Shohruhxon feat. Shahriyor - Bo'rilar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shohruhxon feat. Shahriyor - Bo'rilar

Hayot, meni yosh deb o'ylama,
Life, don't think of me as young,
Bilaman, ko'rganman
I know, I've seen
Dardu-g'am, alamu tashvishni.
Pain and sorrow, anxiety and worry.
Ko'rdim baxtsizlik, ochlikni,
I've seen misfortune, hunger,
Shu ekan mani dardim, mani izhorim.
This is my pain, my expression.
Nega hayot berildi, bo'lmasa agar,
Why was life given, if not,
Hamma bir-biriga tuzoq qo'ysa?
For everyone to set traps for each other?
Do'st sotar do'stini, qilmay erkak ishini
A friend betrays a friend, not acting like a man
Va yo'qotar bor vijdonni.
And loses all conscience.
Kimga keragim bor meni,
Who needs me,
Kimni do'st bilay endi?
Who do I call a friend now?
Sariq chaqasiz cho'ntagim,
My pocket is empty,
Oilam edi bor-yo'g'im.
My family was all I had.
Qoidalar ko'mar meni qayg'uga,
Rules bury me in sorrow,
Kimda mansab, kimda taxtu, yetmoqda orzuga,
Some have power, some have a throne, reaching their dreams,
Na mehr, na oqibat, yiqilmaslikka harakat,
No kindness, no respect, just striving not to fall,
Yo'qchilik va sitamni tan olmas ular.
They don't acknowledge poverty and oppression.
Chunki ota karvoniga ishonar shunchalar,
Because they trust their father's caravan so much,
Boylar ham qon yig'lar buni hayot deydilar.
The rich also cry blood - they call this life.
Sirtlonmasmiz, biz bo'ri,
We don't back down, we are wolves,
O'z nafsimiz mag'lubi,
Slaves to our own desires,
O'lja bo'lma, qoch yo'ldan,
Don't be prey, run from the path,
Jon shirin bo'lsa, qo'rquvda bo'rilar.
If life is dear, fear the wolves.
Kimdir yashar beg'ubora,
Some live carefree,
Kimdir esa sarsona,
Others in chaos,
Kimdir topar do'stini,
Some find a friend,
Kimdir yo'qotar uni.
Others lose them.
Hayot sinaydi bizni,
Life tests us,
Sinar bardoshimizni,
Tests our endurance,
Kimdir baxtga yetadi,
Some reach happiness,
Kimdir orzu qiladi.
Others only dream.
Hayot pastu baland ekan,
Life is full of ups and downs,
Har kim ham mard emas ekan,
Not everyone is brave,
Ishonmasang o'zingga,
If you don't believe in yourself,
Bir kun sinib ketar ekansan.
One day you will break.
Azob ichimda, dard tirnar qalbimni,
Torment within me, pain claws at my heart,
Qonli yozilgandir umr daftari,
My life's story is written in blood,
His qilish qiyin g'urur borini,
It's hard to feel the pride that remains,
Bag'ishladim ushbu so'zlarni.
I dedicate these words.
Hamma mard, chin dovyuraklarga,
To all the brave, true-hearted,
Ozodlik uchun kurashgan insonga,
To the person who fought for freedom,
O'z baxtin sotmagan chin donoga,
To the true grain that didn't sell its happiness,
O'z so'zimga topdim isbot,
I found proof for my words,
Haqlik yo'qotdi ohirgi najot.
Justice lost its last hope.
Haq o'sha kimda sharaf, kimda boylik,
Justice is with those who have honor, who have wealth,
Bechora mehnatkash esa
The poor worker just
Kutar navbat, kutar oylik.
Waits in line, waits for his paycheck.
Ammo boyvachchalar changitib ko'chani,
But the rich kids dusting the streets,
Sarf qilar ota-onasini pulini.
Spend their parents' money.
Albatta o'ylamas qatdan kelganini.
Of course, they don't think about where it comes from.
Bilgin, hamma narsa o'zgarishi mumkin,
Know that everything can change,
Bugun san shon-shuhratli,
Today you are glorious,
Ertaga esa bo'lma tilamchi.
Tomorrow you might be a beggar.
Sirtlonmasmiz, biz bo'ri,
We don't back down, we are wolves,
O'z nafsimiz mag'lubi,
Slaves to our own desires,
O'lja bo'lma, qoch yo'ldan,
Don't be prey, run from the path,
Jon shirin bo'lsa, qo'rquvda bo'rilar.
If life is dear, fear the wolves.
Kimdir yashar beg'ubora,
Some live carefree,
Kimdir esa sarsona,
Others in chaos,
Kimdir topar do'stini,
Some find a friend,
Kimdir yo'qotar uni.
Others lose them.
Hayot sinaydi bizni,
Life tests us,
Sinar bardoshimizni,
Tests our endurance,
Kimdir baxtga yetadi,
Some reach happiness,
Kimdir orzu qiladi.
Others only dream.
Hayot pastu baland ekan,
Life is full of ups and downs,
Har kim ham mard emas ekan,
Not everyone is brave,
Ishonmasang o'zingga,
If you don't believe in yourself,
Bir kun sinib ketar ekansan.
One day you will break.
Sirtlonmasmiz, biz bo'ri,
We don't back down, we are wolves,
Bo'ri, biz bo'ri,
Wolves, we are wolves,
O'lja bo'lma, qoch yo'ldan,
Don't be prey, run from the path,
Jon shirin bo'lsa, qo'rquvda bo'rilar.
If life is dear, fear the wolves.
Kimdir yashar beg'ubora,
Some live carefree,
Kimdir esa sarsona,
Others in chaos,
Kimdir topar do'stini,
Some find a friend,
Kimdir yo'qotar uni.
Others lose them.
Hayot sinaydi bizni,
Life tests us,
Sinar bardoshimizni,
Tests our endurance,
Kimdir baxtga yetadi,
Some reach happiness,
Kimdir orzu qiladi.
Others only dream.
Hayot pastu baland ekan,
Life is full of ups and downs,
Har kim ham mard emas ekan,
Not everyone is brave,
Ishonmasang o'zingga,
If you don't believe in yourself,
Bir kun sinib ketar ekansan.
One day you will break.


Shohruhxon feat. Shahriyor - Duet Taronalar
Duet Taronalar
date de sortie

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