Shorty feat. Baby Dooks - Evergreen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shorty feat. Baby Dooks - Evergreen

Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živome viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živom viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Kad sam povuko prvi dim i drugi sam za njim
When I took the first puff and the second after it
Od tad inhaliram svakoga dana bilo kad i s kim
Since then I inhale every day, whenever and with whomever
Svakog trena ja i ona poput Barbike i Kena
Every moment, me and her, like Barbie and Ken
Kad može Dujmić mogu i ja za dobra stara vremena
If Dujmić can, so can I, for the good old times
U znaku cvijetka živim od petka do petka
In the sign of the flower I live from Friday to Friday
Neću stat' ni u trenutka kad ostanem bez imetka
I won't stop for a moment even when I'm broke
Nema metka koji me može zaustavit'
There's no bullet that can stop me
Svaki dan u svom životu da prestanem slavit'
From celebrating every day of my life
Nek' raste cvijeće u drveće što veće
Let the flowers grow into trees, the bigger the better
Da zbog stečaja djedu Božićnjaku napunimo vreće
To fill Santa's sack because of bankruptcy
Volim zalit' zapalit' do sitnih sati se šalit'
I love to water, light up, joke until the wee hours
S ljudima što nikad neće za parama žalit'
With people who will never regret money
Marleyja odvalit' papiri nam se brzo troše
Blast Marley, our papers run out quickly
Mi duvamo dok nam ne postane loše
We smoke until we feel sick
Ma da je ilegala ma da je dobro
Even if it were illegal, even if it were good
I možda ne bi bilo rata da ju je probo i Slobo
And maybe there wouldn't be war if Slobo had tried it too
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živome viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živom viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Jedina što nikad ne izda to je rizla
The only one who never betrays is the rolling paper
Pa je vlažim i ližem k'o da je pizda
So I wet it and lick it like it's a pussy
Može papirić ili što god duža rola
It can be a piece of paper or any longer roll
Bez obzira na tip i marku da se srola
Regardless of type and brand, to be rolled up
Di je patrola iz naših kola se dimi
Where is the patrol, smoke is coming from our car
U proljeće, u ljeto, u jesen, u zimi
In spring, summer, autumn, winter
Volimo nju k'o gitaru što je volio Jimmy
We love her like the guitar that Jimmy loved
Htjeli bi nju k'o što bi htjeli rasti eskimi
We'd like her as much as Eskimos would like to grow
Želimo nju k'o što šupak Shorty želi intervju
We want her like Shorty's asshole wants an interview
Bar u mislima da napustimo ovo sranje tu
At least in our minds, to leave this shit here
Jebo politiku vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Fuck politics, let's make love, not war
Da znam kod koga raste oš'o bi je prvi brat'
If I knew who grows it, I'd be the first brother to go
I dao svakom šat, a ako ostane za poslije
And give everyone a puff, and if there's any left for later
Neka me hapse i onako već imam dosije
Let them arrest me, I already have a record anyway
Ali i pravo glasa pa dok god ima grassa
But also the right to vote, so as long as there's grass
Hvatam se za nju za moju stabljiku spasa
I hold on to her, to my stem of salvation
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živome viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živom viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Rulja me zove na bis, al' ne da rokam diss
The crowd calls me for an encore, but not to rock a diss
Nego da svi zajedno duvamo kanabis
But to smoke cannabis all together
Govorim peace gdje god dođem nudim mir
I speak peace wherever I go, I offer peace
Kad taj veseli smotuljak pošaljem na đir
When I send that cheerful little roll on a journey
Iz ruke u ruku na razne načine vuku
From hand to hand, they pull in various ways
Dim u pluća uživajući u mom reggae zvuku
Smoke into their lungs, enjoying my reggae sound
Zaborave muku, a tome zaslužan je list
They forget their troubles, and the leaf is to thank for that
Čije vrhove kad pušim maštu mi boja k'o kist
Whose tops when I smoke, my imagination paints like a brush
A ja turist stajem na koji hoću peron
And I, a tourist, stop at any platform I want
I šta se tiče tog sam piroman k'o Neron
And in that regard, I'm a pyromaniac like Nero
Jer samo palim nepotrebno je i da se hvalim
Because I only light up, there's no need to brag
U ovom slučaju je dobar učinak i s malim
In this case, the effect is good even with a small one
Pa smotaj zapali povuci pa dodaj
So roll it up, light it up, take a drag, and pass it on
A kad ti ne budu htjeli dati na ler onda ih odaj
And when they don't want to give it to you for free, then snitch on them
Šala mala samo nek' raste i nek' je sade
Just kidding, just let it grow and let them plant it
I rolaju duže od ZZ-topovaca brade
And roll longer than ZZ Top's beards
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živome viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živom viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živom viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen
Nek' vlada mir
Let peace reign
Vodimo ljubav, a ne rat
Let's make love, not war
Slobodu svakom živom viču treba dat'
Freedom to every living being, they shout, should be given
Život je lijep jer nam je trava uvijek in
Life is beautiful because our herb is always in
Kol'ko smo napušeni mi smo evergreen
How high we are, we're evergreen

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