Sima feat. Kali - Toto Leto - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sima feat. Kali - Toto Leto

Toto Leto
This Summer
Cítim vo vzduchu pohodu, kľud a
I feel calmness, peace in the air, and
Teším sa naň celý rok, a konečne je tu, mám
I'm looking forward to it all year, and finally it's here, I have
Energie toľko akoby ma kopol prúd, jaj
So much energy as if I was kicked by electricity, yeah
Slnko, voda, chill a kofoly asi za sud
Sun, water, chill and probably a barrel of cola
Počasie je dneska úplne bez chýb
The weather today is completely flawless
A tak beriem telefón a volám svojej bestie
So I'm taking my phone and calling my bestie
Verím že si hore, bejby, dúfam, že nespíš
I believe you're up, baby, I hope you're not sleeping anymore
Toľko rokov ubehlo a stále sme jak sestry
So many years have passed and we are still like sisters
Tak hudba hraj, hraj, hraj mi, hraj,
So music play, play, play for me, play,
do rana, veď spolu nám je fajn
Until the morning, because we're good together
Tlkot srdca nám určuje iba toto tempo a
The beat of our hearts sets only this tempo and
Ty si naj, naj, naj, ty si naj
You are the best, best, best, you are the best
S tebou cítim sa vždy ako v raji
I always feel like I'm in paradise with you
A iba s tebou je dokonalé každé leto
And only with you is every summer perfect
Vieš, že
You know that
Mám na srdci, niečo povedať ti chcem
I have something on my heart, I want to tell you
Toto leto s tebou sa rozjebem
This summer I'm going to tear it up with you
Jak sa patrí, veď nie moc často
As it should be, because not very often
Iba občas - mám v tom jasno
Only occasionally - I'm clear on that
Máš na srdci, niečo povedať mi chceš?
You have something on your heart, do you want to tell me?
Vyzeráš byť KO, no a ja som tiež
You look KO, and so am I
Konečne mám v tom jasno
Finally I'm clear on that
nemiešam raz to, raz to
I'm not mixing this and that anymore
Tam, kde hrá hudba, ma to láka
Wherever music plays, I am drawn to it
Postačí ju cítiť a netreba ju chápať
It is enough to feel it and there is no need to understand it
Keď ide o party, to je vzdy dobrý nápad
When it comes to partying, it's always a good idea
Napíš ma na zoznam bejby, môžeš so mnou rátať
Put me on the list, baby, you can count on me
Keď ideme my, sme ako hurikán
When we go, we are like a hurricane
Tancujeme vždy a všade, kde je dobrá muzika
We dance anytime, anywhere there is good music
DJ daj to hlasnejsie, nech mnou úplne preniká
DJ turn it up louder, let it penetrate me completely
Tancuje on, ona a aj ten najväčší puritán
He's dancing, she's dancing, even the biggest puritan is dancing
Tak hudba hraj, hraj, hraj mi, hraj,
So music play, play, play for me, play,
do rana, veď spolu nám je fajn
Until the morning, because we're good together
Tlkot srdca nám určuje iba toto tempo a
The beat of our hearts sets only this tempo and
Ty si naj, naj, naj, ty si naj
You are the best, best, best, you are the best
S tebou cítim sa vždy ako v raji
I always feel like I'm in paradise with you
A iba s tebou je dokonalé každé leto
And only with you is every summer perfect
Vieš, že
You know that
Mám na srdci, niečo povedať ti chcem
I have something on my heart, I want to tell you
Toto leto s tebou sa rozjebem
This summer I'm going to tear it up with you
Jak sa patrí, veď nie moc často
As it should be, because not very often
Iba občas - mám v tom jasno
Only occasionally - I'm clear on that
Máš na srdci, niečo povedať mi chceš?
You have something on your heart, do you want to tell me?
Vyzeráš byť KO, no a ja som tiež
You look KO, and so am I
Konečne mám v tom jasno
Finally I'm clear on that
nemiešam raz to, raz to
I'm not mixing this and that anymore
(Hej, hej, Kali)
(Hey, hey, Kali)
Dlho sme sa nevideli a ja
We haven't seen each other for a long time and I
Viem, že potrebuješ, to čo potrebujem aj ja
I know you need what I need too
Pamätáš na party, keď sme chodievali dvaja
Remember the parties when we used to go as a couple
Utrhnutí z reťaze ako nám bolo naj, jaaaaaaj
Unchained like we were at our best, yeaaah
Toto Leto bude naše ako vtedy voľakedy
This summer will be ours like it used to be
Vybehneme spolu zase, ja som v poho, ty si ready
We'll go out together again, I'm cool, you're ready
Pome vodka, gin, rum a Tatranský čaj
Let's go vodka, gin, rum and Tatra tea
A po 100 rokoch bum, bum a DJ, tak hraj nám
And after 100 years, boom, boom and DJ, play us something
Mám na srdci, niečo povedať ti chcem
I have something on my heart, I want to tell you
Toto leto s tebou sa rozjebem
This summer I'm going to tear it up with you
Jak sa patrí, veď nie moc často
As it should be, because not very often
Iba občas - mám v tom jasno
Only occasionally - I'm clear on that
Máš na srdci, niečo povedať mi chceš?
You have something on your heart, do you want to tell me?
Vyzeráš byť KO, no a ja som tiež
You look KO, and so am I
Konečne mám v tom jasno
Finally I'm clear on that
nemiešam raz to, raz to
I'm not mixing this and that anymore

Sima feat. Kali - Toto Leto (feat. Kali) - Single
Toto Leto (feat. Kali) - Single
date de sortie

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