Shayea - Parvardegare Ghalam - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shayea - Parvardegare Ghalam

Parvardegare Ghalam
Lord of the Pen
به نام شايع پروردگار قلم / به نام مخم كه پر زد به جاي قلم
In the name of Shayea, the Lord of the Pen / In the name of my brain that took flight instead of the pen
به ياد ورقه هاي شعر مچاله شدم / اوقات تنهايي من و شب و خداي خودم
Remembering crumpled sheets of poetry / My lonely times with the night and my own God
به ياد كسايي كه جدي نمي گرفتنم / هنوزم من تام و اونا جري قصمن
Remembering those who didn't take me seriously / I'm still complete and they're just part of the story
مث قبل ممدرضائه و ته جيب سوراخ / با
Like before, Mohammadreza and a hole in my pocket / With
اين اوضاع بازم ميخواين چپه شيد رو ما
this situation, you still want to turn against us
نابغه اي يم كه با قلم لاي رپ لوليد / تيريپ برنداشت فنچ ناف شهر بوديم
A genius who crawled into rap with a pen / Didn't put on airs, we were downtown finches
نگفت شاه منم بوگاتيمو طاق زدم / يا مثلا زيدامون از بقيه داف ترن
Didn't say I'm the king, I vaulted my Bugatti / Or for example, our girls are hotter than others
حرف دارم واسه گفتن و رفتارم / مث كسايي ني كه باباي وزير نفت دارن
I have words to say and my behavior / Isn't like those whose fathers are oil ministers
نيستم شبيه اونايي كه با خفه خون جورن
I'm not like those who are okay with silence
/ يا واسه اطرافيانشون يه خر خوب بودن
/ Or were a good donkey for those around them
منم مث خيليا غرق چاله چوله هام و تا اونجاييم كه خدا فاز داده رو به رام
I'm like many, drowning in my potholes, and as far as God has given me a phase, I'm on the road
هيچ وقت خودم نبودم دليل جذب كسي / خيلي كوچيكم ولي با مغز وسيع
I was never myself, the reason for anyone's attraction / I'm very small but with a vast brain
شايع كيه . شاهكار قرن اخيره / يا كه كاراش آفتاب خرج لحيمه
Who is Shayea? The masterpiece of the last century / Or is his work sunshine for a moment?
كلماتم قدرتو از مشتتون پيچيد / شايع كسي ميشه كه واسش دم تكون ميديد
My words squeezed your power from your fists / Shayea becomes someone you wag your tail for
تو نخ شايع خورشيد و ماه و زمين / جون كنديم و كسي اشكاي ما رو نديد
Don't look for Shayea, the sun, the moon, and the earth / We worked hard and no one saw our tears
پاي كاغذيم وقتي كه شما خواب ميريد / يه روزي مياد كه همه بخار ميشيد
I'm at the foot of the paper when you fall asleep / A day will come when you all vaporize
تو نخ شايع خورشيد و ماه و زمين / جون كنديم و كسي اشكاي ما رو نديد
Don't look for Shayea, the sun, the moon, and the earth / We worked hard and no one saw our tears
پاي كاغذيم وقتي كه شما خواب ميريد / يه روزي مياد كه همه بخار ميشيد
I'm at the foot of the paper when you fall asleep / A day will come when you all vaporize
از بچگي توي گوشم يه صداي بلند / كه منم بايد بشم مث زبلاي دورم
Since childhood, a loud voice in my ear / That I should also be like the languages around me
ولي من بي ايه انگولك ميشدم و چن تا هزاري شنگولم ميكنن
But I was fiddled with and a few thousand made me happy
موزيكاي MSN شد لالايي شبام / كاغذ و خودكارم جاي مامانيه برام
MSN music became my lullaby / Paper and pen are like a mother to me
نگشتم با دوشيزه هاي هول آهن / واس فسخيه كاغذم هميشه كلمه دارم
I didn't hang out with hasty maidens / I always have a word to cancel my paper
با مرد جماعت غلطيدم و آبديده شدم / عرق پيشونيم خشك شده با آستين خودم
I rolled with the men and became seasoned / The sweat of my forehead dried with my own sleeve
با دستاي پر ولي جيب خالي / سراغ رپ اومديم با آهنگاي deliver عالي
With full hands but empty pockets / We came to rap with great deliver songs
تا وقتي چش باز بوده تو گوشام هندزفري / ملق زده به همه هم فاز رپ ميديم
As long as my eyes were open, headphones in my ears / We were giving rap vibes to everyone
چت نميزنيم واسه شعر و داستان ميشيم / تو رمان رپ الگومونم باب مارلي ني
We don't chat, we become poems and stories / In the rap novel, our role model is not Bob Marley
گذرونديم بهترين لحظه ها رو تو زيرزمين / فشنگامونم هميشه به سيبل زديم
We spent the best moments in the basement / Our bullets always hit the target
تو هم از اونايي كه تو رپ فارسي
You're also one of those in Persian rap
ولوئن / فكر و ذكرتم اينه كه وايسي جلو من
Who are loafing / Your only thought is to stand in front of me
اما شايع واسه آينده هدف داره / يه روز مياد دنيا ميشه طرفدارش
But Shayea has a goal for the future / One day the world will become his fan
هميشه يه راهيو ميرم كه برنگردم / راستي من از ننم قهر نكردم
I always go down a path that I don't come back from / By the way, I didn't run away from my mom
تو نخ شايع خورشيد و ماه و زمين / جون كنديم و كسي اشكاي ما رو نديد
Don't look for Shayea, the sun, the moon, and the earth / We worked hard and no one saw our tears
پاي كاغذيم وقتي كه شما خواب ميريد / يه روزي مياد كه همه بخار ميشيد
I'm at the foot of the paper when you fall asleep / A day will come when you all vaporize
تو نخ شايع خورشيد و ماه و زمين / جون كنديم و كسي اشكاي ما رو نديد
Don't look for Shayea, the sun, the moon, and the earth / We worked hard and no one saw our tears
پاي كاغذيم وقتي كه شما خواب ميريد / يه روزي مياد كه همه بخار ميشيد
I'm at the foot of the paper when you fall asleep / A day will come when you all vaporize

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