Siti Nurhaliza - Kurik Kundi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Siti Nurhaliza - Kurik Kundi

Kurik Kundi
Kurik Kundi
Nak berkabar tingginya budi kita ya tuan
To convey the height of our kindness, sir
Nak berkisah kaya tutur bicara
To tell a story rich in spoken words
Kalau tinggi untung jadi bintang, oh
If high, lucky to be a star, oh
Kalau rendah masih jadi intan
If low, still a diamond
Teratak mahligai bak dipayung teduhnya
The palace pavilion is like an umbrella of shade
Bila budi melingkar anak asuhan
When kindness surrounds foster children
Adat yang lama berbudi berbahasa
The old custom of being kind and polite
Akar kehidupannya
The root of its life
Yang kurik itu kundi yang merah saga
The kurik is the lock, the red saga
Baik budi indahlah bahasa, oh
Good manners, beautiful language, oh
Pantun lama tinggi kiasannya
Old pantun, high its metaphor
Berpantun seloka sambil menari canggung
Pantun seloka while dancing awkwardly
Serentak melangkah rentak timur diarak
Simultaneously stepping the rhythm of the east paraded
Gurau senda sopannya dijaga
Jokes and jokes are politely guarded
Sepakat makin kukuh terikat
Agreement is getting stronger
Hang dok pi, hang dok mai
You go there, you come here
Lagu tu lagu mana
Whose song is that
Pi sini, pi sana depa menghela sakan
Go here, go there they drag sakan
Awatlah dok kalut megah condong ke barat
Why are you so busy and proud to lean towards the west
Mai kita
Come on
Pakat tarik ramai-ramai
Let's pull together
Biar ke timur condongnya (tu kah?)
Let it lean to the east (is that right?)
Nak berkabar tingginya budi kita ya tuan
To convey the height of our kindness, sir
Nak berkisah kaya tutur bicara
To tell a story rich in spoken words
Kalau tinggi untung jadi bintang, oh
If high, lucky to be a star, oh
Kalau rendah masih jadi intan
If low, still a diamond
Ada O ada E
There is O there is E
Bunyinya tidaklah serupa
The sound is not the same
Erti tidak berbeza
The meaning is not different
Betui yong betui sungguh
Right yong right really
Betui ape di kate
Right what is said
Selembut tarian hoi
As soft as a dance hoi
Nak muda berlotah
Want to be young and sloppy
Tutur bahasanya
His speech
Maghi yop, maghilah yong
Maghi yop, maghilah yong
Maghi kita memikio
Maghi we think
Parit dengan Kuala
Ditch with Kuala
Cakap tidak serupe, ateh
Don't talk the same, ateh
Dihitung beratus-ratus bilangan
Counted hundreds of numbers
Digali beratus-ratus terpendam
Hundreds buried
Di lubuk yang mana
In which pool
Tak terjangkau ingatan
Out of reach of memory
Makin dibongkar
The more it is dismantled
Makin banyak yang terpendam
The more that is buried
Di sini ibunya
Here is his mother
Tersurat kurik itulah kundi
The inscription is the lock
Tertulis merah itulah saga
Written red is the saga
Saga dalam lagu pada indah syairnya
Saga in the song on the beauty of its poem
Kundi dalam tarian
Lock in the dance
Indah lenggok tarinya
Beautiful dance moves
Aduhai indahnya
Oh how beautiful
Mana usang diperbarui
Where is the old renewed
Mana lapok hai dikajangi
Where is the lapok hai dikajangi
Mana elok dipakai ondeh dipakai
Where is it good to wear ondeh wear
Kalau singkat cantik manis
If it's short, it's pretty sweet
Kalau panjang cantik manis
If it's long, it's pretty sweet
Minta dikerat (yo lah)
Ask to be cut (yo lah)
Yo sungguh yo bonar
Yo really yo bonar
Kato sungguh dikato
Kato really said
Muafakat ya tuan
Consensus sir
Ibu adat di ondeh tidak dilupa
Mother custom on ondeh is not forgotten
Tak boghodat
Not boghodat
Minum tidak bergula
Drinking without sugar
Tak bobudi
Not bobudi
Pohon tidak berbuah
Trees do not bear fruit
Tak boghodat
Not boghodat
Minum tidak bergula
Drinking without sugar
Tak bobudi
Not bobudi
Bagai pohon tidak berbuah
Like a tree that does not bear fruit
Yang kurik itu kundi yang merah saga
The kurik is the lock, the red saga
Baik budi indahlah bahasa, oh
Good manners, beautiful language, oh
Pantun lama tinggi kiasannya
Old pantun, high its metaphor
Halus manis hai bila berkata
Fine sweet hi when speaking
Hai lapik berkias molek sungguh la wei
Hi mat metaphor really good la wei
Santun lakunya wei merendah suara
Polite behavior wei lowering his voice
Bagai berpayung wei rasa teduhnya
Like an umbrella wei feels shady
Teghtek teghning oghe kito
Teghtek teghning oghe kito
Hok tu keno jago
Hok tu keno jago
Jange sapa berlete kale
Jange sapa berlete kale
Luar napok come jange dale
Outside napok come jange dale
Habih kuca lembe
Habih kuca lembe
Luar napok come
Outside napok come
Jange dale habih kuca lembe
Jange dale habih kuca lembe
Membubutlah bayu
Blowing the wind
Lalu limpas siring semalu
Then pass the shy flute
Mengalai bagai tari sesuku
Swaying like a tribal dance
Tari sesuku
Tribal dance
Selembut madah begitu taghi
As soft as a word so taghi
Sek ada sakit ghasa di hati
If there is pain ghasa in the heart
Kamek nyambut madah tuan hulurkan
Kamek welcomes the words you hand out
Kitak nyambut madah kamek hulurkan
Kitak welcomes the words kamek hand out
Nak berkabar tingginya budi kita ya tuan
To convey the height of our kindness, sir
Nak berkisah kaya tutur bicara
To tell a story rich in spoken words
Kalau tinggi untung jadi bintang, oh
If high, lucky to be a star, oh
Kalau rendah masih jadi intan
If low, still a diamond
Yang kurik itu kundi yang merah saga
The kurik is the lock, the red saga
Baik budi indahlah bahasa, oh
Good manners, beautiful language, oh
Pantun lama tinggi kiasannya
Old pantun, high its metaphor

Writer(s): Nurul Asyiqin

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