Sima feat. P.A.T. - Hviezdy (feat. P.a.T.) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sima feat. P.A.T. - Hviezdy (feat. P.a.T.)

Hviezdy (feat. P.a.T.)
Stars (feat. P.a.T.)
Myslíš, že bez neho nemôžeš žiť.
You think you can't live without him.
kráča zvlášť každý sám.
You each walk separately now.
Zostal po ňom len prázdny byt.
All that's left is an empty apartment.
Holé steny a veľa rán.
Bare walls and many wounds.
Nemôžeš vrátiť ten čas a trápiť
You can't go back in time and torment
Sama seba pocitom viny.
Yourself with guilt.
Chápem čo cítiš, viem že sa mýliš,
I understand what you're feeling, I know you're wrong,
Keď si myslíš že je jediný.
When you think he's the only one.
Tancuj ako keby to byť posledný krát.
Dance like it's the last time.
Šetri si slzy a maj v hlave, že ti je fajn.
Save your tears and keep in mind that you're okay.
Ver mi, on neni jediný.
Trust me, he's not the only one.
Desať takých ako on ti nájdem do hodiny.
I'll find you ten like him within the hour.
Neplač, lebo neuvidíš hviezdy
Don't cry, because you won't see the stars
A za to on nemôže stáť.
And it's not his fault.
Pýtaš sa, kam sa podeli tie sny.
You ask yourself what happened to those dreams.
Spoločné plány a kto bol ten zlý.
Joint plans and who was the bad guy.
je len on, si len ty,
Now it's just him, now it's just you,
Tak žiadne spolu a žiadne vy.
So no more together and no more you.
Lebo život ide ďalej aj bez neho.
Because life goes on without him.
Užívaj si každý deň a zabudni na neho.
Enjoy every day and forget about him.
Rozhodol sa práve vtedy, keď odišiel za inou.
He decided right when he left for another.
Teraz ti je jasné, že ženy jeho slabinou.
Now it's clear to you that women are his weakness.
Nemôžeš vrátiť ten čas a trápiť
You can't go back in time and torment
Sama seba pocitom viny.
Yourself with guilt.
Chápem čo cítiš, viem že sa mýliš,
I understand what you're feeling, I know you're wrong,
Keď si myslíš že je jediný.
When you think he's the only one.
Tancuj ako keby to byť posledný krát.
Dance like it's the last time.
Šetri si slzy a maj v hlave, že ti je fajn.
Save your tears and keep in mind that you're okay.
Ver mi, on neni jediný.
Trust me, he's not the only one.
Desať takých ako on ti nájdem do hodiny.
I'll find you ten like him within the hour.
Neplač, lebo neuvidíš hviezdy
Don't cry, because you won't see the stars
A za to on nemôže stáť.
And it's not his fault.
To čo sme budovali roky si tak neúctivo pochovala.
You so disrespectfully buried what we built for years.
Do očí sa mi pri tom pozerala.
All the while looking me in the eye.
Vysvetliť ti to ako človeka si ma to ani nenehala.
You didn't even let me explain it to you like a human being.
Zavrela si dvere a neverila.
You closed the door and didn't believe.
Nahováraš si, že takých ako som ja si nájdeš na každom rohu,
You're telling yourself that you'll find someone like me on every corner,
No sama dobre vieš, že je to klam.
But you know very well that's a lie.
Tie roky čo sme spolu prežili preč a vravíš chvalabohu,
Those years we spent together are gone and you say thank God,
Povedz mi prečo sypeš toľko rán.
Tell me why you're causing so many wounds.
My dávno neexistujeme ako pár.
We haven't existed as a couple for a long time.
Ani pár chvíľ, nepamätám ako bolo fajn.
Not even a few moments, I don't remember how it felt to be alright.
Ale daj nám iba trochu času, pome daj.
But give us just a little time, come on.
Nezabúdame na seba, to si dobre pamätaj.
We don't forget about each other, remember that well.
Tancuj ako keby to byť posledný krát.
Dance like it's the last time.
Šetri si slzy a maj v hlave, že ti je fajn.
Save your tears and keep in mind that you're okay.
Ver mi, on neni jediný.
Trust me, he's not the only one.
Desať takých ako on ti nájdem do hodiny.
I'll find you ten like him within the hour.
Neplač, lebo neuvidíš hviezdy
Don't cry, because you won't see the stars
A za to on nemôže stáť.
And it's not his fault.

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