Shakila - Tavaf - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Shakila - Tavaf

ز دو دیــده خون فشانم ز غمت شب جدایی
At the pain of separation, I weep blood from both my eyes every night
چه کنم که نیست به جز این ره خیر آشنایی
What can I do, as there is no better way than this to get to know you?
همه شب نهاده ام سر چو گدا بر آسـتـانـت
Every night, I have lain at your threshold like a beggar,
کـــه رقـیـب ز در نـیـایـد بـه بـهـانـه گــدایـی
So that my rival may not come in under the guise of a beggar.
به کدام مذهب هستی اين به کدام ملت هستی ا
Whose religion do you follow? Whose nation do you belong to?
که کشـند عاشـقی را که تو عاشـقـم چـرایی
You have killed a lover: why do you claim to be in love with me?
همه شب نهـاده ام سـر چـو گـدا بر آسـتـانت
Every night, I have lain at your threshold like a beggar,
کــه رقــیــب ز در نـیــایـد بــه بــهـانـه گـدایـی
So that my rival may not come in under the guise of a beggar.
چه باشـد چـاره عاشــق به جز دیوانگی کردن
What else can a lover do but act crazy?
چه باشـد نــاز معشوقان به جز بیگانگی کردن
What else can a lover do but be a stranger to their beloved?
ز هـر ذره بیاموزيد پـیـش نـور بر جستن
Learn from every speck to go in search of light,
ز پــروانـه بیاموزيد چنین دیـوانگی کردن
Learn from the moth to act in such a crazy manner.
به طواف کعبه رفتم به حرم رهم ندادند
When I went around the Kaaba, I was not allowed into the sanctuary,
که بـرون در چه کردی که درون خانه آیی
For they said: “What have you done outside the door, to come into the house?”
بـه قـمارخانـه رفــتــم همـه پاکباز دیدم
When I went to the gambling den, I found everyone there to be honest,
چو به صومعه رسیدم همـه زاهد ریایی
But when I arrived at the monastery, I found all the ascetics there to be hypocrites.

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