrelles
That not even angels nor heaven nor stars
Van poder mai igualar
Could ever match
Camins per descobrir sense les fronteres
Paths to discover without borders
Voldria caminar sabent que m'esperes
I would like to walk knowing that you are waiting for me
Jo creia que sent tu
I believed that being with you
Com la primavera no marciries la il·lusió
Like spring, you wouldn't wither the illusion
No acabaries una història per als dos
You wouldn't end a story for us
Sense adonar-me
Without realizing it
Tot allò que em vas donar avui acabarà al fons de l'abisme
Everything you gave me today will end up at the bottom of the abyss
Convertint en un defecte tot allò que era perfecte
Turning everything that was perfect into a flaw
M'has deixat el cor en blanc
You left my heart blank
Amb un dubte que no accepta
With a doubt that won't accept
Endeutat sense recepta
Indebted without a prescription
Resignat per lo pitjor
Resigned to the worst
Embargat pel teu amor
Seized by your love
Per què lluitar?
Why fight?
Ja res podríem salvar
We could save nothing anymore
No seré més la titella
I will no longer be the puppet
Que tu puguis fer ballar
That you can make dance
I has de saber
And you should know
Que tornar-ho a intentar
That trying again
És com voler fer que la fem
Is like trying to make shit
Sigui dolça com la mel
Be sweet as honey
Al menys promet-me que no haurà mentides
At least promise me there will be no lies
Sabent que no ets per mi
Knowing that you are not for me
Per què no m'oblides?
Why don't you forget me?
Sense adonar-me
Without realizing it
Tot allò que em vas donar avui acabarà al fons de l'abisme
Everything you gave me today will end up at the bottom of the abyss
Convertint en un defecte tot allò que era perfecte
Turning everything that was perfect into a flaw
M'has deixat el cor en blanc
You left my heart blank
Amb un dubte que no accepta
With a doubt that won't accept
Endeutat sense recepta
Indebted without a prescription
Resignat per lo pitjor
Resigned to the worst
Embargat pel teu amor
Seized by your love
Sense adonar-me
Without realizing it
Has volgut que el teu record
You wanted your memory
Em deixi el cor tenyit de negre
To leave my heart stained black
Que si dos i dos són tres
If two plus two equals three
I tu m'ho dius t'hauré de creure
And if you tell me that, I will have to believe you
No gents ja de l'amor
I don't know people from love anymore
I no si vull aprendre
And I don't know if I want to learn
Rescatar-lo de les cendres
To rescue it from the ashes
O deixar-lo com està
Or to leave it as it is
Potser el temps ho guarirà
Maybe time will heal it
I m'ajudi a començar
And help me to start over

Writer(s): Jose Javier Suarez Ortiz, Luca Germini

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