Shayea - Kofri - traduction des paroles en anglais

Kofri - Shayeatraduction en anglais

هه ازم میپرسن چطوری؟ به نظرت بده شیر روحیش؟
Hey, they ask me how I'm doing. Do you think my spirits are low?
اَ گنجیشک بترسم؟میدونی تاحالا چند تا سر فیل بریدم؟
Should I be afraid of a sparrow? Do you know how many elephant heads I've cut off so far?
همه سیبلو دیدن، من فقط وسط سیبلو دیدم
Everyone has seen the target, but I only saw the center of the target.
همیشه بیشتر از همه میدوییدم
I've always run more than everyone else.
برا خودم سواله چجوری اینجوریم ها؟
I wonder why I'm like this?
شما میترکونیدم ها
You are bursting, you know.
بزرگتراتون کدوم گورین ها
Where are your elders?
حاجی من ترمز بریدم باز پ درافتادن بام ینی روزه شک دار
Man, I lost my brakes again. To mess with me is like breaking the fast during Ramadan.
تو کوشی الان من روزی صدبار میکشم کشیدرو تو گوش شهردار
Where are you now? I pull the trigger a hundred times a day at the mayor's head.
چون این شهر با اینکه شلوغه اما هیچکسو نداره وایسه جلو من آه
Because this city is so crowded, but there is no one to stand up to me. Ah.
رفیقام تو خونه موندن من تن به تن ماهی جوبا تور کردم
My friends stayed at home while I fished with a net in the fish moat.
رو این زمین از من مهربون تر هَ
Is there anyone on this earth who is more kind than me?
ن پ گرگم الان چون اونا گوسفندن
No, because I'm a wolf now, and they're sheep.
میطلبه که طلبه ترم ا اینا که پی سرویس کردن دهن منن
I need to be more religious than these people who are so eager to kiss my butt.
اگه جایی گفتن همرو زدن یه لطفی کن بگو یه سر به منم بزنن
If you hear that they've beaten everyone up, please do me a favor and tell them to come and beat me up too.
یاد اون دوران بخیر که بودم منو،منو منو لاک خودم همین
Remember the good old days when I was me, me, me, and I alone?
وللهی کرم از خودشون بود اگه میبینی امروز دهنه همرو چسب زدیم
I swear, it was their own fault if you see that I've shut everyone's mouths today.
نه که فک کنی دلم میاد اصا یه طوره انگا نی دسته خودم ینی
Don't think that I enjoy it. It's just that it's not in my hands.
نکنمشون با کله تو صندلی
I shouldn't smash their heads into the chair.
دست میدم اگه دست ندی
I'll give you a hand if you don't.
درمیاد گریه مرغای آسمون
The chickens in the sky will cry.
زیپ میره پایین بشقاب خامه روش
The zipper goes down and the whipped cream is on top.
جایه دیگه چرا تو اتاق ما بمون
Why go anywhere else? Just stay in our room.
ریشو بزن دامن گلدارتو بپوش
Shave your beard and put on your flowery skirt.
دنیارو بکن دولا به کاممون
Let's fold the world in half and put it in our mouths.
برا دوستات از مردادیا بگو
Tell your friends about the guys from August.
اونیکی رفیقت که دنباله مائه کوش؟
Where's that other buddy of yours who's always after me?
رد شه از این ور سر دادیم تا گلوش
If he comes this way, we'll give him a piece of our mind.
من همه نیستم
I'm not everyone.
نمیتونه خط بندازه روم دست خط هیچکس
Nobody can draw a line on me.
بابام جوری بار اورد منو اگه میفتادم پا نمیشدم دستمو میشکست
My father raised me in such a way that if I fell down, I wouldn't get up until he broke my arm.
نه صادرم از چاله میدونه
No, I'm not an export from a hole, you know?
نه یکی از داییام چاقو کش بوده
And no, none of my uncles were knife-wielders.
ولی اونقد تو خیابون بودم بام ور ری پیشونیم دماغتو بشمونه
But I've been in the streets so much that your forehead's gonna swell up with my fist.
یاد اون دوران بخیر که بودم منو،منو منو لاک خودم همین
Remember the good old days when I was me, me, me, and I alone?
وللهی کرم از خودشون بود اگه میبینی امروز دهنه همرو چسب زدیم
I swear, it was their own fault if you see that I've shut everyone's mouths today.
نه که فک کنی دلم میاد اصا یه طوره انگا نی دسته خودم ینی
Don't think that I enjoy it. It's just that it's not in my hands.
نکنمشون با کله تو صندلی
I shouldn't smash their heads into the chair.
زندگیه اگه رو تشک نری
This is life if you don't go to sleep.
نباید بیفته چشم از زبونت
You shouldn't take your eyes off your tongue.
چشات همیشه شرمندشونه
Your eyes are always ashamed of it.
بپا چیزی خستت نکنه که هر چفت و چولی نمک نپرونه
Be careful not to get tired of anything, or else every odd couple will sprinkle salt on you.
میدونی من کفرم درومد وقتی دیدم همیشه تو دور برگردونم
You know, I'm pissed when I see that I'm always going around in circles.
هیچکدوم این خیابونا بنبست نبودم
None of these streets were dead ends.
الان، چون شاید فردا فرصت نکنم خب
Now, because maybe I won't have the chance tomorrow.
من مادرزاد هولم پشت من ندو
I'm a natural rusher, don't run after me.
خوشگله روم تلفنو قط کن
Cutie, hang up the phone.
تو برا اون ک میلیاردی معامله کردو من رو همین جدولا ور دل مردم
For him, you made a billion-dollar deal, and for me, on these very streets, in the hearts of the people.
انتظارم از خودم اینه براد برا همه از دستم هر کمکیه
I expect everyone to help me as much as they can.
اما منه مغرورو میشناسی لبه دره ام کسی دستمو نگیره
But you know me, I'm arrogant. If I'm on the edge of a cliff, don't hold my hand.
یاد اون دوران بخیر که بودم منو،منو منو لاک خودم همین
Remember the good old days when I was me, me, me, and I alone?
وللهی کرم از خودشون بود اگه میبینی امروز دهنه همرو چسب زدیم
I swear, it was their own fault if you see that I've shut everyone's mouths today.
نه که فک کنی دلم میاد اصا یه طوره انگا نی دسته خودم ینی
Don't think that I enjoy it. It's just that it's not in my hands.
نکنمشون با کله تو صندلی
I shouldn't smash their heads into the chair.
وای به حالتون اگه در نرین
Woe to you if you don't run away.
(من همه نیستم، چجوری اینجوریم ها)
(I'm not everyone, how am I like this?)

Writer(s): hamidreza jafari, mohammadreza shayea

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