Simoney - Caer de Pie - traduction des paroles en anglais

Caer de Pie - Simoneytraduction en anglais

Caer de Pie
Fall Standing
Aun que te dije que yo hera un gato
Although I told you that I was a cat
Que mis 7 vidas las avia apostado
That I had gambled away my 7 lives
Con tu alma cruel de perro despiadado
With your cruel, heartless dog soul
¡me mataste! ¡me mataste...!
You killed me! You killed me...!
Me mentiste todo el tiempo
You lied to me all the time
Asta cuando hacias silencio
Even when you were silent
Yo se que nadie es perfecto pero tu...
I know that no one is perfect, but you...
No heres normal...
You're not normal...
U uuuh uuu
U uuuh uuu
No buelvas nunca mas ahi mal amor...
Never come back here, you bad love...
No ahi nada bueno en mi corazón por ti
There's nothing good in my heart for you
Ya no pongas caras tiernas
Don't make cute faces anymore
Cuando queras ver mis piernas
When you want to see my legs
Aun que me tiraste de un abismo se
Even though you threw me off a cliff, I know...
... caer de pie to fall standing
U uuuuh uuu
U uuuuh uuu
Y como buena gata que yo soy
And like the good cat that I am
Cure bien mis heridas
I healed my wounds well
Sane el dolor y aun que escondiste mis huesos como siempre
I healed the pain, and although you hid my bones as always
Hacen los perros con mi holfato los junte todos denuevoo.
Like dogs do, with my sense of smell I gathered them up again.
Aaah nooo...
Aaah nooo...
U uuuuuuhh
U uuuuuuhh
No buelvas nunca mas ahi mal amor
Never come back here, you bad love
No ahi nada bueno en mi corazon por ti
There's nothing good in my heart for you
Ya no pongas caras tiernas cuando queres ver
Don't make cute faces anymore when you want to see
Mis piernas aun que me tiraste de un abismo se...
My legs, even though you threw me off a cliff...
No buelvas nunca mas ahi mal amor.
Never come back here, you bad love.
No ahi nada bueno en mi corazon por ti ya no pongas caras tiernas
There's nothing good in my heart for you
Cuando queres ver mis piernas aun que me tiraste de un abismo se...
Don't make cute faces anymore when you want to see
Caer de pie
My legs even though you threw me off a cliff...
U uuuuh uuuu
U uuuuh uuuu
Caer de pie...
Fall Standing...

Writer(s): Simoney

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