Simtech Productions - Qasida Burda, Pt. 1 (Arabic Version) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Simtech Productions - Qasida Burda, Pt. 1 (Arabic Version)

Qasida Burda, Pt. 1 (Arabic Version)
Qasida Burda, Pt. 1 (English Version)
أمن تذكــــــر جيــــــرانٍ بذى ســــــلم
Is it the memory of neighbors in Dhī Salam
مزجت دمعا جَرَى من مقلةٍ بـــــدم
That has mixed tears flowing from my eyes with blood?
َأمْ هبَّــــت الريـــــحُ مِنْ تلقاءِ كاظمــةٍ
Or did the wind blow from the direction of Kāzimah,
وأَومض البرق في الظَّلْماءِ من إِضم
And lightning flash in the darkness from Idam?
فما لعينيك إن قلت اكْفُفاهمتــــــــــ ـــــا
Why do your eyes, when I say "Restrain them," not obey?
وما لقلبك إن قلت استفق يهـــــــــم
And why does your heart, when I say "Awaken," not understand?
أيحسب الصب أن الحب منكتـــــــــــم
Does the lover think that love is concealed,
ما بين منسجم منه ومضطــــــــرم
Between one who is calm and one who is inflamed?
لولا الهوى لم ترق دمعاً على طـــــللٍ
Were it not for love, you would not shed tears upon ruins,
ولا أرقت لذكر البانِ والعلــــــــــمِ
Nor would you stay awake remembering beautiful faces and campsites.
فكيف تنكر حباً بعد ما شـــــــــــــهدت
So how can you deny love after you have witnessed
به عليك عدول الدمع والســـــــــقمِ
Upon yourself the evidence of tears and illness?
وأثبت الوجد خطَّيْ عبرةٍ وضــــــــنى
And passion has etched the lines of tears and emaciation
مثل البهار على خديك والعنــــــــم
Like saffron upon your cheeks and your nose.
نعم سرى طيف من أهوى فأرقنـــــــي
Yes, the phantom of the one I love visited me and kept me awake,
والحب يعترض اللذات بالألــــــــمِ
And love interrupts pleasures with pain.
يا لائمي في الهوى العذري معـــــذرة
O you who blame me for chaste love, an excuse
مني إليك ولو أنصفت لم تلــــــــــمِ
From me to you, and if you were just, you would not blame.
عدتك حالي لا سري بمســــــــــــــتتر
I have informed you of my condition, my secret is not concealed
عن الوشاة ولا دائي بمنحســـــــــم
From informers, nor is my illness hidden.
محضتني النصح لكن لست أســـــمعهُ
You have given me advice, but I do not listen to it,
إن المحب عن العذال في صــــــممِ
For the lover is deaf to reproaches.
إنى اتهمت نصيح الشيب في عـــــذلي
Indeed, I accused the advice of grey hair in my passion,
والشيب أبعد في نصح عن التهـــتـمِ
And grey hair is furthest from advice in recklessness.
فإن أمارتي بالسوءِ ما أتعظــــــــــــــت
So if my sign of evil is that I did not take heed
من جهلها بنذير الشيب والهــــرم
From her ignorance of the warning of grey hair and old age.
ولا أعدت من الفعل الجميل قــــــــــرى
And I did not prepare a reward for a beautiful deed,
ضيف ألم برأسي غير محتشــــــم
A guest of pain has visited my head, unashamed.
لو كنت أعلم أني ما أوقـــــــــــــــــ ـــره
If I had known that I would not honor him,
كتمت سراً بدا لي منه بالكتــــــــمِ
I would have kept a secret that appeared to me through secrecy.
من لي برِّ جماحٍ من غوايتهــــــــــــــ ـا
Who can help me tame a wild horse from its straying,
كما يردُّ جماح الخيلِ باللُّجـــــــــُم
As one restrains a wild horse with a bridle?
فلا ترم بالمعاصي كسر شهوتهــــــــــا
Do not try to break its desire with sins,
إن الطعام يقوي شهوة النَّهـــــــــم
For food strengthens the desire of the hungry.
