Shayea - Refigh Fabrik - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shayea - Refigh Fabrik

Refigh Fabrik
Refigh Fabrik (Friend Factory)
هي تو كه ادعات ميشد
You were the one who claimed you'd be there
بيا تو حاله خرابم يه انقلابي كن،
Come, in my ruined state, start a revolution,
مثله هميشه مال تو نصفه آبجوم
Like always, half of my water is yours
من يه عمره شباخوابيدم به قصه هاي تو
I spent a lifetime sleeping with your stories
الان كه ميرم زيره هر تومني
Now that I'm going under every penny
كجايي كه دارم خودمو ميكشم رو زمين
Where are you, as I drag myself on the ground
چي تو گوشت خوندن كه چشت منو نديد
What did they whisper in your ear that your eyes didn't see me
كه قيده منو زدي
That you broke your promise to me
د اخه لامصب تو رفيقه مني
Damn it, you're my friend
ادا ميايي قيافه ميگيري برا منم
You put on airs and graces for me too
الان كه پاچيدم وميبيني سرو تهم
Now that I'm broken and you see me head to toe
الان كه ديگه هيشكي ني تا از حال نرم
Now that there's no one left to soften the blow
بايد ببيني اشناها چه ويتريني برام زدن
You should see the showcase my acquaintances have put on for me
هروز زوره دنيا رو جف كولامه
Every day the force of the world is on my collar
نيستي و ديگه اين محل فقط يه پرو داره
You're gone and this place only has one pro left
كوش اون كه ميخورد
Where's the one who used to enjoy
تو حالم ميخورد توحالش
Enjoy my state, enjoy their state
اوضاع كه بيريخت بود ميگفت تو راهه
When things got messed up, they'd say they were on their way
نمي ارزيد به اين همه
You weren't worth all this
پاينو بالا به اين كه ببازم
Ups and downs, to lose
اين بازي باهات
This game with you
قدمات ديگه نيست سايزه پاهام حيف عوض شدي و نيست اينه باهات
Your steps are no longer the size of my feet, it's a pity you changed and this mirror isn't with you
هرجا هستي خوش باشي داداش
Wherever you are, be happy, brother
هر كي تو رگيته جفت باشي باهاش
Whoever is in your vein, be a pair with them
ما كه هميشه دعامون خيره
We always pray for good
يه معرفت داريم كه ني توف مالي بالاش
We have a loyalty that is not above money
بيا مثله دوتا مرد
Come on, like two men
بزنيم همو با اينكه ميدونم
Let's hit each other, even though I know
باز ميزارم بزني منو
I'll let you hit me again
ولي اين دفعه مثله سري پيش يه وري نبر نكش به رخم اين جوجه هاي قدو نيم قدو
But this time, like last time, don't take it to heart, don't rub these half-pint chicks in my face
چه گلي ماليدن سرت چي خرجت كردن
What good have they done you, what have they spent on you
كه دو روزه اينجوري راضي كردنت
That in two days they've satisfied you like this
همش از گند زدنه
It's all because of my mess
خودمه راست ميگن همه
Everyone is right
هرچند اون منه قبليو
Although that old me
ديگه به گاري بستمش رفت
I've already tied him to the cart and he's gone
بريدي پاتو از خونه بريدم ا خونه
I cut your foot off from the house, from the house
تا كمر تو گل بودي بودتا كل هيكلم تو گل
You were up to your waist in mud, my whole body was in mud
بابا ميگفت بيا خونه مامانت جيگرش خونه
Dad would say, come home, your mom's liver is on fire
هنو بَرِه كش رفتنات تو جيبه پيرهنم پوله
The money from your lamb slaughter trips is in my shirt pocket
هر گوهي خوردي باز كنارت راه اومدم
Whatever shit you ate, I went along with you again
رسونديمون جايي كه جايي رامون ندن
We got to a place where they wouldn't give us a place
ته دلم خالي بود ته دلت صابون زدم
My heart was empty, I put soap in your heart
رو فرم كه اومدي كشيدي اروم اروم عقب
When you got on form, you slowly pulled back
غريبه كردي خودتو هفتارنگ شدي
You made yourself a stranger, you became a chameleon
سيگار ديدم دستت
I saw a cigarette in your hand
سيگار كشيدم كه ترك كني
I smoked so you would quit
گفتم رفيقمي، واست ترمزم بريد
I said I'm your friend, my brakes failed for you
خودمو زده بودم به خواب
I had put myself to sleep
مشكل ا تو نيست
The problem is not with you
تو ام يكي مثله همه كه
You're just like everyone else who
ا اين رو اون رو ميشه پلك كه ميزنه
Goes from this one to that one like a blinking eyelid
اصلا نفهميدم رفت جلد كي تنت
I didn't even realize whose skin you went under
انقد بريدم ازت كه ديگه كش نميدمش
I'm so cut off from you that I don't pull it anymore
نمي ارزيد به اين همه پاينو بالا به اين كه ببازم اين بازيوباهات
You weren't worth all this up and down, for me to lose this game with you
قدمات ديگه نيست سايزه پاهام حيف عوض شدي و نيست اينه باهات
Your steps are no longer the size of my feet, it's a pity you changed and this mirror isn't with you
هرجا هستي خوش باشي داداش
Wherever you are, be happy, brother
هر كي تو رگيته جفت باشي باهاش
Whoever is in your vein, be a pair with them
ما كه هميشه دعامون خيره يه معرفت داريم كه ني توف مالي بالاش
We always pray for good, we have a loyalty that is not above money
سرمو انداختي پايين ، تو چطوري داوشي؟!
You hung my head low, how are you doing?!
سرت بالاِ يا نه ؟
Is your head up or not?
هرچي ميخواستي داري؟
Do you have everything you wanted?
منو بيخيال
Forget about me
تو چي واسه خودت اقايي يا نه؟
Are you a gentleman for yourself or not?
چيزي ا من يادت مونده؟
Do you remember anything from me?
البته حق داري
Of course you have the right
چون نه اعصابت خورده
Because your nerves haven't been frayed
نه، جايي گير كرده كارت نه
No, your card hasn't gotten stuck anywhere, no
ولي منه الاغ هنو هر ديقمو يادتم
But I, the donkey, still remember you every moment
جات قاطيه قولاي مردونه خالي
Your place is mixed with empty manly promises
تو خاك و جدول و كوچه پس كوچه خالي
In the dirt, curbs, and back alleys, empty
برا من بس اينكه شب خوب بخوابي
It's enough for me that you sleep well at night
و جامو پركنن چنتا اادم حسابي برات، ديگه منم
And some real people fill my place for you, that's me too
ومنم ومن
And me and me
دراز به دراز تو چمنا پهن
Spread out in the meadows
تو و خوباي
You and the good ones
دورت،، تو و چنتا مثله خودت، خوش باشين بغلِ هم
Around you, you and a few like yourself, be happy together

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