SIMA - Klasicky - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction SIMA - Klasicky

Hentá je zgechlená, hentá zas hrozná,
That one's plastered, that one's awful,
Hentá frajera a hentá ma pozná,
That one has a boyfriend and that one already knows me,
Hentá je fajn, no vyzerá nepovolná,
That one's alright, but looks unapproachable,
Hentá nalavo vyzerá, že bude dobrá.
That one on the left looks like she'll be good.
Stav sa, že dnes pôjde so mnou,
Bet that one's going home with me tonight,
Stav sa, že si ju vezmem domov,
Bet I'll take her back to my place,
Stav sa, že ju napíšem na zoznam,
Bet I'll add her to the list,
Jak sa voláš a odkiaľ ťa poznám??
What's your name and where do I know you from??
Kukni na riť jak bonbón,
Look at that ass like a candy,
Skúsim na ňu hrať ten bontón,
I'll try playing the gentleman with her,
S kým si tu?? - milý podtón,
Who are you here with?? - she gives a sweet undertone,
Ahoj kráska, dáš mi svoj fón?
Hey beautiful, can I get your number?
Každý druhý vraví poď von,
Every other guy says let's go out,
Krásne oči, úsmev - som v tom,
Beautiful eyes, smile - I'm smitten,
Chce dať vraj večeru gordon,
He wants to give her a Gordon Ramsay dinner,
Film, volá ťa na svoj dom dom.
A movie, invites her to his house.
Hentá je sexi no príliš spotená,
That one's sexy but too sweaty,
Hentá tam si ťa stále obzerá,
That one over there keeps looking at you,
Hentá sa mi zdá jak moc umelá,
That one seems too fake to me,
A hentú dneska zvarím, vyzerá zo vzťahu zlomená.
And I'll get that one tonight, she looks heartbroken.
pocit, že je úplne okej,
He feels like it's totally okay,
Brať každú iba ako trofej,
To take each one just as a trophy,
Nevyjde tak skúsi na ďalšej,
If it doesn't work out, he'll try the next one,
Povie jej presne to čo každej.
He'll tell her exactly what he tells everyone.
Zmizni s tou stratégiou vadnou niekam preč, mou
Get lost with that flawed strategy somewhere far away, boo,
Lavou zadnou zničím tvoje ego a nedám reč, wou
I'll destroy your ego with my left hand and won't let you speak, woo,
Práve dnes si hodil loptičku do výšky a mne na smeč, uuu
Just today you threw the ball high and right into my smash, uuu
Koho to zaujíma, že práve zabudla som ten text, ups.
Who cares that I just forgot the lyrics, oops.
Skúša to na každú takticky,
He tries it on every girl tactically,
Neoriginálne - klasicky,
Unoriginal - classically,
Tak fejkovo romanticky,
So fake romantically,
Nevydalo ako vždycky.
It didn't work out as usual.
Skúša to na každú typicky,
He tries it on every girl typically,
Chcel by sa zblížiť fyzicky,
He wants to get physically close,
Pozri sa na to logicky,
Look at it logically,
Ideš na to moc klasicky.
You're going about it too classically.
Série, série, vraví jak dáva tie série,
Series, series, he talks about how he scores those series,
Bere prémie, bere prémie, príde do klubu kričí jeejee,
Gets bonuses, gets bonuses, comes to the club yelling yeehaw,
Zle mi je, zle mi je, pozná iba dve baliace verzie,
I feel sick, I feel sick, he only knows two pick-up lines,
A že sme sépie, vraví z averzie,
And that we're cuttlefish, he says out of aversion,
Nemáš zač, keď dávam ti lekcie.
You're welcome, for giving you lessons.
Sa mi dvíha tlak, keď vidím ten náznak,
My blood pressure rises when I see that hint,
Nechápeš, nehaj ta ta tak eeej,
You don't understand, leave it alone eeej,
Oči idú bársjak, nečakaj na zázrak,
Eyes go all over the place, don't wait for a miracle,
Vidím, že nejsi o o ou keeeej.
I see that you're not o o ou keeeej.
Príde za ňou totálne opitý,
He comes to her completely drunk,
Snaží sa to hrať stále na city,
Still trying to play on emotions,
Vraví mu: "môj program je totálne nabitý",
She tells him: "my schedule is totally full",
Nezáujem o takých jak si ty.
Not interested in guys like you.
Zmizni s tou stratégiou vadnou niekam preč, mou
Get lost with that flawed strategy somewhere far away, boo,
Lavou zadnou zničím tvoje ego a nedám reč, wou
I'll destroy your ego with my left hand and won't let you speak, woo,
Práve dnes si hodil loptičku do výšky a mne na smeč, uuu
Just today you threw the ball high and right into my smash, uuu
Koho to zaujíma, že práve zabudla som ten text, ups.
Who cares that I just forgot the lyrics, oops.
Skúša to na každú takticky,
He tries it on every girl tactically,
Neoriginálne - klasicky,
Unoriginal - classically,
Tak fejkovo romanticky,
So fake romantically,
Nevydalo ako vždycky.
It didn't work out as usual.
Skúša to na každú typicky,
He tries it on every girl typically,
Chcel by sa zblížiť fyzicky,
He wants to get physically close,
Pozri sa na to logicky,
Look at it logically,
Ideš na to moc klasicky.
You're going about it too classically.
Text pridala Nens
Lyrics added by Nens

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