والنفس كالطفل إن تهملهُ شبَّ علــــى
The soul is like a child, if you neglect it, it grows up on
حب الرضاعِ وإن تفطمهُ ينفطــــم
The love of suckling, and if you wean it, it is weaned.
فاصرف هواها وحاذر أن توليــــــــــه
So turn away its desires and beware of indulging them,
إن الهوى ما تولى يصم أو يصـــــم
For desire, when indulged, deafens or makes one deaf.
وراعها وهي في الأعمالِ ســــــــائمةٌ
And watch over it while it is grazing in deeds,
وإن هي استحلت المرعى فلا تسم
And if it deems the pasture lawful, do not listen.
كم حسنت لذةً للمرءِ قاتلــــــــــــــــ ــة
How many a pleasure has adorned itself for a man, deadly,
من حيث لم يدرِ أن السم فى الدسم
From where he did not know that poison was in the fat.
واخش الدسائس من جوعٍ ومن شبع
Beware of the whispers of hunger and satiety,
فرب مخمصةٍ شر من التخـــــــــــم
For many a thinness is worse than gluttony.
واستفرغ الدمع من عين قد امتـــلأت
And shed tears from an eye that has filled
من المحارم والزم حمية النـــــــدمِ
With forbidden things and adhere to the diet of remorse.
وخالف النفس والشيطان واعصهمــا
Oppose the soul and Satan and disobey them,
وإن هما محضاك النصح فاتَّهِـــــم
And if they give you sincere advice, accuse them.
ولا تطع منهما خصماً ولا حكمـــــــــاً
And do not obey them as an adversary or a judge,
فأنت تعرف كيد الخصم والحكـــــم
For you know the cunning of the adversary and the judge.
أستغفر الله من قولٍ بلا عمـــــــــــــلٍ
I seek forgiveness from God for words without deeds,
لقد نسبتُ به نسلاً لذي عُقــــــــــُم
I have attributed to them a lineage of barrenness.
أمْرتُك الخير لكن ما ائتمرت بــــــــــه
I commanded you to do good, but I did not obey it,
وما اســـــتقمت فما قولى لك استقمِ
And I was not upright, so my words to you are not "Be upright."
ولا تزودت قبل الموت نافلــــــــــــــةً
And I did not provide before death a supererogatory act,
ولم أصل سوى فرض ولم اصـــــم
And I only prayed the obligatory and did not fast.
ظلمت سنة من أحيا الظلام إلــــــــــى
I wronged the one who enlivened the darkness until
أن اشتكت قدماه الضر مــــــن ورم
His feet complained of harm from swelling.
وشدَّ من سغب أحشاءه وطــــــــــوى
And he tightened the hunger of his intestines and folded
تحت الحجارة كشحاً متـــــرف الأدم
Under stones a belly with luxurious skin.
وراودته الجبال الشم من ذهــــــــــبٍ
And the northern mountains tempted him with gold
عن نفسه فأراها أيما شـــــــــــــــمم
For his soul, so he showed them the utmost disdain.
وأكدت زهده فيها ضرورتـــــــــــــــ ه
And his necessity confirmed his asceticism in it,
إن الضرورة لا تعدو على العصــــم
For necessity does not transgress upon chastity.
وكيف تدعو إلى الدنيا ضرورة مـــن
And how can necessity call to the world, one who
لولاه لم تخرج الدنيا من العـــــــــدمِ
If it were not for him, the world would not have emerged from non-existence.
محمد ســـــــــــــــيد الكونين والثقليـ
Muhammad is the master of both worlds and the two weighty things,
ن والفريقين من عرب ومن عجـــــمِ
And the two groups, Arabs and non-Arabs.
نبينا الآمرُ الناهي فلا أحـــــــــــــــــد ٌ
Our Prophet, the commander, the forbidder, so there is no one
أبر في قولِ لا منه ولا نعـــــــــــــــــم
More truthful in saying "No" or "Yes" than him.
