Shehab - بوغاتي - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Shehab - بوغاتي

شهاب هدي ده مش وقته عبث
Shehab, this is not the time to be frivolous.
مش لازم مع كل موجة hate أنت تنجرف
You don't have to drift with every wave of hate.
متعاديش في ناسك خويا ده إسمه هبل
Don't lose your reputation and passion over nothing, my friend.
عمال تخسر أنت سمعة ناس وشغف
You're losing people's respect and your drive.
شكلك مبتعرفش تنافق أنت ولا ايه؟
Do you not know how to be diplomatic?
ريح سن سيكا شوف العين دي فين
Steady your gaze and see where you're going.
والموضوع ده ماضي شيله ودوس عليه
Let go of the past, bury it, and move on.
شكلك لسا عارف إن Life ain't fair
You seem to still be learning that life isn't fair.
عايزك فاهم الدنيا سيما
The world is a strange place, you need to understand that.
نقابل وشوش بس مش دي الحقيقة
We meet faces that aren't always genuine.
سب زي ما تحب طب وبعديها
Curse all you want, but what then?
فيش حد مقدر كام ضيقة فينا
No one understands the pain we carry inside.
طب إستعنى حتى فلوس البوجاتي
Even if you could afford a Bugatti,
ياسطا لو مش عشانهم عشاني
If not for their sake, do it for mine.
أصلاً أنت أكبر من إنك تهاتي
You are too great to be feuding with children.
ملوش أي داعي فـ أطفال تعادي
There is no point in making enemies of young people.
والصحبة باريس لف وإتكيف
Your friends are in Paris, so relax and enjoy.
شبر ورا شبر عـ كيفنا بنقيف
We'll take it day by day, at our own pace.
مكنش ليك ضوء بس تدوم السيد
You didn't have the spotlight, but you endured, my friend.
لعبة غدارة مكانش ليها كتيب
It's a treacherous game, without any instructions.
ياسطا عبس ايه؟ ريح أنت برة
Why are you so sullen? Relax, you're free.
أنت وهو نفوس بنية صفرة
You and he are both petty and worthless.
خمسة فـ عينكو تشوفه تقول ما شاء الله
The five people in your eyes, when you look at him, you say, "Wow."
عافية عليكو أ خرية صمودي كان الأقوى
God bless you both. In the end, my resilience was stronger.
إنتو فدتوني بإيه فـ يوم يعني؟
What did you ever do for me?
ولا حد فيكو جه ودفعلي؟
Did any of you come to my aid?
مش شايف حد فيكو مالي عيني
I don't see any of you as being worthy of my attention.
حجمك يكاد يكون غير مرئي
Your stature is almost invisible.
ثبت صنم تحف في النيش
You are a statue, preserved in a niche.
هتعيش حاقد محسش بيك
You will live with hatred, unnoticed.
خالصة معاكو وحمو في النيل
I am finished with you, and I will bury you in the Nile.
أنا لو عوقت فا كنت بنـHeal
If I had stumbled, I would have healed myself.
بنلوص ونسعى، بتضيق ونتعب
We persevere and strive, we suffer and grow weary.
بس ياكش نوصل لشيء
But when we reach our goals,
مهما تروق وتحلى أكيد هتضيق
No matter how beautiful or enticing, it will be difficult.
وده أكيد لينا الخير
And that is certainly for our own good.
صاحبي مستفزة الناس دي نجسة
My friend, these people are disgusting, they provoke us.
ومفيش رباية بجنية
And there is no such thing as a well-bred genie.
يلا إزعق وإنده ومش هتنجى
Go ahead, scream and cry, you won't get anywhere.
غير وأنت فردي بإيديك
You are on your own, and you are the only one who can help yourself.
وعلى ما يبدو كده خلصت والنهاية قربت
And so, it seems, it is over, and the end is near.
والستار بينزل تاني وكل الأنوار ديا إنطفت
The curtain falls once more, and all the lights go out.
أنا مبقاش لي خلق إني فيكو أنتقد
I have no desire to criticize you any further.
I dunno why da fuck ma shit keeps on sounding dramatic
I dunno why the fuck my shit keeps on sounding dramatic
كانت ذلة، حلوني
It was a mistake, they betrayed me.
لا مش مذنب مش من توبي
I am not guilty, it is not my fault.
ملعون أي شيء مسخ فوزي
Cursed be anything that ruined my victory.
سنين بنعامل كله بطولي
For years, we have treated everything heroically.
What's up babe pump it up
What's up babe pump it up
You know how to pump it up
You know how to pump it up
Am talking some curvy shape
Am talking some curvy shape
The shape of the Africans
The shape of the Africans
So babe you pump it up
So babe you pump it up
So baby pump it up
So baby pump it up
Am talking some curvy hips
Am talking some curvy hips
The shape of the Africans
The shape of the Africans

Writer(s): Big Moe, Shehab Elsayed

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