Shakalab - Non facciamo musica - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shakalab - Non facciamo musica

Non facciamo musica
We Don't Make Music
Oh picciò, mettiamo un cd Reggae?
Yo dude, let's put on a Reggae CD?
E metti quello degli Shakalab
Yeah, put on that Shakalab one
Quello nuovo degli Shakalab?
The new Shakalab one?
Picchi chiddo reggae è? Ma chiddici!?
What reggae is that? Are you kidding!?
Chiddo Trip Pop è
That's Trip Pop
Trip hop?
Trip hop?
Chiddo è Dancehall Melodico, socch'è?
That's Melodic Dancehall, what are you talking about?
Ma quale Dancehall, chiddi fanno reggae
What Dancehall, they make reggae
Chisto reggae è, ma chi dici
This is reggae, come on
Non facciamo roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
We don't do roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
Trap, Rubadub, Rap o Reggaeton
Trap, Rubadub, Rap or Reggaeton
Non cantiamo più, non scriviamo da un po'
We don't sing anymore, we haven't written in a while
E non facciamo neanche musica
And we don't even make music
Non facciamo roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
We don't do roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
Trap, Rubadub, Rap o Reggaeton
Trap, Rubadub, Rap or Reggaeton
Non cantiamo più, non scriviamo da un po'
We don't sing anymore, we haven't written in a while
E non facciamo neanche musica
And we don't even make music
Che fazzo trap compare è rap animale
I do trap man, it's animal rap
S'unné rap frate stai male soccu minchia ti pare?
If it's not rap bro, you're messed up, what the heck do you think?
Aviti l'aricchi attuppati?
Do you have your ears plugged?
Cca scippo i balati di i lati di strati
Here I steal the beats from the sides of the layers
E giudicati assittati sparati minchiati scippati lignati
And judge yourself seated, shot, screwed, ripped, and burned
Eu un fazzu rap e tu lu fai pi cu avi sett'anni
I don't do rap and you do it for those who are seven years old
Poi ti 'ncoccio a tutti banni pari bugs Bunny
Then I meet you at every corner like Bugs Bunny
Ti tremano i ammi e si mi viri arresti 'npanni
Your hands tremble and if you see me you arrest your clothes
E appena pigghio u mic 'n 'mano ti cachi i mutanni
And as soon as I take the mic in my hand you crap your pants
Mora Faya inna di danz, prendo forward da assai
Mora Faya in the dance, I get forwarded a lot
Dai tempi chi nna yard un pigghiava u wi-fi, right!?
From the times when in the yard you didn't get wi-fi, right!?
Shakalab? Rubadub? No dai
Shakalab? Rubadub? No come on
E allora gira u disco e poi niscemo lu style (ah ai)
So turn the record and then we come out with the style (ah ai)
Ma hai idea di quanto asfalto niatri vittimo?
Do you have any idea how much asphalt we victimize?
Di quanti anni spesi p'abbanniari ncapo u ritmo?
How many years spent waving our heads to the rhythm?
E notti in bianco a dare forma ad ogni disco
And sleepless nights giving shape to every record
Tu dopo mi dai addosso e non capisco
Then you attack me and I don't understand
Non facciamo roots, reggae dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
We don't do roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
Trap, Rubadub, Rap o Reggaeton
Trap, Rubadub, Rap or Reggaeton
Non cantiamo più, non scriviamo da un po'
We don't sing anymore, we haven't written in a while
E non facciamo neanche musica
And we don't even make music
Non facciamo roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
We don't do roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
Trap, Rubadub, Rap o Reggaeton
Trap, Rubadub, Rap or Reggaeton
Non cantiamo più, non scriviamo da un po'
We don't sing anymore, we haven't written in a while
E non facciamo neanche musica
And we don't even make music
Era il '79, in testa nelle charts mi ricordo
It was '79, I remember at the top of the charts
Il pezzo si chiamava: So much trouble in the world
The song was called: So much trouble in the world
Avevo 15 anni e per la prima volta
I was 15 and for the first time
Un programma reggae da una radio libera
A reggae program from a free radio
30 anni spesi in periferia
30 years spent in the suburbs
Sognando di cantare come Burning Spear (Jah no dead)
Dreaming of singing like Burning Spear (Jah no dead)
E mi scordo l'Italia degli '80
And I forget the Italy of the '80s
Io li chiamavo dreadlocks tu li chiamavi rasta
I called them dreadlocks you called them rasta
Si traso 'ntá la yard mi talii cu l'occhi torti
If I enter the yard they look at me with crooked eyes
Picchí fazzu freestyle e sugnu sempre lu cchiú forte
Because I do freestyle and I'm always the strongest
E 'ntá la battle ti porti li picciotti
And in the battle you bring the kids
Pi fariti l'applauso e vinciri sti quattro sordi
To make you applaud and win these four pennies
Aju trentatrí anni sugnu fattu ranni
I'm thirty-three years old, I'm grown up
Tu mi chiami ancora rastaman
You still call me rastaman
Ma un mi fazzu manco i canni
But I don't even do joints
Non ho la sindrome di Peter Pan (Capito man?)
I don't have Peter Pan syndrome (Got it man?)
Quannu cuminciavi tu taliavi bim bum bam
When you started you watched bim bum bam
Non facciamo roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
We don't do roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
Trap, Rubadub, Rap o Reggaeton
Trap, Rubadub, Rap or Reggaeton
Non cantiamo più, non scriviamo da un po'
We don't sing anymore, we haven't written in a while
E non facciamo neanche musica
And we don't even make music
Non facciamo roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
We don't do roots, reggae, dub, raggamuffin, dancehall
Trap, Rubadub, Rap o Reggaeton
Trap, Rubadub, Rap or Reggaeton
Non cantiamo più, non scriviamo da un po'
We don't sing anymore, we haven't written in a while
E non facciamo neanche musica
And we don't even make music

Writer(s): Gervasi Roberto, Lo Re Davide, Macuso Marco, Mancuso Bruno, Nicolas Madonia

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