Shahzoda - Birinchi Sevgi (with Shaxriyor) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shahzoda - Birinchi Sevgi (with Shaxriyor)

Birinchi Sevgi (with Shaxriyor)
First Love (with Shaxriyor)
Birinchi sevgi, qalbing qiynama,
First love, don't torment your heart,
Bulut, yomg'irlardan keyin
After the clouds and the rain,
Osmonlar ochilar yengil,
The skies will clear with ease,
Birinchi sevgi.
First love.
Mana kuz keldi birinchi sinf,
Autumn has arrived, first grade,
Birinchi qator va kitob alifbe.
First row and the ABC book.
Birinchi dars, tanaffusga dam (dam),
First lesson, a break for rest (rest),
Bilim o'qituvchilari birinchi bo'lgan.
Teachers of knowledge were the first.
Sinf eshigi yengil ochilib,
The classroom door opened gently,
Farishta ustoz kirib keldi so'rashib.
An angel teacher entered, asking after us.
O'sha zahoti nimadir bo'ldi,
Something happened right then,
Chunki meni yuragim shoshilib qoldi.
Because my heart started racing.
Ana masala ham ikki karra,
And the math problem, doubled,
Birinchi sinf uchun qiyin masala.
A difficult problem for first grade.
Mana kuz keldi, ikkinchi sinf,
Autumn has arrived, second grade,
O'qish boshlandi, hayotga taklif.
School begins, an invitation to life.
Meni uztozim menga ikkinchi ona,
My teacher a second mother to me,
Pushkin, Mendeleevni o'qitgan ular.
They taught Pushkin and Mendeleev.
Va allomalar Navoiy, Ibn Sino,
And the scholars Navoi, Ibn Sino,
Ulug' O'zbegimni tan olgan dunyo.
The great Uzbek recognized by the world.
Birinchi sevgi, qalbing qiynama,
First love, don't torment your heart,
Bulut, yomg'irlardan keyin
After the clouds and the rain,
Osmonlar ochilar yengil,
The skies will clear with ease,
Birinchi sevgi.
First love.
Ketma-ket yil o'z yo'liga,
Year after year, on its path,
Zamon o'zgarib, lekin sevgi tinmagan.
Times change, but love remains.
6-"a" keyin yetti, sakkiz,
6-"a" then seven, eight,
Sinfdosh qizlarni xafa qilib, essiz.
Teasing the girls in class, absentmindedly.
Sochidan tortib, daftarlarga chizib,
Pulling their hair, drawing in their notebooks,
Joniga tegib ba'zan hazil qilib.
Getting on their nerves, sometimes jokingly.
Bir kuni to'satdan ko'z ochdi tasodif,
One day, suddenly, by chance, my eyes opened,
Huddi uxlagan edim va birdan uyg'onib.
As if I had been asleep and suddenly woken up.
Yonimda o'qigan va gulday ochilgan
The girl who studied beside me, blossoming like a flower,
Qizaloqni sevdim o'zimmi yo'qotib.
I fell in love with her, losing myself.
Mana kuz keldi 10-sinf,
Autumn has arrived, 10th grade,
Katta hayotga qadam, yorug' taklif.
A step towards a bigger life, a bright invitation.
Meni uztozim menga ikkinchi ona,
My teacher a second mother to me,
Pushkin, Mendeleevni o'qitgan ular.
They taught Pushkin and Mendeleev.
Va allomalar Navoiy, Ibn Sino,
And the scholars Navoi, Ibn Sino,
Ulug' O'zbegimni tan olgan dunyo.
The great Uzbek recognized by the world.
Birinchi sevgi, qalbing qiynama,
First love, don't torment your heart,
Bulut yomg'irlardan keyin
After the clouds and the rain,
Osmonlar ochilar yengil.
The skies will clear with ease.
Birinchi sevgi, ([Shahriyor] Mana kuz keldi, birinchi sinf)
First love, ([Shahriyor] Autumn has arrived, first grade)
Qalbing qiynama, ([Shahriyor] Birinchi qator va kitob alifbe)
Don't torment your heart, ([Shahriyor] First row and the ABC book)
Bulut yomg'irlardan keyin, ([Shahriyor] Birinchi dars, tanaffusga dam)
After the clouds and the rain, ([Shahriyor] First lesson, a break for rest)
Osmonlar ochilar yengil.
The skies will clear with ease.
([Shahriyor] Bilim o'qtuvchilari birinchi bo'lgan)
([Shahriyor] Teachers of knowledge were the first)
Birinchi sevgi…
First love…

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