Shotta con Buda - El Diario de la Mama - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shotta con Buda - El Diario de la Mama

El Diario de la Mama
Mom's Diary
Siempre se niega a perder
She always refuses to lose,
Aunque no lleve la razón
Even if she's not right,
Odia las matemáticas
She hates mathematics,
Está jugando a lo gijoes
She's playing with G.I. Joes,
El canal comunitario
The community channel
En el televisor
On the television,
Viendo fútbol Tailandés
Watching Thai football,
De tercera división
Third division,
Sólo pinta castillos
She only paints castles,
Ahora siempre apura
Now she always rushes,
Los deberes a última hora
Homework at the last minute,
Le gusta chillar por los pasillos
She likes to chill in the hallways,
Mi hijo es bueno
My son is good,
Y su equipo de baloncesto
And his basketball team,
Su entrenador no apostó por él
His coach didn't bet on him,
Y se cagó en sus muertos
And he cursed his dead,
Hizo la comunión
He made his First Communion,
Y no parece que le importe
And doesn't seem to care,
No se bautizó
He wasn't baptized,
A más de un profesor
More than one teacher,
Le dio un corte
He gave a cut,
Aside from,
Al cole siempre llega tarde
He's always late for school,
Busca una excusa abusa
Looking for an excuse, abusing it,
Verás cuando llegue el padre
You'll see when the father arrives.
Sentado al final del aula
Sitting at the back of the classroom,
Se pone a dibujar a su bola
He starts drawing by himself,
Nunca presta atención
He never pays attention,
Si le pregunto me suelta una trola
If I ask him he gives me a story,
Me tomas por mongola o qué
Do you take me for a fool or what?
Se ríe de
He laughs at me,
Ya no puedo más con él
I can't take it anymore,
Me causa estrés me hace sufrir
He stresses me out, makes me suffer,
Lo consentí desde pequeño
I spoiled him since he was little,
Siempre le di lo que quiso
I always gave him what he wanted,
Le pagué todos los caprichos
I paid for all his whims,
Y ahora me saca de quicio
And now he's driving me crazy,
No entrega los ejercicios
He doesn't turn in his homework,
¡No! Veo firmas suyas
No! I see his signatures,
Por todos los edificios
All over the buildings,
No puedo más con él me asfixio
I can't take it anymore, I'm suffocating,
Me hace perder el juicio
He makes me lose my mind,
Tiene la ropa manchada
His clothes are stained,
De ir a pintarla con la bici
From going to paint with his bike,
Por toda la ciudad
All over the city,
No que hace en la calle
I don't know what he's doing in the street,
¡Es tarde!¿a quién te encontraste?
It's late! Who did you meet?
Ya no puedo más con él
I can't take it anymore,
Este niño es un desastre
This kid is a disaster,
No quiero aprender mas na me da igual
I don't want to learn anything anymore, I don't care,
Dejadme en paz, el tiempo se va solo quiero jugar
Leave me alone, time goes by, I just want to play,
Los dias pasan como el viento
The days go by like the wind,
Hago lo que siento por instinto y no lamento na
I do what I feel by instinct and I don't regret anything,
Mi hijo pasa de estudiar
My son doesn't want to study,
Sólo quiere estar en la calle
He just wants to be on the street,
Con lo grandes vacilándole
With the big guys bragging,
Y sintiéndose importante
And feeling important,
Soñaba con jugar en los mares
He dreamed of playing in the seas,
Y debutar como un gran zurdo
And debut as a great left-footed player,
Pero no valía en el fútbol
But he wasn't good at football,
Y le dio por la música rap
And he got into rap music,
Pasaba horas
He spent hours,
Encerrado en su cuarto
Locked in his room,
Con el volumen alto
With the volume up,
Un día de estos me va a dar un infarto
One of these days he's going to give me a heart attack,
Me hace gracia
I find it funny,
Que sea tan iluso
That he's so naive,
Se ve tan convencido al soltar su discurso
He looks so convinced when he gives his speech,
Que casi me lo creo incluso
That I almost believe it myself,
Lo veo difuso
I see him blurry,
No da respuesta
He doesn't answer,
Parece que hace aposta
It seems like he does it on purpose,
Lo de ser un déspota
The whole despot thing,
Cuando estamos en familia
When we're with the family,
Él siempre tiene que lucirse y dar la nota
He always has to show off and take the spotlight,
El mal rollo flota
The bad vibes float,
En el ambiente hasta que explota
In the atmosphere until it explodes,
Sal de la gravedad
Get out of gravity,
Se lo toma a broma
He takes it as a joke,
Enfermedad mortal
Fatal disease,
Visión de una familia en coma
Vision of a family in a coma,
Toma nota no importa la forma
Take note, it doesn't matter the form,
Si lo hace ponte goma
If he does, put on a rubber,
No te fíes que
Don't trust that,
No te líen déjalo en la sombra
Don't get involved, leave it in the shadows,
Es un soberbio
He's arrogant,
Si está de los nervios
If he's nervous,
No le gusta nada está en el medio
He doesn't like anything, he's in the middle,
Si mi ingenio impone su criterio
If my ingenuity imposes its criteria,
Al decir la última palabra
When saying the last word,
Lo de seguir la norma
The whole following the norm thing,
Está más olvidado que el Sahara
Is more forgotten than the Sahara,
Todo el día con la pájara
All day with the munchies,
No se le va
It won't go away,
Pienso que nunca se va a espabilar
I think he'll never wise up,
Y ya va a llegar a mayor de edad
And he's already going to be of legal age,
Saliendo por la noche
Going out at night,
Y volviendo por la mañana
And coming back in the morning,
Todo el día en coche por ahí
All day in the car out there,
Y espero que acabe pronto este drama
And I hope this drama ends soon,
No quiero aprender mas na me da igual
I don't want to learn anything anymore, I don't care,
Dejadme en paz, el tiempo se va solo quiero jugar
Leave me alone, time goes by, I just want to play,
Los dias pasan como el viento
The days go by like the wind,
Hago lo que siento por instinto y no lamento na
I do what I feel by instinct and I don't regret anything,

Writer(s): Oscar Luis Sanchez Perez, Ignacio Gonzalez Rodriguez, Pedro Pablo Benitez Marmesat

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