Shahzoda - Sog'inib - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shahzoda - Sog'inib

Missing You
Qani endi yonimda bo'lsa
If only you were here by my side,
Menga yana jilmayib kulsa
Smiling and laughing with me once more.
Qani endi bir daqiqaga
If only for a minute,
Sog'inchimni bartaraf qilsa
You could erase this longing in my core.
Umidimni so'ndirolmayman
I cannot extinguish my hope,
Haligacha voz kecholmayman
I still can't let you go.
Nega, nega, aytgin menga?
Why, oh why, tell me so?
Sog'inchlarim bo'ldi bir dunyo
My yearning has become a world of its own,
O'ngimda emasman men go'yo
I feel lost and alone.
Xayollar og'ushida tunlar
In the embrace of thoughts, through the nights,
Faqat sen haqingdadir o'ylar
My mind is filled with your light.
Endi seni qaytarolmayman
I cannot bring you back, I know,
Sog'inchimni ayta olmayman
I cannot express this longing that grows.
Nega, nega, nega?
Why, oh why, why?
Sog'inib, sog'inib...
Missing you, missing you...
Kechalari kuy bilan ovunib
Finding solace in melodies through the night,
Yoninga men talpinib
Yearning to be by your side, holding you tight.
Onda-sonda eslayman kulib
Occasionally, I recall and smile,
Unuta olmadim
Unable to forget for a while.
Ne qilayin voz kecholmadim?
What can I do? I cannot let go,
My love...
My love...
Sog'inib, sog'inib...
Missing you, missing you...
Kechalari kuy bilan ovunib
Finding solace in melodies through the night,
Yoninga men talpinib
Yearning to be by your side, holding you tight.
Onda-sonda eslayman kulib
Occasionally, I recall and smile,
Unuta olmadim
Unable to forget for a while.
Ne qilayin voz kecholmadim?
What can I do? I cannot let go,
My love...
My love...
Hammasiga balki vaqt davo
Perhaps time heals all wounds they say,
Lekin qachon bilmayman, ammo
But when, I cannot say.
Balki yuragim ham o'rganar
Maybe my heart will learn to mend,
Sensizlikka hayot o'rgatar
Life will teach me to transcend.
Shunday umidlarda yashayman
I live with such hope within,
Lekin, qachongacha bilmayman
But until when, I can't begin.
Nega, nega, aytgin menga?
Why, oh why, tell me so?
Senga yomonlik tilamaymam
I wish you no ill will,
Faqatgina baxting so'rayman
Only your happiness I seek still.
Bugun bo'lmasa ham ertaga
If not today, then maybe tomorrow,
Sensizlikka ko'nib yashayman
I will learn to live without sorrow.
O'zimda ham kuch toparman
I will find strength within myself,
Balki bir kun unutarman
Perhaps one day, I'll be on the shelf.
Nega, nega, nega?
Why, oh why, why?
Sog'inib, sog'inib...
Missing you, missing you...
Kechalari kuy bilan ovunib
Finding solace in melodies through the night,
Yoninga men talpinib
Yearning to be by your side, holding you tight.
Onda-sonda eslayman kulib
Occasionally, I recall and smile,
Unuta olmadim
Unable to forget for a while.
Ne qilayin voz kecholmadim?
What can I do? I cannot let go,
My love...
My love...
Sog'inib, sog'inib...
Missing you, missing you...
Kechalari kuy bilan ovunib
Finding solace in melodies through the night,
Yoninga men talpinib
Yearning to be by your side, holding you tight.
Onda-sonda eslayman kulib
Occasionally, I recall and smile,
Unuta olmadim
Unable to forget for a while.
Ne qilayin voz kecholmadim?
What can I do? I cannot let go,
My love...
My love...

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