Skandaali - Turha levy - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Skandaali - Turha levy

Turha levy
Useless Record
En haluu pokkuroida mitn pystii Emma-gaalassa.
I don't wanna kiss ass to anyone at the Emma Gala.
En haluu poistuu levy-yhtist spermaa naamassa,
I don't wanna leave the record company with sperm on my face,
Siks joka kerta platalla on sydnverta tavalla,
That's why every time there's some heart blood on the platter,
Ett joka biisist josta sanot hyv kelaat mahtavaa.
So that every song you say is good you think is awesome.
Mut kait ois siistii olla kansakunnan kuumin,
But, babe, it'd be cool to be the hottest in the nation,
Olla valtakunnan julkkis, tehd paskaa musaa duuniks.
To be the celebrity of the kingdom, to turn shit music into dough.
Vaik sit joutuis konttaa aina lafkan muna huulil,
Even if I had to carry the label's dick in my mouth all the time,
Ja plr niitten kanssa koko kamasutra puhki.
And the whole Kama Sutra broke out with them.
Tyhm kelaa et jos myyn tn LP: n sit on hyv mc
The fool thinks that if I sell this LP then it's a good MC
Tai jos et myy samaa ptee voit myyd pttees,
Or if you don't sell the same applies to your ass,
Tai voisit hypp p eel katolta tyhjn plle,
Or you could jump off the roof onto an empty lot,
Toisin susta ei tulis legendaa joten sulla ei oo syyt lhtee.
Otherwise you wouldn't be a legend so you have no reason to leave.
Mut muistan naiset ja raha ja sokaisevat platat,
But I remember the women and the money and the blinding platters,
Jotka saat jos tokaiset vaan sanat min haluan.
Which you get if you just say the words I want.
Ja sulla on varaa joka aamu krapulaan
And you can afford a hangover every morning
Ja jlkeenjneet muijat haluu baarist luokseks asumaan.
And the girls left behind wanna come home from the bar with you.
Sitk s tahot itelt, sitk s tahot pit.
That's what you want for yourself, that's what you want to hold.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Senk takii alotit tn, pidtk s arvos sit.
That's why you started this, whether you appreciate it or not.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Sitk s tahot itelt, sitk s tahot pit.
That's what you want for yourself, that's what you want to hold.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Senk takii alotit tn, pidtk s arvos sit.
That's why you started this, whether you appreciate it or not.
Se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
It's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Kaikki markkinointi puheet ne on marinointii sulle,
All the marketing talk is just marinating you,
Makee tunne kunnes tajusit sut pariloitiin tules.
A sweet feeling until you realize you've been grilled on fire.
Ja mit palkintoihin tulee, s saat parin tonnin kuteet,
And when it comes to prizes, you get a couple of grand in suits,
Jos ne pystyy hankkii sponssin sulle.
If they can get you a sponsor.
Saat mys levyn ja mainetta sua painetaan kans lehtiin,
You also get a record and fame, they're pushing you into the papers,
Saat royalteja kuhan sua vaan laitetaan taas ensin,
You get royalties as long as they put you first again,
Sori tst se on osa lafkan politiikkaa
Sorry about this, it's part of the label's policy
Ja sstmll pystyt ostaa halvan kodin Nivalast.
And by saving you can buy a cheap home in Nivala.
Pelaan omilla snnill ja teen mit m haluun,
I play by my own rules and do what I want,
Eli jos et digaa siit saat olla pitmt matskuus.
So if you don't dig it you can keep your material.
Mulla on isnnn otteet sek isnnn vastuu,
I have daddy's moves and daddy's responsibility,
Jos m rikon jotain tapaamises, listk laskuun.
If I break something at a meeting, put it on the bill.
Viel pset kutsulla bileisiin tutustumaan viileisiin ihmisiin
You can still get an invitation to the party to meet cool people
Ja bisnesmies piireihin. Hirveimpiin hintteihin ja ilkeisiin misseihin,
And business circles. To the worst prices and to evil misses,
Jotka tarvii rasvaimuu ja 5desii tisseihin.
Who need liposuction and fifth tits.
Sitk s tahot itelt, sitk s tahot pit.
That's what you want for yourself, that's what you want to hold.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Senk takii alotit tn, pidtk s arvos sit.
That's why you started this, whether you appreciate it or not.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Sitk s tahot itelt, sitk s tahot pit.
That's what you want for yourself, that's what you want to hold.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Senk takii alotit tn, pidtk s arvos sit.
That's why you started this, whether you appreciate it or not.
Se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
It's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Koitan keskitty musaan enk paskaa siin ympril.
I try to focus on the music, not the shit around it.
En tutustua psseihin ja saada niist ystvii.
Not to meet asses and make friends out of them.
Jos platan pistn ulos haluun saada siit hynni,
If I put out a record I wanna benefit from it,
M tarviin lis lyijyy ett voin lataa sit kynni.
I need more lead so I can load it into my pen.
Me uskotaan sun musiikkiin ja tarjoudutaan tueksi
We believe in your music and offer to support you
Ja meill on resursseja joista voit yksin vain uneksii.
And we have resources you can only dream of.
Nyt kun tuli puheeksi niin nimi tohon musteel pliis.
Now that it came up, a name for that ink please.
Kaikki on jo kunnos sun on ihan turha lukee niit.
Everything's ready, you don't need to read them.
Yhes staran jlkeen idit haluu sainaa niitten lapsii
After one star, you always want their kids
Ne puhuu isost unelmast vaik haistaa ite massii.
They talk about a big dream even though they smell the mass themselves.
Se on sairast miten kaikki on nykyn pilal,
It's sick how everything is messed up nowadays,
Ku ei jengi tajuu millon pits pysy himas.
When people don't know when to stay home.
Me pidetn sust huoli ja pidetn sun puolii,
We'll take care of you and take your side,
Ja joskus tulevaisuudessa itketn ku kuolit.
And sometime in the future we'll cry when you die.
Me pidetn mys kiinni joka biisist joka platalla,
We'll also hold on to every song on every record,
Jos lopetat et saa teh 3 vuoteen mit rakastat.
If you quit, you won't be allowed to do what you love for three years.
Sitk s tahot itelt, sitk s tahot pit.
That's what you want for yourself, that's what you want to hold.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Senk takii alotit tn, pidtk s arvos sit.
That's why you started this, whether you appreciate it or not.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Sitk s tahot itelt, sitk s tahot pit.
That's what you want for yourself, that's what you want to hold.
Vaikka se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
Even though it's a uselessly lightweight gold record.
Senk takii alotit tn, pidtk s arvos sit.
That's why you started this, whether you appreciate it or not.
Se on ihan turhan kevyt kultalevyks.
It's a uselessly lightweight gold record.

Writer(s): Skandaali

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