Shoxrux - Abadiya - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shoxrux - Abadiya

My name is banda!
My name is man!
Hatari baloyi kulfatdir, imtihonim to ruhim tanda
Danger, misfortune, and calamity are tests; my spirit endures.
Bir kunimda misoli elman yoki to'zoni bo'ron
My days are like an apple or a dust storm.
Holatim har ne amalim imkon sari
My state, all my actions, strive towards possibility.
Yaxshi yomonimni poylar tarozi mezon
My good and bad are weighed on the scales of criteria.
Safari umrim asari bir ulug' devon
The journey of my life is a work of a great anthology.
Taxminan 100 yil davomidagi bo'lgan
Approximately 100 years in duration.
Bu juda oz muhlatga bitilgan begumon
This is written in a very short time, undoubtedly.
24000 ming nafas, berildi kuni tuniga
24,000 breaths given day and night.
Mo'jizalari umuman borib aqlimga sig'mas
Miracles that my mind cannot comprehend.
Osmoni koinot, milli-milliard yulduzga qarab turib...
Looking at the sky, the universe, billions upon billions of stars...
Tom ketmasligini kuzatmadim o'zimda
I haven't noticed my roof flying off.
Shamsu qamar itoatidan tafakkurim teran
From the obedience of the sun and moon, my thoughts are deep.
Bu borlig'ning oxiri borib to'xtaydigan makoni mavjudmikan?
Does this existence have an end, a place to stop?
Savolim xuddi bir belibos!
My question is like a naked soul!
Abadiya is no vicinity
Eternity is no vicinity,
Sense of being is beyond bounds of my mind
The sense of being is beyond the bounds of my mind.
Abadiya saps my sanities
Eternity saps my sanities,
Leaving mysteries all behind shining stars
Leaving mysteries all behind shining stars.
Mikro, neyroning manam ulug' umidvor
Micro, my neurons, I am a great hope.
Tavba bor ekan, demak maxfirat ham bor
As there is repentance, so there is forgiveness.
Ximmatimni baland parvozga berdim
I gave my courage to a high flight.
Xotirjam tomoshabinman, o'zi man bilan mano
I am a calm observer, meaning itself with me.
Nima g'am?
What is the worry?
Mikro, neyroning manam ulug' umidvor
Micro, my neurons, I am a great hope.
Tavba bor ekan, demak maxfirat ham bor
As there is repentance, so there is forgiveness.
Ximmatimni baland parvozga berdim
I gave my courage to a high flight.
Xotirjam tomoshabinman, o'zi man bilan mano
I am a calm observer, meaning itself with me.
Vujudim salomat lekin yuragim hastadir
My body is healthy, but my heart is sick.
Dardimga topilmas tabib
There is no healer for my pain.
Agarda da'vosi bo'lsa ham negiz behuda
Even if there is a claim, it is essentially in vain.
Bu hammasi gar etmasa nasib
All of this, if it is not fate.
Iltijo sari, inonib etgani qiyin bo'lgan...
Towards supplication, trusting it was difficult to reach...
Manzilni kezdim har zamon mano
I wandered the destination, always meaning with me.
Bo'lishi mumkin emas degan narsaning o'zi ham yo'qdir
There is no such thing as impossible.
Bu olam mo'jizli usti ost!
This world is a miracle, upside down!
Ertak ro'yo u rost!
Fairy tales and dreams they are true!
Abadiya is no vicinity
Eternity is no vicinity,
Sense of being is beyond bounds of my mind
The sense of being is beyond the bounds of my mind.
Abadiya saps my sanities
Eternity saps my sanities,
Leaving mysteries all behind shining stars
Leaving mysteries all behind shining stars.

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