Shoxrux - Crush - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shoxrux - Crush

Qasam ichma yigit, bo'yingdan baland sakrama
Don't swear, young man, don't jump higher than you can reach
So'z berib, so'z ustida tura olmasang, o'zingni "yigitman" deb atama
If you give your word and can't keep it, don't call yourself a "man"
Toshingga berkinma, ha bosa-bos, man
Don't hide behind your stone, yes, step by step, I
Oldi-berdi, bordi-keldi, shuri-muri, biznes o'z o'rni bilan
Give and take, comings and goings, this and that, business in its place
Oradagi xulosa boshqa, oqibat boshqa
The conclusion between us is different, the consequence is different
Ertangi kunimizdagi bir-birimizni ko'rishni
Not wanting to see each other in our tomorrow
Xohlamay, telefonlar ko'tarilmasligi boshqa
And not answering the phones, that's different
Конкретный игнор, tarang qilganda ham buzilmas poydevor
Concrete ignoring, a foundation that won't break even when strained
Ha, tog'ri endi,
Yeah, that's right now,
Ba'zi bir odamlar kaltak yemasa, o'nglanishi bir og'ir masala
For some people, if they don't get beaten, fixing them is a difficult matter
Размахом бита boshga, aql joyida, все нормально
With a swing of the bat to the head, the mind is in place, everything is normal
Shunaqa tarbiyaviy профилактика
Such a preventive measure
Vaqti bilan qo'llanish kerak bo'lgan bir практика
A practice that needs to be applied from time to time
Так что, не путай, man
So, don't confuse, I
Crush funny-funny-funny, обломда hamma crush
Crush funny-funny-funny, everyone's crush is a bummer
Atrofda суета, u manda tagi no trash
There's a fuss around, but I have no trash
Hech kimga ahamiyatim yo'q, улибка cheers
I don't care about anyone, smile cheers
Походу crush, I gotta crush my enemies
Looks like a crush, I gotta crush my enemies
Crush funny-funny-funny, обломда hamma crush
Crush funny-funny-funny, everyone's crush is a bummer
Atrofda суета, u manda tagi no trash
There's a fuss around, but I have no trash
Hech kimga ahamiyatim yo'q, улибка cheers
I don't care about anyone, smile cheers
Походу crush, I gotta crush my enemies
Looks like a crush, I gotta crush my enemies
O'zingni sher deb bilma, ichingdagi quyonni kibri havoga solma
Don't think you're a lion, don't let the rabbit inside you get cocky
Baribir kesak kerilib, chiranganida ham toshga o'xshamas
It still won't resemble a stone even when it's chipped and rotten
Qurama-yasama qilib yashaganing, hayotingni o'zgartira olmas
Living artificially won't change your life
Boshingda гель, ustingda спонтом кутурье,
Gel on your head, a spontaneous couturier on you,
Asari-alya, Mr. Shrapnel
Work of art, Mr. Shrapnel
Ey, manga yoqmaydi o'xshamagan
Hey, I don't like your fake
Taqlidlaring, yarashmagan манера, gap so'zlaring
Imitations, mismatched manner, your words
И так далее там (Ou)
And so on there (Ou)
Gapirsa gap ko'p, чижик-пижик
He talks a lot, chirp-chirp
Не гони, не рискуй, тише води, ниже травы
Don't rush, don't risk it, drive quieter, lower than the grass
A? Nima qilasan boshinga baloni orttirib?
Huh? Why are you bringing trouble upon yourself?
Kimning kimligini, qayerdan va kim biladi, qay darajada xavfli?
Who knows who's who, where they're from, and to what extent they're dangerous?
Suhbatda не тупи, gap sotar bo'lma (Check it out)
Don't be stupid in conversation, don't sell words (Check it out)
Yoki bir holat borki: yaxshiga yaxshi, yomonga yomon
Or there's a situation: good for the good, bad for the bad
Crush funny-funny-funny, обломда hamma crush
Crush funny-funny-funny, everyone's crush is a bummer
Atrofda суета, u manda tagi no trash
There's a fuss around, but I have no trash
Hech kimga ahamiyatim yo'q, улибка cheers
I don't care about anyone, smile cheers
Походу crush, I gotta crush my enemies
Looks like a crush, I gotta crush my enemies
Crush funny-funny-funny, обломда hamma crush
Crush funny-funny-funny, everyone's crush is a bummer
Atrofda суета, u manda tagi no trash
There's a fuss around, but I have no trash
Hech kimga ahamiyatim yo'q, улибка cheers
I don't care about anyone, smile cheers
Походу crush, I gotta crush my enemies
Looks like a crush, I gotta crush my enemies
Qayerga bormasang, ko'rsatiladigan barmoqlar man tomonga cho'zilar
Wherever you go, the pointing fingers stretch towards me
Tepadan pastga qarashadi: bo'yoqga chaplangan ko'zlar (Aha)
They look down from above: eyes painted with paint (Aha)
Xuddi bir arpasini xom o'rganimdek, manga manmanlik bilan qarab
As if I'm their raw barley, looking at me with arrogance
Eshitiladigan darajada: "Voy qara, anu bolaku!"
Loud enough to hear: "Look, that boy!"
Deb критика qilish bilan band, qarab qolsam, xursand, o'zida yo'q!
Busy criticizing, if I look, they're happy, they have no shame!
Yo, listen up ladies va o'zini baland tutgan mallasochlar
Yo, listen up ladies and arrogant fools
Французский atir surib, boshimni qotirganlar
Those who annoy me with French perfume
Manga farqi yo'q, кто ты там есть, umuman qiziqmas!
I don't care who you are, I'm not interested at all!
O'zingni "Voy man chiroyliman" deb faqatgina o'zing bilasan
Only you know that you think, "Oh, I'm beautiful"
Конечно, mundoq olib qaraganda javob, unaqa emas
Of course, looking at it like this, the answer is not so
Ensalaringni qotirganing неоправдано, as-as
You've stiffened your necks unjustifiably, really

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