Sin Ley - Salve - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Sin Ley - Salve

Salve a vos, salve a vos, dulce quimera de tu corazon
Hail to you, hail to you, sweet fantasy of your heart
Como dar, como dar si entre los dientes tengo a mi razon
How to give, how to give, if between my teeth I have my reason
Sera capaz de involucrar el gusto firme de la hierba sana
Will I be able to involve the firm taste of the healthy herb
Como olvidar noches atras yo no te tuve, te acaricie y no te tuve
How to forget nights ago I did not have you, I caressed you and did not have you
Tal vez el tiempo se suspendio para
Maybe time stood still for
Mi, se hizo eterno el adorno en tu pelo
Me, the ornament in your hair became eternal
Y en esos ojos que tenes me mire, me descubrí desnudo ante vos
And in those eyes that you have, I looked at myself, I discovered myself naked before you
Mientenos, mientenos que tu mentira nos crea ilusion
Lie to us, lie to us that your lie creates illusion for us
Digitar, digitar, que las barajas están marcadas para jugar
Type, type, that the cards are marked to play
Quien tiene hoy las de perder, yo no las tengo, te vas a joder
Who has to lose today, I don't have them, you're going to get screwed
A que esperas, en el anden, que quien te lleve te va a conocer
What are you waiting for, on the platform, who is going to take you away will meet you
El pasto seco creció sin depender de ti
The dry grass grew without depending on you
No hizo caso a que le faltaras, sin tu mirada no me di cuenta y creci
He ignored that you were missing, without your gaze I did not notice and I grew
Me sorprendí a tus espaldas, a tus espaldas
I surprised myself behind your back, behind your back
Y ahora que todo acabo la tarea, a descansar
And now that everything is over, the task, to rest
Cerrar mis ojos y comenzare a soñar
Close my eyes and I will start to dream
Necesito urgente tu cuerpo de mujer,
I urgently need your body of a woman,
Tus nalgas firmes, tus pechos llenos
Your firm buttocks, your full breasts
Tus suaves curvas y tus cabellos se van
Your soft curves and your hair are gone
Durmiendo, sobre mi pecho hasta no soñar
Sleeping, on my chest until I stop dreaming
Mios hoy son los recuerdos que yo guardo hoy
Mine today are the memories that I keep today
No evitar, no evitar
Do not avoid, do not avoid
Sin tus mentiras es solo pensar, sin tu saber se preparo
Without your lies it is only thinking, without your knowing it is prepared
Dulce venganza, amarga emocion, sin tu saber se preparo
Sweet revenge, bitter emotion, without your knowing it is prepared
Se hizo un embargo del que te hablo yo
An embargo was made about which I speak to you
Que te hago yo
What do I do to you

Writer(s): Norberto Juan Hareza, Javier Sebastian Santin, Cristian Javier Vicente, Mariano Basulto, Gabriel Eduardo Estefan, Esteban Ariel Elisiri

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