Moja Reč feat. Alan Murin - Lietačky - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Moja Reč feat. Alan Murin - Lietačky

Jebla si dverami a v tom si preč,
You slammed the door and vanished in a flash,
Vraj nemám byť zvedavý ako žiješ,
Saying I shouldn't be curious about your life,
Nie, asi nestačí ak odídeš,
No, it's not enough to just walk away,
Blokla si do 5 minút všade
You blocked me everywhere within 5 minutes
Všade, všade, do piče.
Everywhere, everywhere, damn it.
Ty a ja sme zippo s kanistrom,
You and I are like a lighter and a gas can,
Chyť sa ma a iskra z toho isto spáli dom,
Touch me and the spark will surely burn the house down,
Kričala si, sa triasol pri tom nábytok,
You screamed so loud the furniture trembled,
My dvaja horíme vášnivo, stačí sa vidieť naživo.
We two burn passionately, just seeing each other is enough.
Hádžeme atómové bomby, keď to bolí,
We throw atomic bombs when it hurts,
Chápem, že potrebuješ oddych, nie som sprostý.
I understand you need a break, I'm not stupid.
V aute to ticho medzi nami trhá uši,
The silence in the car between us is deafening,
Z tváre mi vidno, že aj s nervami ťa ľúbim.
From my face you can see that I love you even with your nerves.
Urobil som päsťou dieru, dieru do steny,
I punched a hole, a hole in the wall,
Veľkú dieru do steny, hora stresu, problémy,
A big hole in the wall, a mountain of stress, problems,
Kopa revu, to sme my, to je denne, to je nič,
A bunch of yelling, that's us, that's daily, that's nothing,
Boh vie, že sme stvorení pre seba,
God knows we're made for each other,
Chceme sa nielen v posteli.
We want each other not only in bed.
Alan Murín:
Alan Murín:
Mars, venuša a láska,
Mars, Venus, and love,
Ktorá ma za inou nepustí.
That won't let me go to another.
Vieš dobre, že ty máš ma,
You know well that you have me,
Aj keď niekedy netuším.
Even though sometimes I have no clue.
Nevadí budem hádať,
It doesn't matter, I'll guess,
Prečo mi dvere leteli.
Why the door flew at me.
Mars, venuša a láska,
Mars, Venus, and love,
Ja ťa nikdy neopustím.
I will never leave you again.
Bola to razia - do môjho srdca, ktoré si si
It was a raid - on my heart, which you
Potom odniesla v zuboch, láska si kanibal.
Then carried away in your teeth, love is a cannibal.
Hádam, že patrí sa poďakovať za všetko,
I guess it's appropriate to say thank you for everything,
Muchas gracias, ležím na zemi ako laminát.
Muchas gracias, I'm lying on the floor like laminate.
Kričím do tmy - pavián,
I scream into the darkness - like a baboon,
Prázdny jak tábory po prázdninách,
Empty like camps after the holidays,
Nálada je mrazivá.
The mood is freezing.
Keď sme sa našli, čumel som na teba asi jak,
When we found each other, I stared at you like,
Windowshopper na výklad, si moja slabina.
A window shopper at a display, you're my weakness.
Stále to cítim v slabinách, chceš nech sa boh smeje
I still feel it in my loins, you want God to laugh
Urob si plány a teraz jazdím pološialený mestom,
Make your plans and now I'm driving half-crazy through the city,
Stav mysle robert de niro taxikár,
My state of mind is like Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver,
Na dne pohára ostala iba patina.
Only patina remains at the bottom of the glass.
Viem, musela si végh - attila,
I know, you had to be Végh - Attila,
Bola si zlatá, sladká ako sangria.
You were golden, sweet as sangria.
Potom si sa zbalila, papa, chladná jak platina,
Then you packed up, bye-bye, cold as platinum,
A ja som ostal trčať v depresívnych bažinách.
And I was left stuck in depressive swamps.
Nevrátiš sa, zbláznim sa, život je kravina,
You won't come back, I'll go crazy, life is bullshit,
Snažím sa odmotať, stále viac ma to navíja.
I'm trying to unwind, it keeps winding me up more.
Láska je tichý zabijak, mení tváre jak ária,
Love is a silent killer, changing faces like an aria,
Straty a nálezy - keby tak našli mňa.
Lost and found - if only they found me.
Alan Murín:
Alan Murín:
Mars, venuša a láska,
Mars, Venus, and love,
Ktorá ma za inou nepustí.
That won't let me go to another.
Vieš dobre, že ty máš ma,
You know well that you have me,
Aj keď niekedy netuším.
Even though sometimes I have no clue.
Nevadí budem hádať,
It doesn't matter, I'll guess,
Prečo mi dvere leteli.
Why the door flew at me.
Mars, venuša a láska,
Mars, Venus, and love,
Ja ťa nikdy neopustím.
I will never leave you again.
Sí, seňorita,
Sí, señorita,
Ďakujem, že si, že si plníš sny.
Thank you for being, for fulfilling your dreams.
Ja teraz spím, stratený sám,
I'm sleeping now, lost and alone,
Jebať na mňa, hlavne, že sa máš fajn...
Fuck me, as long as you're doing fine...
Sí, seňorita,
Sí, señorita,
Ďakujem, že si, že si plníš sny.
Thank you for being, for fulfilling your dreams.
Ja teraz spím, stratený sám,
I'm sleeping now, lost and alone,
Jebať na mňa, hlavne, že sa máš fajn...
Fuck me, as long as you're doing fine...
Ty ma poznáš viacej, ako
You know me more than
Sa ja poznám seba sám.
I know myself.
Čítam pohľad z tváre, ľahko,
I read the look on your face, easily,
Ja ťa počkám, nemaj strach.
I'll wait for you, don't worry.
Dýchaj zvoľna, máme čas,
Breathe slowly, we have time,
Na to nie je žiaden zákon.
There's no law against it.
Iskra v očiach, žiaden plast,
Spark in your eyes, no plastic,
Melú o nás dokola, ale na čo.
They talk about us all the time, but why.
Alan Murín:
Alan Murín:
Mars, venuša a láska,
Mars, Venus, and love,
Ktorá ma za inou nepustí.
That won't let me go to another.
Vieš dobre, že ty máš ma,
You know well that you have me,
Aj keď niekedy netuším.
Even though sometimes I have no clue.
Nevadí budem hádať,
It doesn't matter, I'll guess,
Prečo mi dvere leteli.
Why the door flew at me.
Mars, venuša a láska,
Mars, Venus, and love,
Ja ťa nikdy neopustím.
I will never leave you again.

Writer(s): Jozef Engerer, Michal Pastorok, Vladimir Dupkala

Moja Reč feat. Alan Murin - Lietačky
date de sortie

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