Sivilo feat. Random - Legla Plata - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Sivilo feat. Random - Legla Plata

Legla Plata
Legla plata
Payday's here
Pokaži im sad ko je tata
Show them who's the boss, my dear
Legla plata
Payday's here
Bejbe sad si bogata
Baby, now you're rich, it's clear
Legla Legla
Payday, payday
Jer tako je htjela
Cause that's what she desired
Ne bi li je jeba
Wouldn't she just get laid
Legla plata
Payday's here
Pun sam para bez brata
I'm loaded, no brother by my side
Legla plata
Payday's here
Da se isplati ta rata
To pay off that installment, stride
Legla Legla
Payday, payday
Jer tako je htjela
Cause that's what she desired
Ne bi li je jeba
Wouldn't she just get laid
Za karanje i trošenje pare bre ne znam za limit
For fucking and spending money, I don't know the limit
Nikada se neću smirit
I'll never settle down
Mala oće da se miri, možda pristanem jer sam pripit
Girl wants to reconcile, maybe I'll agree, I'm a bit tipsy
Dođem joj ko redovna plata, kad joj treba prvog me primi
I come to her like a regular paycheck, when she needs me, she takes me first
Jebem ko jedini muškarac na Veneri
I fuck like the only man on Venus
Jer ljepotice su vazda voljele bogate zvjeri
Cause beauties have always loved rich beasts
Kupujem đe god prstom bejbe da uperiš
I buy wherever you point your finger, babe
Dijamanti na kajli ko da Trevis Skot oće da je vjeri
Diamonds on the necklace like Travis Scott wants to marry her
Ućutkam hejtere ko Kobi u Lejkerse
I silence haters like Kobe in the Lakers
Dajem ti bengere
I give you bangers
Smrt sam za fejkere, kada kažem Ide gas, mislim na Mengele
I'm death to fakers, when I say "Go gas," I mean Mengele
Mala treba tregere jer joj dupe pada kada put mene shake that ass
Girl needs triggere because her ass drops when she shakes that ass around me
Shak it shake it
Shake it, shake it
Napravi zamljotres
Cause an earthquake
Među eminentne
Among the eminent
Unovčio svoji talente
I monetized my talents
Ko Eminem je Balša
Balša is like Eminem
Jer svima jebe maters ko Maršal
Cause he fucks everyone's mother like Marshall
Ko Will Smith legend
Like Will Smith, a legend
I am, al ne dajem da me kučka odradi
I am, but I won't let a bitch play me
Jer za razliku od njega
Cause unlike him
Sivilo zna da mala pripada džadi
Sivilo knows the girl belongs to the streets
Legla plata
Payday's here
Pokaži im sad ko je tata
Show them who's the boss, my dear
Legla plata
Payday's here
Bejbe sad si bogata
Baby, now you're rich, it's clear
Legla Legla
Payday, payday
Jer tako je htjela
Cause that's what she desired
Ne bi li je jeba
Wouldn't she just get laid
Legla plata
Payday's here
Pun sam para bez brata
I'm loaded, no brother by my side
Legla plata
Payday's here
Da se isplati ta rata
To pay off that installment, stride
Legla Legla
Payday, payday
Jer tako je htjela
Cause that's what she desired
Ne bi li je jeba
Wouldn't she just get laid
Kad bolje razmisliš, ako život ti zavisi
When you think about it, if your life depends
Od procenta dobiti koji ti dodijeli
On the percentage of profit assigned to you
Nekakvi troglodit kom si zaposleni
By some troglodyte you're employed by
Posrat se možeš u budžet sopstveni
You can shit on your own budget
U džepu kovani objekti
Minted objects in your pocket
Dvolični ka im i korisnik, troši
Two-faced like their user, spend
Ali i množi ih, znaš djelilac
But also multiply them, you know the divisor
Ispod crte ostane u količnik
Below the line remains the quotient
Prototip početnika je prethodna strofa lik
