Silvito el Libre - Enemigo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Silvito el Libre - Enemigo

Y si no me conoces
And if you don't know me
Que te ocurre conmigo?
What's wrong with you and me?
Dime porqué motivo
Tell me why
Quieres ser mi enemigo
You want to be my enemy
Y si no me conoces
And if you don't know me
Que te ocurre conmigo?
What's wrong with you and me?
Dime porqué motivo
Tell me why
Quieres ser mi enemigo
You want to be my enemy
Vivimos en un mundo loco
We live in a crazy world
Los problemas que aparecen se pegan como los mocos
The problems that appear stick like snot
Siempre llega alguien que quiere cogerte pa su foco
There's always someone who wants to take you for their fool
Como si los royos de esta vida parecieran poco
As if the troubles of this life weren't enough
Constante choco con tipos convertidos en hienas
I constantly run into guys turned into hyenas
Que en vez de neuronas llevan algo sucio que envenena
Instead of neurons, they carry something dirty that poisons
Hay personas nulas que no ligan con la gente buena
There are worthless people who don't connect with good people
Pues no sienten pena de entrometerse en la vida ajena
Well, they don't feel bad about meddling in other people's lives
Palabras de desprecio cualquiera coloca
Anyone can throw words of contempt
Porque hay quien no tiene na que hacer y en lo tuyo se enfoca
Because there are those who have nothing to do and focus on your business
Pasas a ser parte de su pensamiento y se sofoca
You become part of their thoughts and they suffocate
Que el solo se troca, se equivoca, poniendo nombres en su boca
They alone change, they are wrong, putting names in their mouth
Producto del efecto de la coca
Product of the cocaine effect
Aún metido en asuntos y situaciones que no le toca
Still involved in matters and situations that don't concern them
Se le cae la cara de vergüenza cuando se lo chocan
Their face falls with shame when they are confronted
Al final la gente loca, te alocan como una loca
In the end, crazy people, drive you crazy like a lunatic
La vida es loca, muy impredecible yunta
Life is crazy, a very unpredictable partner
Cuando mas tranquilo, descubres que alguien te apunta
When you're most calm, you discover that someone is pointing at you
Se lleva junta y usa todas las bajesas juntas
They join forces and use all the baseness together
Hasta que le demuestres la respuesta para sus preguntas
Until you show them the answer to their questions
Y no hay remedio cuando los errores pesan
And there's no remedy when mistakes weigh heavy
No todos son presa, piensa mejor como tu te expresas
Not everyone is prey, think better about how you express yourself
Siempre hay que jugarla pues las consecuencias traen sorpresas
You always have to play it because the consequences bring surprises
Hacienta cabeza y recógete la lengua esa
Get your head together and pick up that tongue of yours
Y si no me conoces (tu sabes bien quien es)
And if you don't know me (you know who it is)
Que te ocurre conmigo?
What's wrong with you and me?
Dime porqué motivo
Tell me why
Quieres ser mi enemigo
You want to be my enemy
Y si no me conoces
And if you don't know me
Que te ocurre conmigo?
What's wrong with you and me?
Dime porqué motivo
Tell me why
Quieres ser mi enemigo
You want to be my enemy
Porqué quieres ser mi enemigo? vivir echando pestes y prejuicios
Why do you want to be my enemy? Living with pests and prejudices
Hablar desperdicios, en cualquier lugar perder el juicio
Speaking nonsense, losing your mind anywhere
Esperar el primer tema de conversación por vicio
Waiting for the first topic of conversation out of habit
Desprender la legua como la soga de un edificio
Unleashing the tongue like the rope of a building
Calumnias, chismes, descaros, puyas, bocones
Slander, gossip, nerve, taunts, loudmouths
Aunque estoy seguro que en su vida hay más complicaciones
Although I'm sure there are more complications in their lives
Problemas, familias, poco dinero, limitaciones
Problems, families, little money, limitations
Y quieren enterarse hasta del cardiolo que tu te pones
And they want to know even the underwear you wear
Chismosa, persona negativas y envidiosas
Gossipy, negative and envious people
Que le echan la culpa de sus problemas a cualquier cosa
Who blame their problems on anything
Lávese y enjuáguese con detergente de fregar loza
Wash and rinse with dishwashing detergent
Esa boca churrosa que la calle esta muy peligrosa
That filthy mouth, the street is very dangerous
Y no, no vayas a caer por un descuido
And no, don't fall for carelessness
Mejor que no, no busques lo que no se te ha perdido
It's better that you don't, don't look for what you haven't lost
Yo te lo pido
I ask you
Enfóquense en el mundo real, cojan sentido
Focus on the real world, make sense
Que algunos las redes le tiene el cerebro confundido
That some have their brains confused by social media
Y cuando chocan con problemas reales, se sienten perdidos
And when they run into real problems, they feel lost
Porque no están aptos pa un pasaje a lo desconocido
Because they are not fit for a passage to the unknown
Y si no me conoces
And if you don't know me
Que te ocurre conmigo?
What's wrong with you and me?
Dime porqué motivo
Tell me why
Quieres ser mi enemigo
You want to be my enemy
Y si no me conoces
And if you don't know me
Que te ocurre conmigo?
What's wrong with you and me?
Dime porqué motivo
Tell me why
Quieres ser mi enemigo
You want to be my enemy

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