Sharlota - Marketing - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sharlota - Marketing

dělám vlastní cash,
I make my own cash,
Ty chodíš za svojí mámou,
You're running to your mommy,
Za holku nazaplatíte,
You won't pay for a girl,
Cejtíš se jak Baron.
You feel like a Baron.
Problémy neřešíte vy, ale vaše kunda,
Your problems are not solved by you, but by your dick,
Ne takoví chlapi, všichni fejkoví jako bulvár.
Not the kind of men I want, all fake like the tabloids.
Ty moc dobře znáš, podle komentů mi to tak přijde,
You know me very well, from the comments, that's how it seems,
Radši se starejte o sebe, o to kde dlužíte.
Better take care of yourself, take care of your debts.
Chtěl bys mezi kozy,
You want to be between my tits,
Chtěl bys abych polkla,
You want me to swallow you,
Sorry ale nedám na potkání,
Sorry but I won't give it up on the spot,
Nejsem tvoje holka.
I'm not your girl.
Měl by dostat dělo, za to co se včera dělo,
He should get a cannon, for what happened yesterday,
Lofas, co dissil se tvářil drsně jak Don Corleone.
Loser, who dissed me, acted tough like Don Corleone.
Na internetu Einstein,
Einstein on the Internet,
Přitom v hlavě měl seno,
Meanwhile, he had hay in his head,
Co si vemu z idiotů s kapacitou omezenou?
What can I take from idiots with limited capacity?
Makám non-stop, ne jako vy co jste vo tom jen mleli,
I work non-stop, not like you, who only talked about it,
Ani nemám péro, ale bitches jako R. Kelly.
I don't even have a dick, but I get bitches like R. Kelly.
Nepleť si s hoes, co ti vlezou do Panamery,
Don't confuse me with hoes who get into your Panamera,
řekni kolik znáš frajerů co měli.
Tell me how many guys you know who had me.
Sharlota je čistej marketing,
Sharlota is pure marketing,
Chovej se k slušně, vole, kup drink.
Be nice to her, man, buy her a drink.
Sledovat ji musíš všude, pošlu link,
You have to follow her everywhere, I'll send a link,
Nezapomeň pak pozvat na meeting.
Don't forget to invite her to a meeting.
Sharlota je čistej marketing,
Sharlota is pure marketing,
Chovej se k slušně, vole, kup drink.
Be nice to her, man, buy her a drink.
Sledovat ji musíš všude, pošlu link,
You have to follow her everywhere, I'll send a link,
Nezapomeň pak pozvat na meeting.
Don't forget to invite her to a meeting.
Sralo by kdybych nepsala si všechny texty sama,
Would it piss you off if I didn't write all my lyrics myself,
Tracky od jinejch jak Beyoncé tak i Rihanna.
Beyoncé and Rihanna both have tracks from others.
Ty hlavně špekuluješ nad tím s kým jsem se vyspala.
You're mainly speculating about who I slept with.
Nemusím být veganka, abych nechtěla ten tvůj salám.
I don't have to be vegan to not want your sausage.
Nezajímá nic, jsem tu jen pro svý fans,
I don't care about anything, I'm only here for my fans,
Nečum jako debil, když neumíš říct ani dobrý den.
Don't stare like an idiot if you can't even say good morning.
Co si viděl, co si čet, dělej povídej,
What you saw, what you read, come on, tell me,
Nejdřív sereš a pak děláš, že si nevinnej.
First you piss me off, then you act like you're innocent.
Rodiče vás měli mnohem víc mlátit,
Your parents should have beaten you more,
Běžte ven, na netu nejsou real kamarádi.
Go outside, there are no real friends on the internet.
Někdy mi přijde, že jsem terč, Bin Ládin,
Sometimes I feel like I'm a terrorist, Bin Laden,
Zaplať pánbůh, že jsem furt dcera mámy.
Thank God I'm still my mother's daughter.
Makám non-stop, ne jako vy co jste vo tom jen mleli,
I work non-stop, not like you, who only talked about it,
Ani nemám péro, ale bitches jako R. Kelly.
I don't even have a dick, but I get bitches like R. Kelly.
Nepleť si s hoes, co ti vlezou do Panamery,
Don't confuse me with hoes who get into your Panamera,
řekni kolik znáš frajerů co měli.
Tell me how many guys you know who had me.
Sharlota je čistej marketing,
Sharlota is pure marketing,
Chovej se k slušně, vole, kup drink.
Be nice to her, man, buy her a drink.
Sledovat ji musíš všude, pošlu link,
You have to follow her everywhere, I'll send a link,
Nezapomeň pak pozvat na meeting.
Don't forget to invite her to a meeting.
Sharlota je čistej marketing,
Sharlota is pure marketing,
Chovej se k slušně, vole, kup drink.
Be nice to her, man, buy her a drink.
Sledovat ji musíš všude, pošlu link,
You have to follow her everywhere, I'll send a link,
Nezapomeň pak pozvat na meeting.
Don't forget to invite her to a meeting.

Writer(s): Castor

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