Shounanno Kaze - 札束 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shounanno Kaze - 札束

Wads of Bills
何かを掴む為に闘う 邪魔なんてされれば歯向かう
I fight to grab something Obstacles, I'll defy them
未来って奴は自分で作る 世界を必ず動かす
My future is made by myself The world will definitely move
※As a man, I was born So I'll go down the thorny path
一度きりの人生だから いつかは掴むあの札束
My life is only once So one day I'll grab that wad of bills
I was born to win I was born to rise to the top
始まったばかりだ ここから...※
It's only just begun From here...※
人間いつ死ぬかなんて知らねぇ 忍耐力がいるんだこのご時世
I don't know when a human being will die Patience is required in this day and age
今を生きる それじゃもの足りねぇ だからドでかい夢持ちてぇ
To live in the moment Isn't enough for me That's why I want to have a huge dream
そいつに向って走る一直線 なんでもやるから頼む 俺を使え
I'll run towards it in a straight line I'll do anything, please Use me
あの時仲間と交わした夢 大事に育むこの胸で
The dream I shared with my friends at that time I'll cherish it in my chest
The other day, I met an acquaintance at an intersection "What are you doing now?"
He looked down awkwardly and said "I quit my job yesterday and I'm unemployed now"
何があったかは聞かずとりあえず今日は朝までハシゴ 飲みに行く
I didn't ask what happened For the time being, today let's go bar hopping until morning
今が次へ旅立つのに絶好のチャンス 涙拭くタイミングなんか無く
Now is the perfect chance to set out on a new journey There's no time to wipe away tears
When we were close in age We used to look down on the adult world
いざ社会に出てみればなんにも変わらねぇ まだガキのまま
However, although we've stepped into society Nothing has changed We're still just brats
目的は焦る事ねぇ まだ妥協なんてするんじゃねぇ
Don't rush your purpose Don't compromise yet
人生は遅咲きがおいしいんだ 小さくまとまんじゃねぇ
A late bloomer is delicious in life Don't just settle down
銭の匂いに敏感になっちまった俺だけど 同じ銭なら多い方が良いじゃねえか
I've become sensitive to the smell of money But if it's money, the more the better, right?
食わしてぇ相手がいるんだよ 育ててぇ相手もいるんだよ
There's someone I want to feed There's someone I want to raise
There's someone I want to repay
As for making the future There's an important woman I've decided on
ダメなとこも互いに出し合えて いつも俺をデカくさせてくれる
We can share our weak points with each other She always makes me bigger
この歌に心を込めて 二人でどんな壁も越えて
I put my heart into this song Together we'll overcome any wall
いつかお前を幸せにする 俺は男になりてぇ
One day I'll make you happy I want to become a man
頑張れ... きっとお前なら頑張れる 頑張れる...
Do your best... Surely you can do your best You can do your best...

Writer(s): Minmi, Shock Eye, minmi, shock eye

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