Shoxrux - Baxtli Bo'l - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shoxrux - Baxtli Bo'l

Baxtli Bo'l
Be Happy
Assalom-u Aleykum!
Man hozir bandman
I'm busy right now.
Nima gapiz bo′lsa signaldan keyin qoldiring
Please leave a message after the beep.
Qaleysan yaxshimisan?
How are you? Are you doing well?
Sanga rosa telefon qildim...
I called you so many times...
Bir ikkita gaplar bor edi sanga aytadigan
I had a few things to tell you.
Lekin, topolmadim sani!
But, I couldn't reach you!
Do you remember?
Sani birinchi birinchi marta ko'rganimda...
When I first saw you...
Har-xil narsalarni soragandey bo′lib...
As if asking all sorts of things...
Sanga tikilib qarab turaverardim
I kept staring at you.
O'shanda "Ey Xudo!
Back then, "Oh God!
Shu qiz ketib qolmasin" deb so'raganman Xudodan
May this girl not leave" I asked God.
Ismingni bilgim kegan
I wanted to know your name.
San bilan gaplashgim kegan o′shanda rosa
I really wanted to talk to you back then.
Telefonda gaplashganingda ko′zlaring bilan manga yo osmonga
When you talked on the phone, you looked at me or the sky.
O'tgan ketgan odamlarga qararding
You looked at the people passing by.
Sani ko′zlaring dunyodagi eng chiroyli ko'zlar!
Your eyes are the most beautiful eyes in the world!
Qo′llaring nozikkina
Your hands are delicate.
Har bir harakating o'zinga yarashib turadi
Every movement of yours suits you.
Man haqimda soraganingda xursand bo′p ketganman
I was happy when you asked about me.
Ichimda ozgina sandan umid borligidan
Because there was a little hope for you inside me.
Sani uchratgan kunimni hech qachon unutmiman!
I will never forget the day I met you!
(Sani uchratgan kunimni hech qachon unutmiman!)
(I will never forget the day I met you!)
Sani o'ylab tong otadi, kun botadi
The day dawns and the sun sets thinking of you.
Man san uchun borimni beraman!
I will give everything I have for you!
Man san bilan har qancha yo'qchiliga chiday olaman!
I can endure any hardship with you!
Lekin, sani bunga tortishim...
But, to drag you into this...
San uchun javob berishim noto′g′ri!
It's not right for me to hold you responsible!
(Sani uchratgan kunimni hech qachon unutmiman!)
(I will never forget the day I met you!)
"Man uchun kurashmadi...
"He didn't fight for me...
Mani boshqalarga berib qo'yyapti"
He's giving me to others"
Deb o′ylab mandan nafratlanma iltimos
Please don't hate me for thinking that.
Man sani o'ylavoman faqat
I only think of you.
Chunki san dunyoda eng baxtli inson bo′lishing kere!
Because you should be the happiest person in the world!
Sani xafa qilgan bo'lsam mani kechir
Forgive me if I upset you.
Mani rostakam yaxshi ko′rsen manga yordam ber!
If you truly love me, help me!
Baxtli yasha, o'shanda man sani ko'rib yashashga intilaman!
Live happily, then I will strive to live seeing you happy!
To′yim bovotti Shox deganinda...
When they said at your wedding that your husband's name is Shox...
Hotirjamligingni ko′rib xursand bo'ldim
I was happy to see your peace of mind.
Chunki, tushundim!
Because, I understood!
Ota-onanga yo′q desang sani yomon qiynashardi
If you said no to your parents, they would have tormented you badly.
Buni mandan yaxshi bilasan
You know this better than me.
Hamma ota-onaga farzandini baxti kerak
Every parent wants their child's happiness.
Ular sani o'ylab baquvvatroq joyga berishyapti
They are giving you to a more secure place, thinking of you.
Ular uchun sevgi o′z yo'liga
For them, love takes its own path.
Hayot bo′lsa o'zing bilasan qanaqaligini
Life will show you how it is.
San hech narsaga muhtoj bo'lmasdan yashashing kerak!
You should live without needing anything!
Man oyoqqa turgunumcha hali bor
I still have a long way to go until I'm on my feet.
Man sani hech qachon unutmayman!
I will never forget you!
Yuragimda, ko′z oldimda bo′lasan har doim!
You will always be in my heart, in my mind!
San shuni bilib qo'y!
Just know that!
(Man sani hech qachon unutmiman!)
(I will never forget you!)
(Man sani bir umrga sevaman!)
(I will love you forever!)

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