No sabes lo que es tener un amigo que derrame lágrimas por vos
You don't know what it's like to have a friend who sheds tears for you
Llegara a donde creas vencido y sera un alivio tu dolor
He'll come to you when you feel defeated, and he'll ease your pain
Amigo de tantas noches, de mil palabras sin un reproche de unas miradas que van diciendo seremos dos
A friend of so many nights, of a thousand words without reproach, of glances that say we'll be there for each other
No sabes lo que es tener un amigo que vive soñando como vos, que comparte el ultimo cigarrillo mientras la ciudad nos dice adios
You don't know what it's like to have a friend who dreams like you, who shares his last cigarette with you, as the city bids us farewell
Amigo de tantas noches, de mil palabras sin un reproche de unas miradas que van diciendo seremos dos, seremos dos, seremos dos
A friend of so many nights, of a thousand words without reproach, of glances that say we'll be there for each other, we'll be there for each other, we'll be there for each other
Hace tiempo que no se nada de ti, hace tiempo que se nota que has cambiado
It's been a while since I've heard from you, it's been a while since I've noticed that you've changed
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