Shift feat. Super Ed - Stiu Ca E Greu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shift feat. Super Ed - Stiu Ca E Greu

Stiu Ca E Greu
I Know It's Hard
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Stiu de unde vii, de acolo-s si eu
I know where you're coming from, I'm from there too
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Mi-am spus: tine-te tare mereu,
I told myself: stay strong always,
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Stiu ca drumul tau e si drumul meu,
I know your path is also my path,
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Tot ce vreau e sa pot sa raman eu X2
All I want is to be able to stay me X2
Pace pentru cei ce,
Peace to those who,
Mi-au spus numai in cotra,
Only told me the opposite,
Mi-au zis Guta nu zbori,
Told me Guta you can't fly,
Tu ai aripi de fonta,
You have wings of cast iron,
Hidoasa forma, esti un bufon ma,
Ugly form, you're a buffoon man,
Ceva mai sinistru ca o fantoma,
Something more sinister than a ghost,
Si-am crezut ca sunt diform cu diploma de om bun,
And I thought I was deformed with a good man's diploma,
Ca ceva m-a atrat tot timpul sa sar afara,
That something always attracted me to jump out,
Din norma, afara din coma,
Out of the norm, out of the coma,
Am cantat cu coma,
I sang with a coma,
Am "repat" cu foame, AH!
I "repeated" with hunger, AH!
Ura-i ca ca Madona,
Hate is like Madonna,
Mana sus ca MARADONA,
Hands up like MARADONA,
Si zii care vrei sa moara Guta,
And say who wants Guta to die,
De parca ai putea tu sa faci alt Guta,
As if you could make another Guta,
C-am Andra mea langa mine ca Maruta,
That I have my Andra next to me like Maruta,
Familia si fratii, restul zero baruta,
Family and brothers, the rest is zero gunpowder,
Sunt cu ISTRATE, scriem poezii,
I'm with ISTRATE, we write poems,
Ne facem avioane ca cel de hartie,
We make airplanes like paper ones,
Suntem tot ce vrem sa fim,
We are everything we want to be,
Drumu-i greu dar reusim,
The road is hard but we succeed,
Stiu ca e greu, fratele meu,
I know it's hard, my brother,
Cand ma vezi in metrou,
When you see me on the subway,
Ma vezi in troleu,
You see me on the trolley,
Am fost si-un pustiu c-un film,
I was also a desert with a film,
Acum joc in filmul meu
Now I play in my movie
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Stiu de unde vii, de acolo-s si eu
I know where you're coming from, I'm from there too
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Mi-am spus: tine-te tare mereu,
I told myself: stay strong always,
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Stiu ca drumul tau e si drumul meu,
I know your path is also my path,
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Tot ce vreau e sa pot sa raman eu X2
All I want is to be able to stay me X2
Ratacit, ratacit spre sperante desarte,
Lost, lost towards vain hopes,
Unii ii spun ratacire,
Some call it wandering,
Ca mi-am propus s-ajung cat mai departe,
Because I set out to go as far as possible,
Ca alerg in nestire,
Because I run unknowingly,
Inima mare, inima tare,
Big heart, strong heart,
Simt putul in calcai ca Ahile,
I feel the well in my heel like Achilles,
Te rog, Doamne ai mila,
Please, God have mercy,
Mai da-mi rabdare si zile si zile si luni,
Give me more patience and days and days and months,
Ca ce fac nu e bine,
Because what I'm doing is not good,
Ca faptele bune-s de fapt prea putine,
Because good deeds are actually too few,
Prea multi nori si nu mai vad zile senine,
Too many clouds and I don't see sunny days anymore,
Prea multe fenine vor sa te domine
Too many fennels want to dominate you
Prea multe picaturi de ploaie,
Too many raindrops,
Vad lacrimi siroaie, atatea razboaie,
I see tears streaming, so many wars,
Si filmul se taie,
And the movie cuts,
Duc in spate pietre si stiu ca-i greu c,
I carry stones on my back and I know it's hard because,
Sa-ti faci drumu tau doar cu un pix si o foaie,
To make your way with just a pen and a sheet,
Mama n-a crescut un dobitoc
Mom didn't raise an idiot
Multi au tras de mine frate sa raman pe loc,
Many pulled me brother to stay put,
Am avut credinta, niciodata n-am spus STOP,
I had faith, I never said STOP,
Si-am ajuns din fata blocului sa fiu in top
And I went from the front of the block to being on top
Frica, ispita, le las la o parte,
Fear, temptation, I leave them aside,
Am trait cosmaruri venind de departe,
I've lived nightmares coming from afar,
Accepta-ti pacatele, tre sa te bucuri de toate
Accept your sins, you have to enjoy everything
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Stiu de unde vii, de acolo-s si eu
I know where you're coming from, I'm from there too
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Mi-am spus: tine-te tare mereu,
I told myself: stay strong always,
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Stiu ca drumul tau e si drumul meu,
I know your path is also my path,
Yeah, stiu ca e greu,
Yeah, I know it's hard,
Tot ce vreau e sa pot sa raman eu X2
All I want is to be able to stay me X2

Writer(s): Shift

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