Ska-P - Maquis - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Ska-P - Maquis

Sentado en el bordillo del portal
Sitting on the doorstep of the portal
Con la boina calada siempre, como el Che
With his beret tilted, always like Che
En verano cumplira 96
In the summer he will be 96
Sus manos destrozadas de currar
His hands, destroyed from working
Sostiene temblorosa, un sucio papel
He holds a dirty piece of paper, trembling
Un desaucio mas del banco santander
Another eviction notice from Banco Santander
Mirale ahi esta, hay tanto que agradecer
Look at him there, there is so much to be grateful for
Combatio, resistio, se dejo la piel
He fought, he resisted, he left his skin
Desecho corazon, en sus ojos brilla la desilucion
A broken heart, in his eyes shines disappointment
Se siente abandonado uhoo no!
He feels abandoned, oh no!
Años de violencia y ansiedad
Years of violence and anxiety
Sufre la razon un golpe militar
Reason suffers a military coup
Con el puño en alto no, no pasaran!
With his fist raised, no, they will not pass!
Un ejercito podrido de fascistas
A rotten army of fascists
Contra milisianos dispuestos a pelear
Against militiamen ready to fight
Defiendiendo con su vida la libertad
Defending their freedom with their lives
Mirale ahi esta, hay tanto que agradecer
Look at him there, there is so much to be grateful for
Combatio, resistio, se dejo la piel
He fought, he resisted, he left his skin
La guerra se perdio, el monte es el unico consuelo
The war was lost, the mountain is the only solace
Maquis, anti fascista!
Maquis, anti-fascist!
Tu casa es el monte, tu patria la libertad
Your home is the mountain, your homeland is freedom
Maquis nunca se acabo tu guerra
Maquis, your war never ended
Brillara esa negra estrella en tu corazon!
That black star will shine in your heart!
Solo hay una opcion, sobrevivir
There is only one option, survive
De las nacionales y la guardia civil!
From the nationalists and the civil guard!
Si te cojen no habra juicio para ti
If they catch you, there will be no trial for you
Mirale, ahi esta, hay tanto que agradecer
Look at him, there he is, there is so much to be grateful for
Combatio, resistio, se dejo la piel
He fought, he resisted, he left his skin
Valiente luchador, jamas abandonaste el sendero
Brave fighter, you never abandoned the path
Maquis, anti fascista!
Maquis, anti-fascist!
Tu casa es el monte, tu patria la libertad
Your home is the mountain, your homeland is freedom
Maquis, nunca se acabo tu guerra
Maquis, your war never ended
Brillara esa roja estrella en tu corazon!
That red star will shine in your heart!
En mi corazon!
In my heart!
No pudieron contigo
They could not defeat you
Ni la guerra ni el fascismo
Neither war nor fascism
La lucha continua
The fight continues
Contra el capitalismo!
Against capitalism!
Maquis, anti fascista!
Maquis, anti-fascist!
Tu casa es el monte, tu patria la libertad
Your home is the mountain, your homeland is freedom
Maquis nunca se acabo tu guerra
Maquis, your war never ended
Brillara esa negra estrella
That black star will shine
Dejala brillar!
Let it shine!
La lucha continua
The fight continues
La lucha continua
The fight continues
La lucha continua
The fight continues
La lucha continua
The fight continues
La lucha continua
The fight continues
La lucha continua
The fight continues
La lucha continua
The fight continues
La lucha continua
The fight continues

Writer(s): Roberto Ganan Ojea, Luis Miguel Garcia Planello, Alberto Javier Amado Huete, Juio Cesar Sanchez Suarez, Jose Miguel Redin Redin, Jose Antonio Lopez Pancorbo

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