Shift feat. Liviu Teodorescu - Adevãrul E Cã (feat. Liviu Teodorescu) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shift feat. Liviu Teodorescu - Adevãrul E Cã (feat. Liviu Teodorescu)

Adevãrul E Cã (feat. Liviu Teodorescu)
The Truth Is A Bitch (feat. Liviu Teodorescu)
Adevarul e ca nu mai stiu ce simt
The truth is I don't know what I feel anymore
Dar prefer sa mint, ca sa te vad zambind
But I'd rather lie, just to see you smile
Daca as pleca, n-ai sti ce te-a lovit
If I were to leave, you wouldn't know what hit you
Daca as mai sta, ai sti ca te-am mintit
If I were to stay, you'd know that I lied to you
Adevarul a ramas in amintiri
The truth is lost in memories
Ca ploile de toamna, lacrimi in priviri
Like autumn rains, tears in my eyes
Si nu e vreo minciuna, noi chiar ne-am iubit
And it's no lie, we really did love each other
Si cand ne-am luat in brate si cand ne-am ciocnit
And when we held each other and when we clashed
Tot ce-am trait noi e de pus pe repeat
Everything we lived through is worth repeating
Cand universul nostru parea infinit
When our universe seemed infinite
Tot ce-am trait noi, cine s-ar fi gandit
Everything we lived through, who would have thought
Ca universul nostru a ajuns la sfarsit
That our universe has come to an end
Adevarul e ca nu mai stiu ce simt
The truth is I don't know what I feel anymore
Dar prefer sa mint, ca sa te vad zambind
But I'd rather lie, just to see you smile
Daca as pleca, n-ai sti ce te-a lovit
If I were to leave, you wouldn't know what hit you
Daca as mai sta, ai sti ca te-am mintit
If I were to stay, you'd know that I lied to you
Adevarul ma doare, da' nu stiu sa-l evit
The truth hurts, but I don't know how to avoid it
Adevarul ne prinde, oricat l-am ocolit
The truth catches up to us, no matter how much we avoid it
Cateodata ti-asculti inima, chiar daca ranesti
Sometimes you listen to your heart, even if it hurts
Uneori te opresti tocmai fiindca iubesti
Sometimes you stop precisely because you love
Tot ce-am trait noi e de pus pe repeat
Everything we lived through is worth repeating
Cand universul nostru parea infinit
When our universe seemed infinite
Tot ce-am trait noi, cine s-ar fi gandit
Everything we lived through, who would have thought
Ca universul nostru a ajuns la sfarsit
That our universe has come to an end
Adevarul e ca nu mai stiu ce simt
The truth is I don't know what I feel anymore
Dar prefer sa mint, ca sa te vad zambind
But I'd rather lie, just to see you smile
Daca as pleca, n-ai sti ce te-a lovit
If I were to leave, you wouldn't know what hit you
Daca as mai sta, ai sti ca te-am mintit
If I were to stay, you'd know that I lied to you
Ce-am avut noi doi, altii n-au gasit
What we had, others didn't find
Cat pentru trei vieti noi doi ne-am iubit
For three lifetimes, we loved each other
Ce avem acum, zi-mi ce ne-a lovit
What do we have now, tell me what has hit us
Stiu ca simti si tu ca suntem la sfarsit
I know you feel it too, that we're at the end
Adevarul e ca nu mai stiu ce simt
The truth is I don't know what I feel anymore
Dar prefer sa mint, ca sa te vad zambind
But I'd rather lie, just to see you smile
Daca as pleca, n-ai sti ce te-a lovit
If I were to leave, you wouldn't know what hit you
Daca as mai sta, ai sti ca te-am mintit
If I were to stay, you'd know that I lied to you

Writer(s): Gabriel Mihai Istrate

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