Skandaali - Superskandaali - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Skandaali - Superskandaali

"Hei! ootteks te kuullu siit Superskandaalista?"
"Hey! Have you heard of this Superscandal?"
"Joo! No tietysti! M oon menossa huomen skandalismiin kuuluviin
"Yeah! Of course! I'm going tomorrow to the Scandalism
Okkulistisiin hedelmllisyysjuhliin! Se on tosi makeet! Ja se on tosi tosi
Occultist fertility festival! It's really cool! And it's really really
"Nii, ja nii viisas!"
"Yeah, and so wise!"
Se on Markiisi Skandaali galaksin mahtavin antisankari,/
He's Marquis Scandal the most powerful anti-hero in the galaxy,/
Maailman hankalin vandaali, isohousuangstihamppari,/
The world's toughest vandal, the great hustle hamppari,/
Hengaan stadis alasti, et muistat naamani varmasti,/
I walk around the city naked, so you'll remember my face for sure,/
Mut sai maailmaa vastaa vaa musa, jota rakastin,/
But I only had to answer to the world for the music I loved,/
M pelkn tl selvn! Pakko poistuu vetmn *SNIIIFFF*,/
I'm just kidding! Gotta go take a drag *SNIIIFFF*,/
Sit ehkp on mentv katolle sateenvarjol lentmn,/
Then maybe it's time to go to the roof to fly with an umbrella,/
Estk, mul on herkk p, eik se edesauta mun elm,/
You see, I have a delicate soul, it doesn't help my life,/
Jos palokunta joutuu mun ruumiinosii kadult kerm,/
If the fire department has to collect my body parts from the street,/
Kaikkii ei voi miellytt, m suututan kaikkii,/
Can't please everyone, I'll piss everyone off,/
Turrutan aistit, sit hullussa maistis,/
Dulling the senses, then in a crazy frenzy,/
Saan dunkunun taas faitis, veres uus puhas valmis,/
I get the donut again, the blood is pure and ready,/
Itken surusta; "vai nii, must ei tullukaa raitis...",/
I cry from sadness; "oh well, I guess you won't become tough...",/
M makaan maas selll, silti rakastan elm,/
I lie on the ground on my back, I still love life,/
Kun mut hakataa kesll, se on tapa vaa levht,/
When I get beaten in the middle, it's just a way to rest,/
Ja jos ei hiphop-musiikki tai arvatkaa elt,/
And if it's not hip-hop music or guess what,/
Hankin duunin,*BLAHH* turha pelt, arvat saa eltt!/
I'll get a job, *BLAHH* no need to be afraid, guesses can live!/
Naiset digailee kun knnis vihjailee,
Women giggling when drunk hinting,
*SUPERSKANDAALI*Kersat ihailee kun aina sikailee,
*SUPERSCANDAL*Kids long for when always messing around,
*SUPERSKANDAALI*Suomen kansallisantisankari on
*SUPERSCANDAL*Finland's national anti-hero is
*SUPERSKANDAALI*ijt laulaa. mmt laulaa, lapset laulaa----
*SUPERSCANDAL*I'm singing. Mom's singing, kids are singing----
Kun sain ekaa kertaa vrt pahvit ja lhin saalistaa,/
When I got my driver's license for the first time and went hunting,/
Imin tuopeist karismaa; halusin rasiaa,/
I sucked charisma from the mugs; I wanted a box,/
Mua alko ahdistaan, kunnes jtin aivot narikkaa,/
I started to feel anxious until I left my brain in the closet,/
Hukkasin narikkalapun, lensin baarista..."Nyt harmittaa...",/
Lost the closet note, flew out of the bar..."Now I regret it...",/
Seuraavana aamuna ei ollu en paluuta,/
The next morning there was no turning back,/
Ei yhtn massii taskussa ja kadul nytti karulta,/
Not a single penny in my pocket and the street looked bleak,/
Aloin katua,"APUAAA!" M oon hukas keskel satua,/
I started to regret, "HELP!!!" I'm lost in the middle of a fairytale,/
Supermiehen, jota muu ku krapula ei satuta,/
Superman, who is not affected by anything but a hangover,/
M vedn ongelmanuorille ilmast vihanhallintakurssii,/
I'm giving troubled youth an anger management course on Fridays,/
Neuvon vaihtaa valtion virat maalii ja tussii,/
I advise changing the state officials to paint and be quiet,/
Nuorisotyn lomas teen mys muuta vapaaehtostyt;/
During the Youth Foundation's holiday, I also do other volunteer work;/
Seksuaaliterapiaa, ku makaan eukkos yll,/
Sexual therapy, when I'm lying on top of a woman,/
Sit moni lski poika, onki kki hoikka,/
Then many fat boys, are suddenly all skinny,/
Kytt durgi ja kuulostaa Andy McCoylta,/
Use drugs and sound like Andy McCoy,/
Housut on bgit, luureis o rppi soimas,/
Pants are baggy, a rap song is playing on the phone,/
Ja jotai arvokasta hvii ain ku vanhemmat on poissa,/
And something valuable always disappears when the parents are away,/
M ylitn kadun punasil ku huomaan et rekka tulee,/
I cross the street at a red light when I see a truck coming,/
Sekotan aidon elmn aikuisviihdeleffaan ja unee,/
I mix real life with adult entertainment movies and dreams,/
En pysty tuntee muut ku moodswingei sekunnin vlei,/
I can't feel anything but mood swings every second,/
Ja siks pusken savuu korvista ku veturi cateis,/
And that's why I blow smoke out of my ears like a steam locomotive,/
Kiit mustaa musaa, ku sun muroihi kustaa,/
Thank black music, because it pees in your graves,/
Pienen toivoin ettei riimei putoilis suusta, mut rukoilin turhaa,/
I had a small hope that the rhymes wouldn't fall out of my mouth, but I prayed in vain,/
Aina joku moitti mua, ku soitin suuta,/
Someone always blamed me when I played my mouth,/
Nyt ilma mikkii oisin ulkona ulvoisin kuuta,/
Now without a mic I'd be outside howling at the moon,/
Kaikki alko sillon ku sain ekan pyhn tehtvn,/
It all started when I got my first holy mission,/
Oli mentv ja jrjesteltv valot lentokentll,/
I had to go and fix the lights at the airport,/
Aloin kertoo elmst, mik on oikei ja vri,/
I started telling about life, what's right and wrong,/
"Ei mit vlii lapset, ei se kuitenkaa oo hvii",/
"It doesn't matter children, it's not good anyway",/
T lnkisri, hndikppi, rppithti rkii,/
This melancholy, depressed, rap star is talking,/
Trkill nii, et paras kutsuu ambulanssi kkii htii,/
It's so bad that it's best to call an ambulance for everyone,/
Eli sheivatkaa mestat, meikatkaa penskat, kerskailkaa kersal,/
So shave your mustaches, put makeup on the kids, brag to the kids,/
Jonka saitte keisarileikkaukses seiskal,/
Which you got by caesarean section on the seventh,/
"Hyv, hyv! Kaikki mukaan! ooooh..."
"Good, good! Everyone join in! ooooh..."
"Just noin, just noin!"
"Just like that, just like that!"
"Kdet ilmaan! WHOO!"
"Hands up! WHOO!"

Writer(s): Skandaali

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