Sharlota - Cocain ‘n‘ Caviar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sharlota - Cocain ‘n‘ Caviar

Cocain ‘n‘ Caviar
Cocaine 'n' Caviar
Štětky, kurvy, děvky, lurvy.
Sluts, whores, bitches, sluts.
Hrajete si na dámy, ale jste štětky.
You play the lady, but you are whores.
Zajímáte dva panice, takže všechny.
You are interested in two panics, so all.
Žádná novinka, jen další hloupý běhny.
Nothing new, just another stupid run.
Umíte poslouchat jak pes, tak si lehni!
You can listen like a dog, so lie down!
Chtěla bys hodnýho kluka, balíš zmetky.
You want a nice boy, you hate bastards.
Chtěla bys lásku, zajímaj jenom tretky.
You want love, all you care about is trinkets.
Hrajete si na princezny, jak jste křehký.
You play princesses, how fragile you are.
Jste jak příklad 3+ 1, hrozně lehký.
You are like an example of 3+ 1, very light.
Děláš jak jsi výjimečná, ale je děsný,
You act like you're unique, but it's terrible,
Když nedostaneš, to, co chceš,
When you don't get what you want,
Jak potom běsníš.
How you rage.
Fňukáš jako malá holka, to je směšný.
You whine like a little girl, it's ridiculous.
Vyvoněná, oholená, hov-noblesní.
Perfumed, shaved, dung-noble.
Umíš pomlouvat kámošku, když jsi bez ní.
You can slander your friend when you are without her.
Děláš, že tvůj kluk ve vztahu jen vězní.
You pretend that your boyfriend is just imprisoning you in a relationship.
S velkou prdelí kalhoty jsou ti těsný.
With a big ass pants are tight.
Holka jako ty bez make-upu ven nesmí.
A girl like you can't go out without makeup.
Že tebe nikdo nechce mít, to je běžný.
That nobody wants you, that's normal.
Něžný, pro tebe sex není úspěšný.
Gentle, sex is not successful for you.
Vykouříš prvního, kdo u cesty ti brzdí.
You smoke the first one who brakes you on the road.
Je fakt dobrá na pár minut, pak jdi od ní.
She's really good for a few minutes, then leave her.
Nemá žádný zábrany, no tak si vrzni.
She has no inhibitions, so fuck you.
Potom vyhodíš ji z auta (děvko zmizni).
Then you throw her out of the car (bitch, get lost).
Emoce, nemá, ta v píči nemoce.
Emotions, she doesn't have, she doesn't care about illness.
Myslíš, že je top, je jak shnilý ovoce.
You think she's the best, she's like a rotten fruit.
Cocain a Caviar, myslí si o sobě,
Cocaine and caviar, she thinks of herself,
Je cocain a caviar, myslí si o sobě,
Is cocaine and Caviar, she thinks of herself,
Je cocain a caviar, cocain a caviar,
Is cocaine and caviar, cocaine and caviar,
Cocain a caviar.
Cocaine and Caviar.
Cocain a Caviar, myslí si o sobě,
Cocaine and Caviar, she thinks of herself,
Je cocain a caviar, myslí si o sobě,
Is cocaine and caviar, she thinks of herself,
Je cocain a caviar, cocain a caviar,
Is cocaine and caviar, cocaine and caviar,
Cocain a caviar.
Cocaine and caviar.
Divila se, že parta zas unesla.
She was surprised that the party had kidnapped her again.
Že mlátili, připoutali do křesla.
That she was beaten up and tied to a chair.
Aby držela se svýho řemesla,
So that she would stick to her craft,
Odnesla si ponaučení (ta děvka).
She took away a lesson (that whore).
Holka nesoupeří s nikým, je jak fantom.
Girls don't compete with anyone, they are like phantoms.
Objeví se, potom zmizí, prostě random.
They appear, then disappear, just random.
Čubky sobě, z kámošek tvoří komanda.
Chubucks, make commands for each other from girlfriends.
Napadnou třeba tvoje péro (to je sranda).
They might attack your pen (that's funny).
Nese si kabelku Gucci, Prada, Vuitton,
She carries a handbag Gucci, Prada, Vuitton,
Najde si Slováka s novým drahým bytom.
She finds a Slovak with a new expensive apartment.
Chce si hrát na Padesát odstínů šedi.
She wants to play Fifty Shades of Grey.
Hledí ti do očí, na klínu ti sedí.
She looks you in the eye, she's already sitting on your lap.
Honí jednou rukou, druhou píše zeti,
Chasing with one hand, the second writes to the son-in-law,
Jestli náhodou nechce pohlídat děti.
If he doesn't want to babysit.
i sousedi vědí o ní, že je stará kurva,
Even the neighbors know she's an old whore,
Co nebude za nikoho vdaná.
Who won't be married for anyone.
Ve škole jako šedá myška byla braná.
She was taken as a gray mouse in school.
Její kunda je jako vstupní brána.
Her pussy is now like an entrance gate.
Do Disneylandu to teď děcka mají ráda.
Kids love it at Disneyland now.
A i když teče z vaginy marmeláda,
And even though marmalade flows from her vagina,
Sežene si řezníka, nakládá.
She finds a butcher to cut her.
(Holka pěkná, holka zdravá, holka šťastná).
(Beautiful girl, healthy girl, happy girl).
Její nejistá cesta je teď jasná.
Her uncertain journey is now clear.
Krásná podoba je jen dočasná.
Beautiful appearance is only temporary.
Omotá si kolem prstu jak blázna.
She will wrap you around her finger like a fool.
Rázná, zlatokopka nehorázná (kurvička).
A fast, horrible gold digger (bitch).
Bez tebe ztratila by všechny svoje schopnosti.
Without you, she would lose all her abilities.
Čubka, co nemá žádný kladný vlastnosti.
A chick who has no positive qualities anymore.
Jako pička u silnice, vole, culí se.
Like a pussy on the road, man, she pouts.
Bentley víc než bavorák čubce páčí se.
Bentley more than a Bavarian, this chick is pushing.
Cocain a Caviar, myslí si o sobě,
Cocaine and Caviar, she thinks of herself,
Je cocain a caviar, myslí si o sobě,
Is cocaine and caviar, she thinks of herself,
Je cocain a caviar, cocain a caviar,
Is cocaine and caviar, cocaine and caviar,
Cocain a caviar.
Cocaine and caviar.
Cocain a Caviar, myslí si o sobě,
Cocaine and Caviar, she thinks of herself,
Je cocain a caviar, myslí si o sobě,
Is cocaine and caviar, she thinks of herself,
Je cocain a caviar, cocain a caviar,
Is cocaine and caviar, cocaine and caviar,
Cocain a caviar.
Cocaine and caviar.

Writer(s): Sharlota

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