Skabo - Kurconi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Skabo - Kurconi

Stovana publiko
Standing ovation, audience
Gde stadoh nastavljam
Where I stopped, I continue
Culi ste CD zasto da se
You heard the CD, why should I even
Introduce myself
Kad vec treba da ponavljam
Since I have to repeat myself
Jer nisam bio precizan
Because I wasn't precise
Pretrpo sam rime
I endured rhymes
Iz vujaklije recima
From the vuvuzela, in words
Na kukuruzu klecim
I'm perched on the corn
Sad u sobi malog precnika
Now in a small diameter room
Na klinici za lecenje
At the clinic for the treatment
Nas repera pesnika
Of us, rapper poets
Elektrode vise s testisa
Electrodes hanging from my testicles
Metod uslovljavanja
Method of conditioning
Iz kjubrikovog filma
From Kubrick's film
"Paklena pomorandza"
"A Clockwork Orange"
Udovi mi sputani
My limbs are tied
Droga mi u hrani
Drugs in my food
Najveca mi muka
My biggest torture
Citav zid u ekranima
The whole wall is screens
S kog doktori me teraju
From which doctors force me
Iako me ne zanima
Even though I'm not interested
Da citam danima
To read for days
Ceo sadrzaj svih foruma
The entire content of all forums
Da shvatim posla pravila
To understand the rules of the game
Da nasa prva ponuda
That our first offer
Nije to sto trazi
Is not what it wants
Da pukne kes ulica
For the streets to cough up the cash
Ima tu i hitova
There are hits as well
Svaka cast izuzecima
Hats off to the exceptions
Divljina, maloletnice
Wilderness, underage girls
Nekom cak i viteska
Some even chivalrous
Ali koga boli kurac
But who gives a damn
Za moj fond programa
About my program fund
Dok vari se u kolima
While it's being digested in cars
Sa bandom iz komsiluka
With a gang from the neighborhood
I koga boli kurac
And who gives a damn
Sto ko covek sam gotivan
That I'm cool as a person
Sto imam svoju pricu
That I have my own story
Sto se ne foliram
That I don't pretend
Za nastup pred crnce
For a performance in front of black people
Kove ni od korova
He doesn't even forge from weed
Al' na snazi je deviza
But the motto is in effect
On je poznat prozivaj
He's famous, call him out
Hoperi me nece
Rappers don't want me
Jer nemam stil nadrkan
Because I don't have an arrogant style
Smisao nije poenta
Meaning is not the point
Ah kontradikcija
Ah, the contradiction
Bzzzz, bol u jajima
Bzzzz, pain in the balls
Od strujnih sokova
From electric shocks
Latinski je izumro
Latin is extinct
Sa latinima
With Latinos
Reci brate, da te shvate
Say it, brother, so they understand you
Cak me proziva i djafe
Even Jafe calls me out
Do daske biter emo
To the max, bitter emo
Spao je sa niske grane
He fell from a low branch
Njegovim se mesom
With his flesh
Sive orlusine hrane
Gray scoundrels feed
Nije bilo fensi sahrane
There was no fancy funeral
Jer nije imo pare
Because he had no money
Jebes tu fukaru
Fuck that rabble
Instrumental ide dalje
The instrumental goes on
Kida skabijo kurconi
Skabijo Kurconi tears it up
Decko s kojim nema sale
The guy you don't mess with
'Oces nastup sindikata, plati
You want a syndicate performance, pay up
Oces matricu do jaja, plati
You want a killer beat, pay up
Za dz, ma vazi, sam se snadji
For free? Yeah right, figure it out yourself
Neki fond izvacari
Some fund swindlers
Ne mora tim poslom
Not everyone has to
Bas svako da se bavi
Deal with this job
'Oces nastup sindikata, plati
You want a syndicate performance, pay up
Oces matricu do jaja, plati
You want a killer beat, pay up
Za dz, ma vazi, sam se snadji
For free? Yeah right, figure it out yourself
Neki fond izvacari
Some fund swindlers
I da znas da na spisak
And you should know that the list
Uvek ulaze drugari
Always includes friends
Nismo mi dileje
We're not fools
Znas se kinta gde je
You know where the money is
Preko puta je adrese
Across the street from the address
Gde stanuje postenje
Where honesty resides
Skromnost, prijateljstvo
Modesty, friendship
Altruisticke ideje
Altruistic ideas
Al' se ne moze bez nje
But you can't do without it
Kapiram ja tebe
I understand you, babe
Uvek takvo je vreme
It's always this kind of time
Nije svako moje srece
Not everyone is as lucky as me
Da ima roditelje
To have parents
Kad zagusti da se grebe
To scratch when it gets tough
Al' nisu svima napore
But not everyone's efforts
Premasile zelje
Have outweighed their desires
I nisu bas svi funjari
And not everyone is a scoundrel
Iz sefovske fotelje
From the CEO's armchair
Da ustanu samo
To get up only
Da se spreme za koktele
To get ready for cocktails
Vladajuce fele
Ruling fellas
Il za sastanak van zemlje
Or for a meeting abroad
Drugi su boranija
Others are small fry
Same ce od sebe
They will sort out their obligations
Obaveze da se srede
On their own
Ako ne, ko ih jebe
If not, who gives a damn
Posle sto sam ljut
After I'm angry
Iskocile mi vene
My veins popped out
Nikog nisam tero
I didn't force anyone
Na saradnju ako ccene
Into cooperation if they value
I nisam nista trazio
And I didn't ask for anything
Sem odnose postene
Just honest relationships
Ali kako god da krene
But no matter how it goes
Uvek svadja oko keke
There's always a fight about the dough
Japiji iz steka vade
Yuppies pull out of their stacks
Mracne kerefeke
Dark machinations
Mracnije od stripova
Darker than the comics
Koje crta zezelj
That Zeljelj draws
Jes da nemam faks
Yes, I don't have a degree
Al' te citam kao ekspert
But I read you like an expert
Sta si, zguto ekser
What are you, a thick nail
Cemu odusevljenje
Why the enthusiasm
Da te pustim iza sebe
To let you behind me
Izdao bi poverenje
Would betray trust
Koji ces mi kurac
What the hell will you do for me
Stekoh prave prijatelje
I gained true friends
Za koje bih na put
For whom I would go on a journey
Oko zemlje kreno peske
Around the world on foot
Jer verujem da isto
Because I believe they would do the same
Bi ucinili za mene
For me
Za njih pravim atmosferu
I'm creating an atmosphere for them
Za ostale je refren
For the rest, it's the chorus
Pazljivo je pisan
It's carefully written
Da ne bih osto nedorecen
So I wouldn't be left unsaid
Za njih pravim atmosferu
I'm creating an atmosphere for them
A ti slusaj refren
And you listen to the chorus
Slusaj refren
Listen to the chorus

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