Skywalkeri - Tatooine - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Skywalkeri - Tatooine

Sada idemo gore, a bili na dnu
We're always going up, even though we were at the bottom
Bebi pusto je ovdje na Tatooine-u
Baby, it's desolate here on Tatooine
Nema nikoga bome na ovome tlu
There's nobody here on this land, man
Samo radimo jako jer dalek je put
We just work hard because the road is long
Tko je shvatio je shvatio
Those who understood, understood
Mi smo tu da radimo
We are here to work
Pravit' lovu dan i noć
Make money day and night
Krivi potez je kažnjivo
A wrong move is punishable
Znam da nemam ja vremena
I know I don't have time
Na more je vodit' i jebat', uh
To take you to the sea and fuck, uh
Igramo smart i extra, uh
We play smart and extra, uh
Nula bili prije Lenjina
Zero before Lenin
Top G bebi zovi me Tate
Top G baby, call me Tate
Gay curu pretvorim u straight
I turn a gay girl into straight
Uvijek se ustanem da sam Nate
I always get up like I'm Nate
Ganjamo ovo jer to nam je fate
We chase this because it's our fate
Finessam kuje kao Johnny Depp
I finesse girls like Johnny Depp
Jebeš faks,ženim za keš
Fuck fax, I marry for cash
Lovac za keš kao Boba Fett
Cash hunter like Boba Fett
Bounty na glavi, sutra si dеad
Bounty on your head, you're dead tomorrow
Sada idemo gore, a bili na dnu
We're always going up, even though we were at the bottom
Bebi pusto je ovdje na Tatooine-u
Baby, it's desolate here on Tatooine
Nema nikoga bome na ovome tlu
There's nobody here on this land, man
Samo radimo jako jer dalek je put
We just work hard because the road is long
Skywalkeri moja braća
Skywalkers, my brothers
Iznad scene hodamo nebom
We walk above the scene, in the sky
Skywalkeri moja braća
Skywalkers, my brothers
Pazi nemoj se kačit' s gengom
Watch out, don't mess with the gang
Skywalkeri moja braća
Skywalkers, my brothers
Iznad scene hodamo nebom
We walk above the scene, in the sky
Skywalkeri moja braća
Skywalkers, my brothers
Pazi nemoj se kačit' s gengom
Watch out, don't mess with the gang
Pihaća se klonim, bara, goblin
I avoid the blower, bar, goblin
Po beatu plovim, a i pare brojim
I float on the beat, and I count the money
Cijelu noć se drobim, Obi Wan Kenobi
I grind all night, Obi Wan Kenobi
Za tvoje tijelo već je spreman coffin
A coffin is ready for your body
Svako sranje, gang će ti naplatit
Every shit, the gang will charge you
Pogledaj si sestru, odmah sve ćeš shvatit'
Look at your sister, you'll understand everything right away
Gradom je provozam kao da sam taksist
I drive around the city like I'm a taxi driver
Al' ne zbog nje, neg' da tebe mogu kaznit'
But not because of her, but so I can punish you
Kad je sa mnom više nije dama
When she's with me, she's no longer a lady
Uvijek drama i za pola grama
Always drama and for half a gram
Prešli vas u igri to je loša karma
We passed you in the game, that's bad karma
Next up, on my mama
Next up, on my mama
Mama, mama, sa-sad sam prepoznat
Mama, mama, I'm recognized now
Uvijek granicu znam prepoznat'
I always know how to recognize the boundary
Mala, mala, mala pita šta mi je u čaši
Girl, girl, girl asks what's in my glass
Stara aj' začepi, Nakitu Minayashi
Old lady, shut up, Nakitu Minayashi
Sada idemo gore, a bili na dnu
We're always going up, even though we were at the bottom
Bebi pusto je ovdje na Tatooine-u
Baby, it's desolate here on Tatooine
Nema nikoga bome na ovome tlu
There's nobody here on this land, man
Samo radimo jako jer dalek je put
We just work hard because the road is long
Skywalkeri moja braća
Skywalkers, my brothers
Iznad scene hodamo nebom
We walk above the scene, in the sky
Skywalkeri moja braća
Skywalkers, my brothers
Pazi nemoj se kačit' s gengom
Watch out, don't mess with the gang
Skywalkeri moja braća
Skywalkers, my brothers
Iznad scene hodamo nebom
We walk above the scene, in the sky
Skywalkeri moja braća
Skywalkers, my brothers
Pazi nemoj se kačit' s gengom
Watch out, don't mess with the gang
Sjedim na tronu ja Jabba the hut
I sit on the throne, I'm Jabba the Hutt
A ti nisi dio genga, ne, nisi naš brat
And you're not part of the gang, no, you're not our brother
Sad pazi šta pričaš jer 'dine će znat'
Now watch what you say because 'dine will know
Ak' ne voliš Skywalkere, shut the fuck up
If you don't like Skywalkers, shut the fuck up
Woah, woah, woah, reload!
Woah, woah, woah, reload!
Na boku mi je blaster, svemirska nina
A blaster is on my side, space nina
Krenuli sa dna, ravno s Tatooina
We started from the bottom, straight from Tatooine
Znaš da bez muka malu ti uzmem
You know I can take you without any effort
Spletko mi fakat liči na Tuca
My plot really resembles Tuca
Cijeli sjajim Mandalorian
I shine all over like a Mandalorian
Dark saber pa sam Chosen One
Dark saber, so I'm the Chosen One
Ti si klon, nisi poseban
You're a clone, you're not special
Radimo ovo baš svaki dan
We do this every day
Cijeli sjajim Mandolorian
I shine all over like a Mandolorian
Ti si klon, nisi poseban
You're a clone, you're not special
Radimo ovo baš svaki dan
We do this every day
Baš svaki dan, baš svaki dan
Every day, every day
Sada idemo gore, a bili na dnu
We're always going up, even though we were at the bottom
Bebi pusto je ovdje na Tatooine-u
Baby, it's desolate here on Tatooine
Nema nikoga bome na ovome tlu
There's nobody here on this land, man
Samo radimo jako jer dalek je put
We just work hard because the road is long

Writer(s): Nikola Dujmović

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