Sima Martausová - 8:30 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sima Martausová - 8:30

O 8. hodine ráno
At 8 o'clock in the morning
Ešte v posteli som
I'm still in bed
Otvorila okno,
I opened the window,
Myšlienkam, čo nechceli,
To thoughts that didn't want to
Vypariť sa z hlavy,
Evaporate from my head,
Taktiež kvôli vzduchu,
Also for the air,
Ktorý práve prehodnotil
Which has just reconsidered
úsudky mi, či ešte stále zdravé.
My judgment of whether It's still sane.
Oči som pretrela si
I wiped my eyes
Uterákom z Billy,
With a towel from Billy,
čo sme ešte včera
That we bought yesterday
V Námestove kúpili,
In Námestove,
Akoby mi moje šťastie
As if my happiness
Tenké ľady nosili.
Carried me on thin ice.
Ach, prečo človek je tvor slabý,
Oh, why is man a weak creature,
Ale rozumný
But rational
A prečo ten, čo rád husle,
And why does he who loves the violin,
Hráva na bubny?
Play the drums?
A prečo ten, čo rád toho
And why do those who love each other
Spolu nebudú?
Not be together?
Keď si to nepovedia,
When they don't say it,
Aj tak duše ostanú im bez kľudu.
Their souls will still be restless.
sme sa naučili
We have already learned
Robiť pózy strnulé.
To make rigid poses.
Kupovať slivky,
To buy prunes,
Aj keď milujeme marhule.
Even though we love apricots.
Byť príliš dokonalí.
To be too perfect.
Byť príliš dokonalí,
To be too perfect,
Hoci práve na chybách
Although It is precisely on mistakes
Sme v lepších ľudí vyrastali.
That we have grown into better people.
Hľadala som dlho pocit,
I searched for a long time for a feeling,
Taký, čo ma omámi,
One that would intoxicate me,
Nebol v kvapkách alkoholu,
It wasn't in the drops of alcohol,
čo čašník nalial mi,
That the waiter poured me,
Nebol v mojej nepokore
It wasn't in my rebelliousness
Ani v očiach hľadiac hore.
Nor in my eyes looking up.
Ach, prečo človek je tvor slabý,
Oh, why is man a weak creature,
Ale rozumný
But rational
A prečo ten, čo rád husle,
And why does he who loves the violin,
Hráva na bubny?
Play the drums?
A prečo ten, čo rád toho
And why do those who love each other
Spolu nebudú?
Not be together?
Keď si to nepovedia,
When they don't say it,
Aj tak duše ostanú im bez kľudu.
Their souls will still be restless.
Zistila som, že len tam,
I found out that only there,
Kde prinášame obety,
Where we make sacrifices,
Hľadala som v rôznych knihách,
I searched in various books,
V medailónoch od tety.
In medallions from my aunt.
Hľadala som pravdu,
I was looking for the truth,
Ale ona si ma našla prvá.
But she found me first.
Pri prechádzke popri rieke
On a walk along the river
Zistila som zásadné,
I found out something fundamental,
že ovocie nie je chutné,
That fruit is not tasty,
Ak pri sianí nepadne
If it does not fall on
Na úrodnú pôdu.
Fertile ground.
O 8: 30 ráno som si dala iba vodu
At 8:30 in the morning I only had water
S tým, že som si prisľúbila,
With the promise to myself,
že nebudem iba hlinou.
That I will not be just clay.
Ticho, mi bude nápoj väčší
Silence, will be a stronger drink
Ako pohár s vínom.
Than a glass of wine.

Writer(s): Sima Martausova

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