The prototype of a beginner is the character from the previous verse
To je tip što loče čim mu dođe (Ping) - na račun je leglo
That's the guy who drinks as soon as he gets (Ping) - it's deposited in his account
Otvori novčanik, Top je Hill, jel ovo sa katuna šljeglo?
Opens his wallet, Top of the Hill, did this come down from the mountains?
Posle tri noći vii′iš švorc si i uša si u crveno
After three nights you see you're broke and in the red
Ka Boljševik, Ho Ši Min, stop, velim uša si u crveno
Like a Bolshevik, Ho Chi Minh, stop, I say you're in the red
Ka plodni bik u prostoriji za foto film, bogomi
Like a fertile bull in a photo film room, indeed
Eksponiraš se a ne razvijaš, suština ostaje ista
You expose yourself but don't develop, the essence remains the same
Kad si na tuđi platni spisak za sekundu platu spiskaš
When you're on someone else's payroll, you spend your salary in a second
8 do 4 je kul, ali si previše predusretljiv i tup
8 to 4 is cool, but you're too obliging and stupid
Od tebe bježe ka da si Kasper, đe ti je preduzetnički duh?
They run from you like you're Casper, where's your entrepreneurial spirit?
Party manijak onda roka Xanax
Party maniac then pops Xanax
Dva dana kavijar dvaesosam Carnex
Two days caviar, twenty-eight Carnex
Mnogo si kul, spuštaš nas glumeći TO, al si se podiga TU
You're so cool, you put us down by acting IT, but you got lifted HERE
Na konja i sa sjekirom... pitam iz kurtoazije
On a horse and with an axe... I ask out of courtesy
Kad si na konjak sa Asa Akirom, ko je tu veća kurva Azije?
When you're on cognac with Asa Akira, who's the bigger Asian whore here?
Ti si žrtva eutanazije, doša si na Terazije
You're a victim of euthanasia, you came to Terazije
Kad si cio život Bukva džaba Anabelu praviš od Razije
When you've been Bukva your whole life, you're making Anabela out of Razija for nothing
A koje legla plata? ovo selo je leglo pljaka
And what payday? This village is a den of thieves
Kurčiš se sa Moetom, dođoh, pometoh te tu sa pet Pljevljaka
You're showing off with Moet, I came, swept you away with five Pljevljaks
Pusti snovi el Dorada, plata mu ode u pe'set rata
Let go of El Dorado dreams, his salary goes into fifty installments
Cijelu primi ali po vrće - cvekla, keleraba
He gets the whole thing but by the piece - beetroot, kohlrabi
Treba ti PIB, treba ti start-up
You need a tax ID, you need a start-up
Oli da čekaš do prvog da skapaš
Or to wait until the first to die
Ako ti "šuškavo okrene leđa"
If "the rustling one turns its back on you"
Moraš da nađeš način da Kappa
You have to find a way to Kappa
Trenerka stil, kad si debil
Tracksuit style, when you're a dumbass
Od posla oderi se - Cruella De Ville
Get away from work - Cruella De Ville
Palim motor... kad iznutra ne sagorijevaš
I start the engine... when you're not burning inside
Onda ti i ne treba ventil
Then you don't need a valve
Legla plata
Payday's here
Pokaži im sad ko je tata
Show them who's the boss, my dear
Legla plata
Payday's here
Bejbe sad si bogata
Baby, now you're rich, it's clear
Legla Legla
Payday, payday
Jer tako je htjela
Cause that's what she desired
Ne bi li je jeba
Wouldn't she just get laid
Legla plata
Payday's here
Pun sam para bez brata
I'm loaded, no brother by my side
Legla plata
Payday's here
Da se isplati ta rata
To pay off that installment, stride
Legla Legla
Payday, payday
Jer tako je htjela
Cause that's what she desired
Ne bi li je jeba
Wouldn't she just get laid

Writer(s): Marko Lubarda

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