هو الحبيب الذي ترجى شــــــــفاعته
He is the beloved whose intercession is hoped for
لكل هولٍ من الأهوال مقتحـــــــــــــــم
For every calamity of calamities that is encountered.
دعا إلى الله فالمستسكون بــــــــــــه
He called to God, so those who submit through him
مستمسكون بحبلٍ غير منفصـــــــــــم
Are holding fast to a rope that is not severed.
فاق النبيين في خلقٍ وفي خُلــــــــُقٍ
He surpassed the prophets in creation and in character,
ولم يدانوه في علمٍ ولا كـــــــــــــــرم
And they did not equal him in knowledge or generosity.
وكلهم من رسول الله ملتمـــــــــــسٌ
And all of them from the Messenger of God seek
غرفاً من البحر أو رشفاً من الديـــــمِ
Ladles from the sea or sips from the rain.
وواقفون لديه عند حدهـــــــــــــــــ م
And they stand before him at his limits
من نقطة العلم أو من شكلة الحكـــــم
From a point of knowledge or a form of judgment.
فهو الذي تـ ــــــم معناه وصورتـــــــه
So he is the one whose meaning and form were perfected,
ثم اصطفاه حبيباً بارئُ النســــــــــــم
Then the Creator of souls chose him as a beloved.
منزهٌ عن شريكٍ في محاســـــــــــنه
He is far removed from having a partner in his perfections,
فجوهر الحسن فيه غير منقســـــــــم
For the essence of beauty in him is indivisible.
دع ما ادعثه النصارى في نبيهـــــم
Leave what the Christians have confused about their prophet
واحكم بماشئت مدحاً فيه واحتكــــــم
And judge as you wish with praise in him and rule.
وانسب إلى ذاته ما شئت من شــرف
And attribute to his essence what you wish of nobility
وانسب إلى قدره ما شئت من عظــــم
And attribute to his rank what you wish of greatness.
فإن فضل رسول الله ليس لـــــــــــه
For the virtue of the Messenger of God has no
حدٌّ فيعرب عنه ناطقٌ بفــــــــــــــــــ م
Limit that a speaker can express with eloquence.
لو ناسبت قدره آياته عظمـــــــــــــاً
If his verses matched his rank in greatness,
أحيا اسمه حين يدعى دارس الرمــم
His name, when called upon, would revive the decaying bones.
لم يمتحنا بما تعيا العقول بــــــــــــه
He did not test us with what would confound the minds
حرصاً علينا فلم نرْتب ولم نهــــــــمِ
Out of concern for us, so we did not arrange or neglect.
أعيا الورى فهم معناه فليس يـــــرى
Understanding his meaning has exhausted people, so he is not seen
في القرب والبعد فيه غير منفحـــــم
In nearness or distance, except as one who is silent.
كالشمس تظهر للعينين من بعُـــــــدٍ
Like the sun that appears to the eyes from afar
صغيرةً وتكل الطرف من أمـــــــــــم
Small, and it tires the gaze of nations.
وكيف يدرك في الدنيا حقيقتــــــــــه
And how can his reality be grasped in this world
قومٌ نيامٌ تسلوا عنه بالحلــــــــــــــم ِ
By people who are asleep, consoled by dreams?
فمبلغ العلم فيه أنه بشــــــــــــــــــ ـرٌ
So the extent of knowledge about him is that he is a human being
وأنه خير خلق الله كلهـــــــــــــــــ ـمِ
And that he is the best of all of God's creation.
وكل آيٍ أتى الرسل الكرام بهـــــــــا
And every sign that the noble messengers came with
فإنما اتصلت من نوره بهـــــــــــــم
Was connected to them from his light.
فإنه شمس فضلٍ هم كواكبهـــــــــــا
For he is a sun of virtue, they are its planets,
يظهرن أنوارها للناس في الظلـــــم
They show their lights to people in darkness.
أكرم بخلق نبيّ زانه خلــــــــــــــــقٌ
Most generous in the creation of a prophet adorned with a character
بالحسن مشتمل بالبشر متســـــــــم
Encompassed by beauty, characterized by kindness.
