Skabo - Maestro 2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Skabo - Maestro 2

Maestro 2
Maestro 2
- (malo mi je hevi.)
- (baby, I want some heavy.)
- (totalno je zeldi, e.)
- (it's totally hip hop, isn't it?)
- Totalno je trendi
- It's so on-trend
Gde god da ga chujem, ne mogu da sedim
I can't stay put when I hear it
A ko me pita shto sa trakom ne ide po starom
But when they ask me why my tracks aren't old school anymore
Kazhem: pali brate, narodnjaci su zakon
I tell them: light a fire, my friend, folk music rocks
I ovo je Shkabo, Djera u ritmu klima glavom
This is Shkabo, Djera in the groove nodding her head
I matricu za susret pravili smo s ovom bankom
And we created a matrix for the meeting with this bank
To je samo do miksa, to je samo shminka
It's just to do with the mix, it's just window dressing
Da l' je igde ikom bitno shta se preko toga pricha
Does it really matter what is said over it?
Shta se krije iza stila... uglavnom nishta
What is hidden behind the style... mostly nothing
Samo napuni se prostor imzedju chetvrtina
Just fill the space between the quarters
Pusti sjaj dzidza bidza, u zhivotu sve imam
Let the shiny stuff dazzle, I have it all anyway
A repom se bavim jer volim da kidam
But I do rap because I like to kid around
Poshtovanje svakog klinca obavezuje i prija
The respect from every kid is inspiring and friendly
A ne znam kako inache bih upozno Chuck D-a
But I don't know how else I would have met Chuck D
I ne znam kako inache u Knezu bih za stolom
And I don't know how else I would have spent time at the bar with Coom at "Knez"
Nadobudne repere prozivao sa Coom
Teasing budding rappers
Na shta troshio bih vreme, shta bih radio sa sobom
What would I have spent my time on, what would I have done with myself?
Saberi dva i dva, sreca nema veze s lovom
Put two and two together, happiness isn't about the money.
Shkabo maestro, podzemni k'o metro
Shkabo the maestro, underground like the subway
Sve shto si rek'o je kontraverzno.
Everything you said was controversial.
26 dina a sa repom se cima?
26 dinars, and you think rap is the future?
Rado radio bih neshto pametnije da ima
I'd love to do something smarter if I could
Polako kucam ritam, pratim skupshtinska deshavanja
I'm slowly tapping out a rhythm, following political events
Ovaj ortak sa mnom je preskakao predavanja
This partner of mine skipped lectures with me
Au al' se namrachio! shto bih sebi to radio
Oh, look how he's frowning! What would I do to myself like that?
Shta mi fali da me ljudi oslovljavaju Shkabio
What am I missing that people call me Shkabio?
Pa shta ako SKC mi nikad dinar nije platio
So what if SKC never paid me a dime?
Dobro sam se zezao kad god sam tamo svratio
I had a great time getting up to mischief whenever I went there
Gajbi mi fali haj-tek tehnologija
I miss the hi-tech equipment at Gajb
Nema veze, uvek mogu snimati kod Dadija
No problem, I can always record at Dadija
Profi ili kucna - nije vazhna produkcija
Professional or home-made - the production doesn't matter
Nego atmosfera koja dopire iz zvuchnika
It's the atmosphere that comes from the speakers
Za pricu koju pricam pojacivac je uchinka
The amplifier gives my story an impact
Osim ako bash toliko smeta tvojim ushima
Unless of course it really offends your ears
Jer si pravi znalac ili urban puritanac
Because if you're a real expert or an urban purist
Koji gotivi narodnjak kad ga peva jamajkanac
You cook up folk music when a Jamaican sings it
Nemam nameru sada da se pravdam pred svetom
I'm not trying to justify myself to the world right now
Sve shto sam snimio, napravio sam svesno
Everything I have recorded was done consciously
Svakoj mojoj pesmi mesto je bas tu
Every one of my songs belongs right where it is
'Ocesh dublje objashnjenje:
If you want a deeper explanation:
Ili samo slushaj mene jer sve je jako prosto
Or just listen to me because it's all so simple
Kolko god se kurchi Shkabo, on je samo Boshko
No matter how much Shkabo curses, he's only Boshko
Ima samo jedan klan, porodicu, jedan grad
There is only one clique, one family, one city
Iznad svega se trudim da ih mnogo ne brukam
Above all, I try not to shame them
Shkabo maestro podzemni k'o metro
Shkabo the maestro, underground like the subway
Sve shto si rek'o je kontraverzno
Everything you said was controversial
S delima tvojim je kontradiktorno
Your actions contradict your words
Isti si k'o svi, zashto ne priznash to?
You're just the same as everyone else, why don't you admit it?
(Brate, lozhish se)
(Dude, you're lying)
Shkabio, mnogo se palish, Shkabio
Shkabio, you're getting too hot under the collar, Shkabio
Kol'ko si para zaradio, Shkabio?
How much money have you made, Shkabio?
Shta si sa sobom uradio, Shkabio?
What have you done to yourself, Shkabio?
Shkabio, mnogo si mator, Shkabio
Shkabio, you're too old, Shkabio
Bolje bi bilo da si rep batalio
You'd be better off hanging up your mic
Bitove dobre za kesh zavalio.
Ripping off good beats for money
(Brate, lozhish se)
(Dude, you're lying)
Shkabio. Shkabio.
Shkabio. Shkabio.
(Brate, lozhish se)
(Dude, you're lying)

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