Shahzoda - Bayram - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shahzoda - Bayram

Ve-ey onasi, bugun bolalar bilan
Hey honey, I'm going to the teahouse with the guys today,
choyxonam bor, bo'pti sanga.
alright with you?
Kechagi kun bo'ldi og'ir,
Yesterday was tough,
Tashvish, muammolardan tugadiku sabr.
Patience ran out from all the worries and problems.
Javlon, Ahmad, Odil, eski joyga yig'il,
Javlon, Ahmad, Odil, gather at the usual spot,
Bugun bazm qilib, qilamiz-a hazil.
Today we'll feast and have some fun.
To'xta bir pas, axir bu nimasi?
Hold on a sec, what's this?
Qayerlarga ketmoqchisan yarim kechasi?
Where are you going in the middle of the night?
Nima bo'ladi rejadagi kechki ovqat?
What about the planned dinner?
Kutib o'tirgan edim, voy, necha soat!
I've been waiting for hours!
Qoralama, faqat bir kun bayram,
Don't fuss, it's just a holiday,
Nima bo'pti bir marta olsak dam?
Can't we just relax for once?
Ertalab tur, ishga yugur,
Get up early, rush to work,
Ro'zg'orga harajatni yetkazib tur.
Keep up with the household expenses.
Qoralama, faqat bir kun bayram,
Don't fuss, it's just a holiday,
Nima bo'pti bir marta olsak dam?
Can't we just relax for once?
Ertalab tur, ko'cha supur,
Get up early, sweep the streets,
Bolalarga qarab, ovqat tayyorlab tur.
Take care of the kids, prepare the meals.
Bolalaringizga qarang, o'zizga
Look at your children, they're just
o'xshagan juda ham qaysar.
as stubborn as you are.
Ha endi, olmani tagiga olma tushadi-de, va-a-a.
Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, right?
Voy yo'q, hali shunaqami,
Oh no, you don't mean that, do you?
Ayol kishi faqat uyda qolib ketar ekanmi?
Should a woman just stay home all the time?
Hali, Mali, Nasi, qizlarga qil ovoza,
Hali, Mali, Nasi, call the girls,
Bugun bizlarni kutadi "Samarqand darvoza".
"Samarkand Gate" awaits us today.
Sakson, to'qson musiqaga chalsin,
Let the 80s and 90s music play,
Faqat bir kunga to'gri tushungin onasi.
Just understand, honey, it's just for one day.
Bugun tantana, diskokach yana,
Today's a celebration, disco time again,
Xotin, bola-chaqa, kutvottiku boshpana.
Wife and kids have been waiting for shelter.
Qoralama, faqat bir kun bayram,
Don't fuss, it's just a holiday,
Nima bo'pti bir marta olsak dam?
Can't we just relax for once?
Ertalab tur, ishga yugur,
Get up early, rush to work,
Ro'zg'orga harajatni yetkazib tur.
Keep up with the household expenses.
Qoralama, faqat bir kun bayram,
Don't fuss, it's just a holiday,
Nima bo'pti bir marta olsak dam?
Can't we just relax for once?
Ertalab tur, ko'cha supur,
Get up early, sweep the streets,
Bolalarga qarab, ovqat tayyorlab tur.
Take care of the kids, prepare the meals.
Kechagi tun qanday o'tdi?
How did last night go?
Uyga qanday yetib keldim, boshim qotdi.
I don't remember how I got home, my head is pounding.
Qarasam, onasi qoshlarin chimirgan,
I see my wife frowning,
Aniq bilaman, mandan arazlagan.
I know for sure, she's upset with me.
Voy stop, eshit, malohat,
Wait, listen, my love,
Hech qachon, bilib qo'y, qilmayman xiyonat.
Know that I will never betray you.
San manga vafoli, man sanga vafoli,
You are faithful to me, and I am faithful to you,
Kecha shunaqa bo'lib qoldide endi, ha nima qilay?
Things just happened that way last night, what can I do?
Stop-stop, bo'ldi, manga keldi navbat,
Stop-stop, it's my turn now,
Dugonalarim bilan ko'chada sayohat.
A trip with my girlfriends is due.
Farzandlarimiz vaqtida yesin ovqat,
Let the children eat their meals on time,
Bir kungina telefon qilmay turing faqat.
Just don't call for one day, that's all.
Qoralama, faqat bir kun bayram,
Don't fuss, it's just a holiday,
Nima bo'ptibir marta olsak dam?
Can't we just relax for once?
Ertalab tur, ishga yugur,
Get up early, rush to work,
Ro'zg'orga harajatni yetkazib tur.
Keep up with the household expenses.
Qoralama, faqat bir kun bayram,
Don't fuss, it's just a holiday,
Nima bo'pti bir marta olsak dam?
Can't we just relax for once?
Ertalab tur, ko'cha supur,
Get up early, sweep the streets,
Bolalarga qarab, ovqat tayyorlab tur.
Take care of the kids, prepare the meals.

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