Shohruhxon - Bo'rilar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shohruhxon - Bo'rilar

Hayot meni yosh deb o'ylama
Don't think of me as young, my love,
Bilaman, ko'rganman dardu g'am alam tashvishni
I've seen pain, sorrow, suffering, and worry.
Ko'rdim baxtsizlik ochlikni
I've witnessed misfortune and hunger,
Shu ekan mani dardim, mani izxorim
This is my pain, my expression.
Nega xayot berildi bo'lmasa
Why was life given if not for love,
Gar xamma bir biriga tuzoq qo'ysa
If everyone sets traps for each other?
Do'st sotar do'stini, qilmay erkak ishini va yo'qotar bor vijdonni
A friend betrays a friend, forsaking his duty, losing all conscience.
Kimga keragim bor meni
Who needs me now,
Kimni do'st bilay endi
Who will I call a friend?
Sariq chaqasiz cho'ntagim oilam edi bor yo'g'im
My empty pockets with just a few coins, my family was all I had.
Qoydalar ko'mar meni qayg'uga
Rules bury me in sorrow,
Kimda mansab, kimda taxt, pul yetmoqda orzuga
Some have power, some have thrones, money fulfills their dreams.
Na mexr na oqibat yeqilmaslikka xarakat
No compassion, no consequence, just a struggle to avoid being devoured.
Yo'qchilik va sitamni tan olmas ular
They don't acknowledge poverty and oppression,
Chunki ota karvoniga ishonar
Because they trust their father's caravan.
Shunchalar boylar xam qon yeg'lar
Even the wealthy shed tears of blood,
Buni xayot deydilar.
This is what they call life.
Sirtlonmasmiz biz bo'ri
We won't slip, we are wolves,
O'z nafsimiz mag'lubi
Conquered by our own desires.
O'lja bo'lma qoch yo'ldan
Don't be prey, run from the path,
Jon shirin bo'lsa qo'r unda bo'ridan
If you value your life, fear the wolf within.
Kimdur yashar beg'ubora
Some live carefree,
Kimdur esa sarsona
While others are lost and confused.
Kimdur topar do'stini
Some find their friends,
Kimdur yo'qotar uni
Others lose them.
Hayot sinaydi bizni
Life tests us,
Sinar bardoshimizni
It tests our endurance.
Kimdur baxtga yetadi
Some reach happiness,
Kimdur orzu qiladi
Others just dream.
Hayot pastu baland ekan
Life has its ups and downs,
Xar kim xam mard emas ekan
Not everyone is brave.
Ishonmasang o'zinga
If you don't believe in yourself,
Bir kun sinib ketar ekansan
One day you will break.
Azob ichimdadur tirnar qalbimni
Pain is within me, clawing at my heart,
Qonli yozilgandir umr daftari
My life's book is written in blood.
His qilish qiyin g'urur borini
It's hard to feel the pride that's left,
Bag'ishladim ushbu so'zlarni
I dedicate these words,
Hamma mard chin dovyuraklarga
To all the brave and true-hearted,
Ozodlik uchun kurashgan insonga
To those who fight for freedom,
O'z baxtin sotmagan chin donoga,
To the honest soul who hasn't sold their happiness.
O'z o'zimga topdim isbot
I found proof within myself,
Xaqlik uyg'otdi oxirgi najot
Truth awakened the final salvation.
Haq o'sha kimda sharaf, kimda boylik
Truth lies in honor and wealth,
Bechora mexnatkash esa kutar navbat, kutar oylik
While the poor worker waits in line, waits for his paycheck.
Ammo boyvachchalar changitib ko'chani
But the rich kids, kicking up dust on the street,
Sarf qilar ota onasini pulini
Spend their parents' money.
Albatta o'ylamas qattan keganini
Of course, they don't think about where it came from.
Bilgin xamma narsa o'zgarishi mumkin
Know that everything can change,
Bugun san shon shuxratli
Today you may be famous and successful,
Ertaga esa bo'lma tilamchi
Tomorrow you might be a beggar.
Sirtlonmasmiz biz bo'ri
We won't slip, we are wolves,
O'z nafsimiz mag'lubi
Conquered by our own desires.
O'lja bo'lma qoch yo'ldan
Don't be prey, run from the path,
Jon shirin bo'lsa qo'r unda bo'ridan
If you value your life, fear the wolf within.
Kimdur yashar beg'ubora
Some live carefree,
Kimdur esa sarsona
While others are lost and confused.
Kimdur topar do'stini
Some find their friends,
Kimdur yo'qotar uni,
Others lose them.
Hayot sinaydi bizni
Life tests us,
Sinar bardoshimizni
It tests our endurance.
Kimdur baxtga yetadi
Some reach happiness,
Kimdur orzu qiladi
Others just dream.
Hayot pastu baland ekan
Life has its ups and downs,
Xar kim xam mard emas ekan
Not everyone is brave.
Ishonmasang o'zinga
If you don't believe in yourself,
Bir kun sinib ketar ekansan
One day you will break.
Kimdur yashar beg'ubora
Some live carefree,
Kimdur esa sarsona
While others are lost and confused.
Kimdur topar do'stini
Some find their friends,
Kimdur yo'qotar uni
Others lose them.
Hayot sinaydi bizni
Life tests us,
Sinar bardoshimizni
It tests our endurance.
Kimdur baxtga yetadi
Some reach happiness,
Kimdur orzu qiladi
Others just dream.
Hayot pastu baland ekan
Life has its ups and downs,
Xar kim xam mard emas ekan
Not everyone is brave.
Ishonmasang o'zinga
If you don't believe in yourself,
Bir kun sinib ketar ekansan
One day you will break.
Hayot ko'p past baland ekan
Life has many ups and downs,
Xar kim xam mard emas ekan
Not everyone is brave.
Ishonmasang o'zinga
If you don't believe in yourself,
Bir kun sinib ketar ekansan.
One day you will break.

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