Shy One - Comfortable - Numan Remix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Shy One - Comfortable - Numan Remix

Comfortable - Numan Remix
Comfortable - Numan Remix
If somebody loves me 我會因此滿足
If somebody loves me you make me satisfied
You needn't worry about me, I'll be fine
我沒關係 Okay 不用為我費心也可以
I'm alright, Okay. You needn't bother about me
以後不會後悔 yeah 就算是非常短暫的時間裡 也讓我為了我自己放寬心
Won't regret later, yeah, even it's short-lived, let me relax for myself
現在 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
Now relax, relax, relax
我也 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
I relax, relax, relax
你也 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
You relax, relax, relax
全部都 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
We all relax, relax, relax
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
Waking up in the evening to see my phone shows
Two missed calls from Mom
I thought I'd call back right away but let it go
My mood was a little off today
I wasn't prepared enough
卻展現出來了的 我的樣子 非常後悔
Yet I showed my feelings, I really regret it
可是又能怎樣呢 沒錯 是我的不對
Oh, but what can I do? It's true, it's my fault
連著幾年都一樣呢 I'm gonna be a man
For years it's been the same, I'm gonna be a man
不管別人說什麼 在公司裡我的存在感太小了 can't see me
No matter what others say, my presence in the company is too small, can't see me
看看別人成功的時候 莫名其妙的
Look at others when they succeed, inexplicably
只有內心的焦慮 在成倍地增加 就像小孩子一樣
Only the anxiety in my heart increases, like a child
得到認證的那天起 就重新開始準備了 現在練習室是我的 home sweet home
From the day you got certified, let's start over, now the studio is my home sweet home
我知道 喜歡我RAP的人可能很少吧
I know, there may not be many people who like my rap
But even this I don't know when
就用上的16句歌詞 也要全部寫出來 才能稍微安心
I have to write down all the 16 lyrics I use, so I can be a little relieved
If somebody loves me 我會因此滿足
If somebody loves me you make me satisfied
You needn't worry about me, I'll be fine
我沒關係 Okay 不用為我費心也可以
I'm alright, Okay. You needn't bother about me
以後不會後悔 yeah 就算是非常短暫的時間裡 也讓我為了我自己放寬心
Won't regret later, yeah, even it's short-lived, let me relax for myself
現在 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
Now relax, relax, relax
我也 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
I relax, relax, relax
你也 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
You relax, relax, relax
全部都 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
We all relax, relax, relax
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
Live my life 這樣我會安心點
Live my life. This will make me more at ease
It'll get old naturally anyway
但是 和爸爸媽媽一起度過的時間
But how much time do I have left with Mom and Dad?
還剩下多少呢 只想著這些悲傷的事
I just think about sad things
會喘不過氣來 想要快點成為
I'm short of breath and want to quickly become
能讓我安心的好女人的老公 可是我現在
A husband to a good woman who can make me feel at ease. But now
卻是連自己都 照顧不好的 孩子啊孩子
I'm still a child who can't even take care of myself
在每個無法入眠的夜晚 喝過的酒都應該趕緊消化掉 希望將來和我一起生活的
On every sleepless night, the alcohol I've drunk should be digested quickly. I hope that in the future, the one
某位 想起我的時候 能少計較一些
Who thinks of me will be less demanding
讓我的價值再上升一點 除了一個人吃飯以外 sweeeet 單身生活 寂寞的身體中
Let my value increase a little, besides eating alone, sweeeet, single life, in a lonely body
只有脂肪頑固不掉呢 人生中的幾個場面
Only fat is stubborn and doesn't go away. A few scenes in life
會在孤獨的時候想起 一個人喝啤酒
Will be remembered in lonely times, drinking beer alone
喝多了就會發現 只有小肚子在鼓起
Drink too much and you'll find that only your belly is growing
我的話呢 happy ending就算了吧
As for me, forget about happy endings
But in the closing credits of my film
一定要將愛過我的所有人的名字 全部都寫上
I must write down the names of all who have loved me
I want I want I want it al
I want, I want, I want it al
L I want I want I want it all
L I want, I want, I want it all
Ayo ONE 不要慌 Stay focused 就那樣去做吧 跟你的名字一樣 One day One verse
Ayo ONE, don't panic, stay focused, just go do it, like your name, One day, One verse
對啊哥 人氣對我來說沒什麼用
Yeah, bro, popularity is nothing to me
To the rappers above me
什麼時候都say wassup
Always say wassup
Simon D哥 能照顧哥的女人又會是誰呢
Brother Simon D, who will take care of his woman?
休息的日子裡不要再喝酒了 好好地睡一覺吧
Don't drink anymore on your days off, get a good night's sleep
Okay 也不要再去想了 不要再想
Okay, don't think about it anymore, don't think about it anymore
我也要像今天一樣 沒有理由地晚安
I'm gonna have a good night's sleep too, without reason, like today
現在 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
Now relax, relax, relax
我也 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
I relax, relax, relax
你也 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
You relax, relax, relax
全部都 放寬心 放寬心 放寬心
We all relax, relax, relax
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)
I'm gonna be (be comfortable)

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