Silente - Dvije Riječi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Silente - Dvije Riječi

Dvije Riječi
Two Words
Pričali smo dugo
We talked for a long time
Čini mi se satima
It seemed like hours to me
Platio sam zvijeri
I paid the beast
Tri Zeusove kćeri
Three daughters of Zeus
Da brane prilaz vratima
To guard the entrance to the door
Sva straža ovog svijeta
All the guards of this world
Sačuvala nas ne bi
Couldn't have saved us
Ni amajlije po zidovima
Not even the amulets on the walls
Ne štite k'o što trebale bi
Don't protect as they should
Dvije riječi, poruše sve redom
Two words, they tear everything down
Dvije riječi, glasne k'o stampedo
Two words, loud as a stampede
Dvije riječi, preko naših prsa pređu
Two words, they cross over our chests
Bože, što se događa, tu na ovom stageu?
God, what's happening, here on this stage?
Hajde, zaori dublje
Come on, dig deeper
Rastvori ove prazne grudi
Open up this empty chest
Pazi glavu, čuvaj prste
Watch your head, mind your fingers
Kad samoća iz njih prsne
When loneliness bursts out of it
Prolije se i poludi
Spills over and goes crazy
Sva straža ovog svijeta
All the guards of this world
Sačuvala nas ne bi
Couldn't have saved us
Ni amajlije po zidovima
Not even the amulets on the walls
Ne štite k'o što trebale bi
Don't protect as they should
Dvije riječi, poruše sve redom
Two words, they tear everything down
Dvije riječi, glasne k'o stampedo
Two words, loud as a stampede
Dvije riječi, preko naših prsa pređu
Two words, they cross over our chests
Bože, što se događa, tu na ovom stageu?
God, what's happening, here on this stage?
Sva straža ovog svijeta
All the guards of this world
Sačuvala nas ne bi
Couldn't have saved us
Ni amajlije po zidovima
Not even the amulets on the walls
Ne štite k'o što trebale bi
Don't protect as they should
Dvije riječi, poruše sve redom
Two words, they tear everything down
Dvije riječi, glasne k'o stampedo
Two words, loud as a stampede
Dvije riječi, preko naših prsa pređu
Two words, they cross over our chests
Bože, što se događa, tu na ovom stageu?
God, what's happening, here on this stage?

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Tibor Karamehmedoviä†, Sanin Karamehmedoviä†

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