كالزهر في ترفٍ والبدر في شــــرفٍ
Like a flower in its luxuriance, and the moon in its nobility,
والبحر في كرمٍ والدهر في همــــــم
And the sea in its generosity, and time in its aspirations.
كانه وهو فردٌ من جلالتـــــــــــــــ ــه
As if he, in his majesty, were alone
في عسكر حين تلقاه وفي حشــــــم
In an army when you meet him and in a crowd.
كأنما اللؤلؤ المكنون فى صـــــــدفٍ
As if the hidden pearl were in a shell
من معدني منطق منه ومبتســــــــم
From the mine of his speech and his smile.
لا طيب يعدل تُرباً ضم أعظمــــــــــهُ
No fragrance equals the soil that embraced his greatness,
طوبى لمنتشقٍ منه وملتثــــــــــــــم ِ
Blessed is he who smells it and kisses it.
أبان موالده عن طيب عنصـــــــــره
His birth revealed the fragrance of his element,
يا طيب مبتدأ منه ومختتــــــــــــــم
O fragrance of his beginning and his end.
يومٌ تفرَّس فيه الفرس أنهـــــــــــــم
A day in which the Persians perceived that they
قد أنذروا بحلول البؤْس والنقـــــــم
Were warned of the arrival of misery and vengeance.
وبات إيوان كسرى وهو منصــــدعٌ
And the palace of Kisra remained, it being cracked,
كشمل أصحاب كسرى غير ملتئـــم
Like the state of Kisra's companions, not united.
والنار خامدة الأنفاس من أســــــفٍ
And the fire's breath extinguished in sorrow
عليه والنهر ساهي العين من سـدم
Upon him, and the river was oblivious, its eyes from shock.
وساءَ ساوة أن غاضت بحيرتهـــــا
And Sāwah grieved that its lake had dried up,
ورُد واردها بالغيظ حين ظمــــــــي
And its visitor returned with anger when he thirsted.
كأن بالنار ما بالماء من بــــــــــــلل
As if the fire had what the water had of moisture
حزناً وبالماء ما بالنار من ضــــرمِ
In grief, and the water had what the fire had of burning.
والجن تهتف والأنوار ساطعـــــــــةٌ
And the jinn cried out, and the lights shone,
والحق يظهر من معنى ومن كلــــم
And the truth appeared from meaning and from speech.
عموا وصموا فإعلان البشائر لـــــم
They were blind and deaf, so the announcement of glad tidings was not
تسمع وبارقة الإنذار لم تُشــــــــــَم
Heard, and the lightning of warning was not smelled.
من بعد ما أخبره الأقوام كاهِنُهُـــــــمْ
After their soothsayer had informed them
بأن دينهم المعوجَّ لم يقــــــــــــــــمِ
That their distorted religion would not stand.
وبعد ما عاينوا في الأفق من شهـب
And after they had witnessed in the horizon meteors
منقضةٍ وفق ما في الأرض من صنم
Descending, and what was on the earth of idols.
حتى غدا عن طريق الوحى منهــزمٌ
Until he became defeated from the path of revelation
من الشياطين يقفو إثر منـــــــــهزم
From the devils, following one who was defeated.
كأنهم هرباً أبطال أبرهــــــــــــــــ ــةٍ
As if they were fleeing, the heroes of Abrahah,
أو عسكرٌ بالحصى من راحتيه رمـى
Or an army pelted with stones from his palms.
نبذاً به بعد تسبيحٍ ببطنهمــــــــــــــ ا
Thrown by him after glorification in their bellies,
نبذ المسبِّح من أحشاءِ ملتقـــــــــــم
The throwing of the glorifier from the intestines of one who devours.
جاءت لدعوته الأشجار ســــــاجدة
The trees came to his call, prostrating,
تمشى إليه على ساقٍ بلا قــــــــــدم
Walking towards him on a leg without a foot.
كأنَّما سطرت سطراً لما كتــــــــــبت
As if they had written a line when they wrote,
فروعها من بديع الخطِّ في اللقـــــم
Their branches from the exquisite script in the morsel.

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